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单词 communism
释义 communism nounadjective | verb + communism | preposition | phrases adjective➤international国际共产主义➤soviet苏维埃共产主义verb + communism➤embrace信仰共产主义▸➤defeat, fight, overthrow打败共产主义;与共产主义斗争;推翻共产主义preposition➤under communism在共产主义体制下◆a book describing life under communism描写共产主义体制下生活的书籍phrases➤the collapse of communism, the fall of communism共产主义的崩溃/垮台▸➤the fight against communism, the struggle against communism反对共产主义的战斗/斗争▸➤the rise of communism, the spread of communism共产主义的兴起/传播 communism /kɒmjənɪzəm; name kɑːmjə-/ noun [uncountable] a political movement that believes in an economic system in which the state controls the means of producing everything on behalf of the people. it aims to create a society in which everyone is treated equally. 共产主义  ➡  capitalism ▸ communist /kɒmjənɪst; name kɑːmjə-/ noun, adjective◆communist ideology 共产主义思想体系☞ communismcommunism/ˈkɒmjunɪzəm ||; ˈkɑmjυˌnɪzəm/noun [u] the political system in which the state owns and controls all factories, farms, services etc and aims to treat everyone equally 共产主义 ☞look at marxism, socialism and capitalism. 参看marxism、socialism及capitalism。☞ communism, communism☞ communism, communism




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