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单词 assess
释义 assess verb¹ 1form an opinion评价adverb | verb + assess | preposition adverb➤fully充分评估▸➤accurately, correctly, properly准确地/正确地/恰当地评价➤carefully仔细地评估◆she carefully assessed the situation.她仔细地估计了一下形势。➤quickly快速评价▸➤directly直接评估▸➤independently独立评估◆the studies were independently assessed by several researchers.几位研究者各自对这些研究进行了评估。➤critically审慎地评价verb + assess➤attempt to, try to试图评价▸➤help to有助于评价▸➤be difficult to难以评价◆it is difficult to fully assess the damage.很难充分估量损失。preposition➤for对⋯作出评估◆she decided to get her daughter assessed for dyslexia.她决定请人评估一下女儿是否有诵读困难。assess verb² 2amount/value数量;价值adverb | verb + assess | preposition adverb➤accurately, correctly, properly准确地/正确地/适当地估算verb + assess➤attempt to, try to试图估算▸➤be difficult to难以估算◆it is difficult to assess the building's value properly without seeing it.没有亲眼看到建筑,很难恰当地估计它的价值。preposition➤at估算为⋯◆the legal costs have been assessed at $75 000.诉讼费估计为 75,000 美元。assess /əses/ verb [transitive] judge sb/sth or form an opinion about sb/sth after looking carefully at all the information 评估;评定;判定◆the task assesses candidates' strengths and weaknesses. 这项任务是评估候选人的优缺点。◆it is difficult to assess the impact of advertising on sales. 难以评估广告对销售的影响。◆the training needs of staff are assessed every year. 员工的培训需求每年都要进行评估。 syn evaluate calculate the amount or value of sth 估价;估算◆damage to the building was assessed at €10 000. 这栋建筑物的损失估算为 1 万欧元。 (accounting 会计; law 法律) (often be assessed) assess sb/sth for sth | assess sb/sth on/upon sb/sth to decide how much money sb/sth must pay as a tax or a fine 估定(应征收税款、罚款)◆the company tax is assessed on the previous year's activities. 公司税是根据前一年的业务来估定的。☞ assess assess /əses/ [transitive] to make a judgement about the nature, ability or quality of sb/sth, after watching or testing them and using your expert knowledge评估,评定(性质、能力或质量)◆the new patient is assessed by the nursing staff.新病号由护理人员作出评估。◆i'd assess your chances of winning as pretty low.我估计你赢的可能性很小。◆the committee assesses whether a building is worth preserving.该委员会负责评定一栋建筑物是否值得保存。 ➡ see also assess → test verb 2 , assessment → assessment assess /əses/ [transitive] to estimate or calculate the total amount, value or cost of sth估算,估定,核算(总额、价值或费用)◆they have assessed the amount of compensation to be paid.他们已经核定了赔偿金额。◆damage to the building was assessed at £40 000.该建筑物的损失估定为 4 万英镑。 assess[transitive] to find out a student's knowledge or ability while they are doing a programme of study, by giving them written work, tests, exams or practical exercises(通过作业、测验、考试或实际练习)评估,评定(学生的知识或能力)◆students will be assessed on their use of these skills.将评估学生运用这些技能的能力。◆the tests are used to assess individual students' ability and knowledge.这些测试用于评估学生个体的能力和知识。 ➡ see also assess → judge verb 1 , assessment → assessment assess/əˈses ||; əˈsɛs/verb[t] 1. to judge or form an opinion about sth 评估;给予评价: ◇it's too early to assess the effects of the price rises. 现在评估价格上升的后果还为时太早。 2. assess sth (at sth) to guess or decide the amount or value of sth 估价;评定价值: ◇to assess the cost of repairs 估订修理所需的费用 ➔assessment noun [c,u] ◇i made a careful assessment of the risks involved. 我仔细评估了所包含的风险。 assesssee ⇨ count/calculate 2 ⇨ judge 1 as·sess /ə`sɛs; əˈses/v [t]to examine something and make a decision about it, especially about its quality, amount, or value 评定,评价:◇first we must assess the cost of repairing the damage. 首先我们必须估计一下修补破损的成本。




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