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单词 abolish
释义 abolish verbadverb | verb + abolish adverb➤altogether, completely, entirely, totally完全废止;彻底废除;全面废除;全部取消◆some say the tax should be abolished entirely.有些人说这项征税应该全面废除。➤virtually实际上取消▸➤largely大体上取消◆foreign exchange controls were largely abolished.外汇管制基本上已取消。➤effectively实际上取消◆the new immigration act effectively abolishes quotas on immigrants.这项新的移民法令实际上取消了移民人数限额。verb + abolish➤seek to试图取消▸➤decide to, vote to决定/投票取消abolish /əbɒlɪʃ; name əbɑːl-/ verb [transitive] to officially end a law, a system or an institution 废除,废止(法律、制度、习俗)◆instead of abolishing the estate tax, why not reform it? 与其废除遗产税,为甚么不对其进行改革? ▸ abolition /æbəlɪʃn/ noun [uncountable] ◆the abolition of exchange controls 外汇管制的废除☞ abolish abolish verb  ➡ see also the entries for cut 1 and remove 1另见 cut 条第 1 义和 remove 条第 1 义abolish ♦︎ cancel ♦︎ scrap ♦︎ dismiss ♦︎ do away with sth ♦︎ axe ♦︎ call sth offthese words all mean to change plans so that sth no longer happens.这些词均表示取消、终止。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to abolish / cancel / scrap / axe a service◆to abolish / scrap a system / plan / scheme / tax◆to cancel / call off a / an game / match / engagement◆to scrap / axe jobs◆to abolish / scrap sth completely◆to cancel / scrap sth altogether■ abolish /əbɒlɪʃ; name əbɑːlɪʃ/ [transitive, often passive] to officially end a law, system or institution废除,废止(法律、体制或习俗)◆slavery was abolished in the us in 1865.美国于 1865 年废除了奴隶制。◆over the past six years we have abolished a whole range of direct taxes.过去六年我们已经取消一系列的直接税。▸ abolition /æbəlɪʃn/ noun [uncountable] ◆the abolition of slavery / apartheid / the death penalty奴隶制/种族隔离/死刑的废除■ cancel (-ll-, name -l-) [transitive, often passive] to decide that sth that has been arranged will not now take place取消;撤销;终止◆all flights have been cancelled because of bad weather.因天气恶劣,所有航班均已取消。◆don't forget to cancel the newspaper (= arrange for it not to be delivered) before going away.外出前,别忘了安排停送报纸。 ➡ see also postpone → delay ▸ cancellation (name also cancelation) noun [uncountable, countable] ◆we need at least 24 hours' notice of cancellation.如欲取消,请至少提前 24 小时告知。◆cancellations must be made in writing.撤销必须有书面通知。■ scrap (-pp-) [transitive, often passive] (rather informal, especially journalism尤用于新闻) to cancel sth, especially plans, that are no longer practical or useful取消(计划);废弃;报废◆the government has been forced to scrap plans for a proposed tax reform.政府已经被迫撤销提出的税收改革方案。■ dismiss [transitive] (law法律) to say that a trial or legal case should not continue, usually because there is not enough evidence驳回;不受理◆judges have to state their reasons for dismissing a case.法官须说明驳回案件的理由。◆'case dismissed!'此案驳回!■ do away with sth -->phrasal verb(does, did, done) (rather informal, especially spoken, often approving) to abolish sth, especially when you think this is a good thing废除,废止(尤指这样做是对的)◆he thinks it's time we did away with the monarchy.他认为该是废除君主制的时候了。■ axe (bre) (name ax) [transitive, often passive] (rather informal, journalism新闻) to get rid of sth such as a service or system, or to reduce the money spent on it by a large amount精简(机构等);大量削减(服务、经费等)◆other less profitable services are to be axed later this year.其他盈利较少的服务项目预定今年稍晚将大量削减。◆the series was axed after only six episodes.那个系列节目只播了六集就被砍了。■ call sth off -->phrasal verbto cancel sth, especially a plan involving lots of people; to decide that sth will not happen取消(参与人数众多的计划);停止进行◆union leaders last night called off strike action planned for today.工会领导昨晚取消了原定今天举行的罢工。◆they have called off their engagement (= decided not to get married).他们已经取消婚约。 abolish /əbɒlɪʃ; name əbɑːlɪʃ/ [transitive, often passive] to officially end a law, system or institution废除,废止(法律、体制或习俗)◆slavery was abolished in the us in 1865.美国于 1865 年废除了奴隶制。◆over the past six years we have abolished a whole range of direct taxes.过去六年我们已经取消一系列的直接税。▸ abolition /æbəlɪʃn/ noun [uncountable] ◆the abolition of slavery / apartheid / the death penalty奴隶制/种族隔离/死刑的废除abolish/əˈbɒlɪʃ ||; əˈbɑlɪʃ/verb [t] to end a law or system officially 终止,废除(法例或制度): ◇when was capital punishment abolished here? 这里在什么时候废除了死刑? abolishsee ⇨ get rid of 4 a·bol·ish /ə`bɑlɪʃ; əˈbɒlɪʃ/v [t]to officially end a law, system etc 废除,废止[法规、制度等]:◇unfair laws that should be abolished 应该废除的不平等法令




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