单词 | enthusiastic/unenthusiastic |
释义 | enthusiastic/unenthusiastic1 enthusiastic2 to talk about something in an enthusiastic way3 enthusiastic feelings or behaviour4 to make someone feel enthusiastic about something5 not enthusiasticrelated wordssee alsoexcited/exciting,willing,like,enjoy,don't care,dislike,1. enthusiastic 热情的;热心的 enthusiastic /ɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪkǁ-ˌθuː-/ [adjective] behaving in a way that shows how much you like, enjoy, or approve of something 热心的;热衷的;热情的 a small but enthusiastic crowd cheered as the players ran onto the field. 球员跑上场来,一群为数不多但是充满热情的观众欢呼起来。 several enthusiastic young teachers have just started working at the school. 几位热心的年轻教师刚刚开始在学校里工作。enthusiastic about he's still really enthusiastic about his new job. 他对新工作依旧充满热忱。 enthusiastically [adverb] the public has responded very enthusiastically to our appeal. 公众对我们的呼吁予以热情回应。 keen /kiːn/ [adjective] especially british very enthusiastic about an activity or job 【尤英】[对活动或工作]热衷的;热心的 she hasn't much experience but she's very keen. 她经验不多,但是很有热情。keen on there are plenty of after-school opportunities for people who are keen on athletics. 酷爱田径运动的人有很多课外活动的机会。keen on doing something my parents have always been keen on travelling, whenever they get the chance. 我的父母一向热爱旅游,只要有机会他们就去。a keen golfer/photographer/gardener etc chris is a keen photographer - he's won several competitions. 克里斯酷爱摄影,他赢过好几个比赛。keen to do something gabby was obviously anxious to do well, and jane was keen to help her. 加比显然急于想干好,而简在热情地帮助她。 eager /ˈiːgəʳ/ [adjective] wanting very much to do, get, or see something soon [对即将发生的事或想做的事]热切的,渴望的 a crowd of eager fans were waiting outside the hotel. 一群热情洋溢的支持者在酒店外等候。eager to do something she hurried home from college, eager to hear tom's news. 她匆匆地从学校赶回家里,急着想听到汤姆的消息。eager for simon was an ambitious man, eager for power and prestige. 西蒙雄心勃勃,一心渴求显达。 eagerly [adverb] he jumped up eagerly and ran to answer the phone. 他急切地跳起来跑去接电话。 be full of enthusiasm /biː ˌfʊl əv ɪnˈθjuːziæzəmǁ-ˈθuː-/ [verb phrase] to be very enthusiastic about an idea or plan, and talk about it with great excitement [对想法或计划]非常热心,充满热情 we've discussed the idea and she seems to be full of enthusiasm. 我们讨论了这个观点,她好像非常热心。be full of enthusiasm for roger was full of enthusiasm for tony's plan. 罗杰对托尼的计划充满热情。 be/get excited about something /biː, get ɪkˈsaɪtə̇d əbaʊt something/ [verb phrase] to be enthusiastic about something that is going to happen 对某事非常兴奋 it was a great opportunity, and i began to get really excited about it. 这是一个很好的机会,我开始感到非常激动。 astronomers are very excited about a comet that will pass close to earth later this month. 本月晚些时候将有一颗星在地球附近掠过,天文学家非常兴奋。 be raring to go /biː ˌreərɪŋ tə ˈgəʊ/ [verb phrase] to be extremely enthusiastic and excited about something that you are going to do, so that you cannot wait to begin [对即将做的事]急不可待,迫不及待 come on, hurry up. the kids are raring to go. 快点吧,孩子们都等不及了。 it's going to be a tough game, but the whole team's ready and raring to go. 这将是一场艰难的比赛,但是整个球队都已作好准备,迫不及待地等着上场。 zealous /ˈzeləs/ [adjective] extremely enthusiastic about something such as a political or religious idea which you believe in very strongly, and behaving in a way that shows this [对政治或宗教观点等]热衷的,笃信的 a zealous believer/opponent/supporter etc only the most zealous supporters of thatcherism were in favour of the tax. 