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单词 decisive
释义 decisive adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, prove有决定性;证明具有决定性adverb➤potentially具有潜在决定性◆he had one potentially decisive factor in his favour / favor: the element of surprise.他具备一种对他的发展有积极影响的决定性素质 - 出奇制胜的本领。➤ultimately (especially bre) 具有最终的决定性◆it is the chief executive's opinion which is ultimately decisive.总裁的意见具有最终的决定作用。decisive /dɪsaɪsɪv/ of the greatest importance in affecting the final result of a particular situation决定性的;关键的◆gettysburg was the decisive battle of the civil war.葛底斯堡战役在美国内战史上具有决定性的意义。◆signing the treaty was a decisive step (= an important action that will change a situation) towards a cleaner environment.条约的签署是向更洁净的环境迈出的关键性一步。ⓘ decisive is not used simply to mean 'extremely important'. * decisive 不单单表示非常重要◆reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is of decisive importance. it is used when you are making a judgement that sb/sth was or will be the most important fact affecting the result of a particular past or future situation. * decisive 是指对过往或将来之事态发展结果具决定性影响的◆morrison scored the decisive goal in the 75th minute of the game.莫里森在比赛进行到 75 分钟时进球得了关键的一分。▸ decisively adverb◆the governing party is expected to win decisively in the elections.预计执政党将在大选中获得决定性的胜利。decisive/dɪˈsaɪsɪv ||; dɪˈsaɪsɪv/adj1. making sth certain or final 决定性的: ◇the decisive battle of the war 这场战争中决定性的战役 2. having the ability to make clear decisions quickly 果断的;决断的: ◇it's no good hesitating. be decisive. 犹豫不决没有好处。要果断。 [opp] indecisive 反义词为indecisive ☞verb decide 动词为decide ➔decisively adv ➔decisiveness noun [u]decisivesee ⇨ decide 5 de·ci·sive /dɪ`saɪsɪv; dɪˈsaɪsɪv/adj 1. having an important effect on the result of something 重要的,关键的:◇a decisive moment in his career 他事业中的一个关键时刻 2. good at making decisions quickly and firmly 果断的,有决断力的:◇a strong, decisive leader 坚强的、有决断力的领导者 3. a decisive victory, result etc is very definite and clear [胜利、结果等]明确的,显然的:◇the us team won a decisive victory. 美国队大胜了一仗。




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