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单词 cultured
释义 cultured adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem有教养;显得文雅adverb➤highly非常文雅◆a highly cultured man非常文雅的男子 cultured /kʌltʃəd; name kʌltʃərd/ (approving) well educated and able to understand and enjoy art, literature, etc.有教养的;有修养的;文雅的◆she was a deeply cultured woman who had travelled a great deal.她是个文化修养很深的女人,走过很多地方。◆he spoke with a cultured accent (= the accent of a cultured person).他讲话很儒雅。cultured/ˈkʌltʃəd ||; ˈkʌltʃɚd/adj well-educated, showing a good knowledge of art, music, literature, etc 有教养的;懂文学、艺术的 culturedsee ⇨ art/culture 6 cul·tured /`kʌltʃəd; ˈkʌltʃəd/adjsomeone who is cultured is well educated and knows a lot about art, literature, music etc [人]有教养的; 有文化修养的:◇a handsome, cultured man 一个既英俊又有教养的男人




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