只有那些对撒切尔主义狂热支持的人才赞成征这个税。zealous in doing something some of the officers were more zealous than others in enforcing the disciplinary code. 对于实施纪律准则,有些官员很积极,有些则不然。 zealously [adverb] until now the democrats have zealously opposed any reduction in the healthcare budget. 直到现在为止,民主党人都在强烈地反对减少医疗保健方面的预算。2. to talk about something in an enthusiastic way 热烈地谈论某事物 enthuse /ɪnˈθjuːzǁ-ˈθuːz/ [intransitive verb] written ‘you should have seen the match. it was so exciting,’ gerry enthused. “你应该去看那场比赛,场面非常热烈。”格里兴奋地说道。enthuse about/over she was enthusing over my english essay, which i didn't think was very good. 她对我的那篇英语文章大加赞赏,可是我却认为不是很好。 be full of it /biː ˈfʊl əv ɪt/ [verb phrase] british informal to talk a lot about something because you feel enthusiastic about it 【英,非正式】谈得非常多 she's really pleased with her new job - she was full of it when i saw her last night. 她对自己的新工作非常满意——昨晚我遇见她时,她满口谈的都是这件事。3. enthusiastic feelings or behaviour 热衷的心情或行为 enthusiasm /ɪnˈθjuːziæzəmǁɪnˈθuː-/ [uncountable noun] enthusiastic feelings or behaviour 热衷;热心 the enthusiasm of somebody/somebody's enthusiasm the company has had another successful year, thanks to the enthusiasm and energy of our workforce. 多亏我们各位员工的积极努力,公司又走过了成功的一年。enthusiasm for i'd forgotten about jim's enthusiasm for going on 20-mile walks. 我已经忘记了吉姆步行20英里的热情。full of enthusiasm very enthusiastic 充满热情 greta was full of enthusiasm for the plan. 格蕾塔对这个计划怀有满腔的热情。with great enthusiasm she plays tennis with great enthusiasm, but not very well. 她打网球热情高涨,可打得不太好。 eagerness /ˈiːgəʳnɪs, ˈiːgəʳnəs/ [uncountable noun] a great and excited desire to do, get, or see something soon 热切,渴望 he could see the eagerness in her face. 他看得出她脸上热切的神情。eagerness for the president's obvious eagerness for an arms-control agreement 总统对军备控制协定所表现的明显渴望in somebody's eagerness to do something mark spoke quickly in his eagerness to explain his ideas. 马克说得很快,急切地想解释自己的观点。4. to make someone feel enthusiastic about something 令某人对某事物感到热心 inspire /ɪnˈspaɪəʳ/ [transitive verb] to make someone feel enthusiastic about something and make them feel that it is worth doing 鼓舞,激励 when i actually visited the university, it inspired me and made me want to go there. 我真正去过那所大学之后,就激励了我想去那里上学。inspire somebody to do something the lecture today really inspired me to read more poetry. 今天的讲座真的激励了我去读更多的诗歌。 inspiring [adjective] after hearing joe's inspiring story, i was determined to raise as much money as i could for cancer research. 听了乔鼓舞人心的故事之后,我决心为癌症研究会筹集尽可能多的资金。 motivate /ˈməʊtɪveɪt, ˈməʊtəveɪt/ [transitive verb] to make someone feel enthusiastic about their work or their studies, and work hard 激发,激励,促动 it's often more difficult to motivate boys than girls. 男孩子往往比女孩子更难以激励。 every good teacher knows that criticism does not motivate learners. 凡是优秀的教师都知道批评激励不了学生。motivate somebody to do something only one third of workers said their supervisors know what motivates them to do their best work. 只有三分之一的人说他们的上司知道怎样激发他们的最大潜能。 fire somebody with enthusiasm british also fire somebody up especially american /ˌfaɪəʳ somebody wɒð ɪnˈθjuːziæzəmǁ-ˈθuː-, ˌfaɪəʳ somebody ˈʌp/ [verb phrase] to make someone extremely enthusiastic so that they want to work very hard to achieve something 使某人充满激情;使某人振奋 his speech fired the audience with enthusiasm. 他的演说使听众充满了热情。