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单词 all right
释义 all right [not before noun] only just good enough尚可;还算可以◆your work is all right, but you could do better.你的工作还算可以,但你可以干得更好。 all right [not before noun] (informal, especially spoken) good enough; that can be allowed够好;满意;可允许;可以◆is the coffee all right?这咖啡还行吗?◆is it all right for me to leave early?我早点离开没问题吧?◆is it all right if i leave early?我早点离开没问题吧?◆'i'm afraid i have to go now.' 'that's all right.'“恐怕我现在得走了。”“没有关系。”▸ all right adverb◆are you getting along all right in your new job?你的新工作顺利吗? all right [not usually before noun] (rather informal, spoken) safe; not hurt or ill平安;安然无恙◆i hope the kids are all right.我希望孩子们平安无事。◆he'll be perfectly all right, you'll see.你会看到他平平安安的。▸ all right adverb◆ (rather informal, spoken) did they get there all right?他们平安到达了吗?note 辨析 ok or all right?there is no real difference in meaning between these words. both are rather informal but ok is slightly more informal than all right.这两个词在含义上没有实质差别,二者都很不正式,但 ok 略比 all right 更不正式。  ➡ see also the entry for well另见 well 条 all right [not before noun] (rather informal, spoken) not feeling ill; not injured无病;平安无恙◆are you feeling all right?你感觉还好吧?◆i'm all right now.我现在没事了。all rightadverb◆are you getting along all right in your new job?你的新工作顺利吗?all rightadverb◆ (rather informal, spoken) did they get there all right?他们平安到达了吗?all rightadverb◆are you getting along all right in your new job?你的新工作顺利吗?all rightadverb◆ (rather informal, spoken) did they get there all right?他们平安到达了吗?ˌall ˈright(informal 非正式alright) exclamation adv adj (not before a noun 不用于名词前) 1. good enough; ok 还好;还可以: ◇is everything all right? 一切顺利吗? 2. safe; not hurt; well 安全;没受伤;健康: ◇i hope the children are all right. 我希望孩子们都很好。◇do you feel all right? 你还好吧? 3. showing you agree to do what sb has asked; ok (用于表示同意): ◇‘can you get me some stamps?’ ‘yes, all right.’ “你能给我买些邮票来吗?”“好的,没问题。”you say ‘that's all right,’ when sb thanks you for sth or when sb says sorry for sth he/she has done ‘thanks for the lift home.’ ‘that's (quite) all right.’ ‘i'm so sorry i'm late.’ ‘that's all right. we haven't started yet anyway.’ 当某人表示感谢或表示歉意时,你可以说 that's all right: 'thanks for the lift home.' 'that's (quite) all right.'“谢谢你让我搭你的车回家。”“没有什么。”'i'm so sorry i'm late.' 'that's all right. we haven't started yet anyway.'“对不起,我迟到了。”“没关系。反正我们还没有开始呢。”all right• ⇨ be all right/ok• ⇨ be ok for/be all right for• ⇨ do you mind if/would you mind if/is it all right if• ⇨ it's all right for some• ⇨ it's all right/it's ok• ⇨ it's okay/it's all right• ⇨ it's/everything's all right• ⇨ okay/ok/all right• ⇨ that's all right/that's ok☞ all right¹☞ all right²




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