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单词 can¹
释义 can¹ /kən; kən; strong 强读 kæn; kæn/modal verb could 1. to be able to do something 能,有能力:◇i can't swim! 我不会游泳!◇jess can speak french fluently. 杰斯能流利地说法语。◇we couldn't afford a vacation last year. 去年我们没有钱去度假。◇can you smell smoke? 你能闻到烟味吗? 2. to be allowed to do something 允许,可以[做某事]:◇you can go out when you've finished your homework. 你做完作业可以出去。 3. spoken used to ask someone to give you something or to do something 【口】 能…吗? 可以…吗?[用于拜托、请求]:◇can i have a chocolate biscuit? 我能吃一块巧克力饼干吗?◇can you help me take the clothes off the line? 你能帮我把衣服从晾衣绳上取下来吗? 4. used to offer to do something 可以[用于主动提出做某事]:◇can i help you with those bags? 让我替你拿那些袋子好吗? 5. used to show your surprise that something is true, or that someone believes that something is true 究竟…; 可能…吗[用于表示惊讶]:◇can things really be that bad? 情况真的会那么糟吗?◇you can't be serious. 你不会是认真的吧。 6. used to show what is possible or likely 有可能; 会:◇we are confident that the missing climbers can be found. 我们有信心会找到失踪的登山者。 7. used to show what often happens or how someone often behaves 会[用于表示经常发生的情况或某人一贯的行为]:◇it can get pretty cold here at night. 夜间这里会很冷。usage note 用法说明: cancan is used with many verbs relating to physical or mental ability. can 和许多与生理、心理能力有关的动词连用:◇i can smell something burning. 我能闻到有东西烧着了。◇can you believe that? 你能相信吗?don't say 不要说 "i am smelling something burning" or 或 "are you believing that".




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