be (all) fired up brown was fired up about being back on the field again after his injury. 布朗受伤之后满怀壮志要重返球场。 by the end of the meeting the sales team were all fired up and eager to start selling. 会议结束时,销售组的成员一个个都热情高涨,迫切地想开始做推销工作。 rousing /ˈraʊzɪŋ/ [adjective] a rousing song, speech etc makes people feel excited and eager to do something [歌曲、演讲等]振奋人心的,激励人心的 his rousing speeches soon created a massive following. 他那些有感召力的演说很快就使他赢得了大批的追随者。 rousing organ music was coming from the church. 教堂里传来了管风琴演奏的音乐,使人振奋。5. not enthusiastic 不热心的 unenthusiastic/not enthusiastic /ˌʌnɪnθjuːziˈæstɪk◂, nɒt ɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪkǁ-ˌθuː-/ [adjective not before noun] are you sure you want to come? you don't sound very enthusiastic. 你真的想来吗?你听上去兴趣不大。unenthusiastic/not enthusiastic about she had never been very enthusiastic about her job as a designer. 她对自己设计师的工作一向不是很有热情。distinctly unenthusiastic definitely unenthusiastic 明显不热心的 the staff were distinctly unenthusiastic about the whole idea. 员工对这整个想法明显地很冷淡。 half-hearted /ˌhɑːf ˈhɑːʳtə̇dǁˌhæf-/ [adjective] without much enthusiasm or effort 不热心的,敷衍了事的 her apology was very half-hearted. 她的道歉很敷衍。 people are starting to criticize the government for its half-hearted approach to reform. 人们开始指责政府对改革不积极。half-hearted attempt yves had made a half-hearted attempt to be friendly. 伊夫敷衍地表示了一下友好。 your heart's not in it /jɔːʳ ˌhɑːʳts nɒt ˈɪn ɪt/ if you say your heart's not in it, you mean you are not enthusiastic about something you are doing, especially because you are not interested in it any more or because you do not think it is worth doing 你的心不在这上面,你的兴趣不在这里[尤因不再感兴趣或认为不值得做] i really loved teaching at first but my heart's not in it any more. 起初,我的确很热爱教书,但是现在我的心已不在这上面。 my heart's not in this job. in fact i hate it. 我对这份工作不感兴趣。实际上我讨厌这工作。 lukewarm /ˌluːkˈwɔːʳm◂/ [adjective] not enthusiastic about something that someone has suggested or done, especially because you do not think it is very good 反应冷淡的,不热心的[尤因某人所建议或所做的不太好] their response to my idea was only lukewarm. 他们对我的主意反应只是很冷淡。lukewarm to/towards research chief, michael greenall, said ‘i'm lukewarm toward the whole deal.’ 研究主任迈克尔格里诺尔说:“对于整项交易我都不感兴趣。”lukewarm about investment fund managers are a little lukewarm about the prospects of these bonds. 投资基金经理对这些债券的前景不大看好。lukewarm response/reaction etc lester finished speaking, and there was a ripple of rather lukewarm applause. 莱斯特演说完毕,下面响起冷冷清清的掌声。 lack of enthusiasm /ˌlæk əv ɪnˈθjuːziæzəmǁ-ˈθuː-/ [noun phrase] if someone shows a lack of enthusiasm about something, they are not as enthusiastic about it as people expect them to be 缺乏热情 a clear/distinct/marked lack of enthusiasm very definite and clear lack of enthusiasm 明显缺乏热情 sam showed a distinct lack of enthusiasm when i told him my holiday plans. 当我把度假计划告诉萨姆时,他的态度明显缺乏热情。lack of enthusiasm for many people displayed a lack of enthusiasm for the proposal. 许多人对这个提议明显缺乏热情。 muted /ˈmjuːtɪd, ˈmjuːtəd/ [adjective usually before noun] muted response/enthusiasm/reaction etc expressions of feelings which are not as enthusiastic as usual or as expected 冷淡的回应/克制的热情/不热烈的反应等 there was rather a muted response to the speech. 人们对这次演说反应相当冷淡。 the air transport association expressed muted support for the action. 航空运输协会对这一行动略表支持。 |
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