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单词 dot
释义 dot /dɒt; name dɑːt/ noun [countable] a small symbol (.) that is used to separate different parts of an email or internet address (用于分隔电子邮件地址或互联网址不同部分的)小圆点◆please email us at 请发电子邮件到 enquiry @。ⓘ the email address in this example would be said as ‘enquiry at o u p dot com’.这个例子中的电子邮件地址读作 enquiry at o u p dot com。 ●on the dot (informal) exactly on time or at the exact time mentioned 准时◆the cab showed up on the dot. 出租车准时到达了。◆please tell him i'll call him on the dot of twelve. 请告诉他我会在 12 点整给他打电话。  ➡  idiom at connect ◇ connect-the-dots ☞ dotdot [countable] a small round mark on sth, especially one that is printed(尤指印出的)点,小点,小圆点◆the letters 'i' and 'j' have dots over them.字母 i 和 j 上面都有一点。◆the graphics are printed at 500 dots per inch.插图按每英寸 500 个点的密度打印。◆she was wearing a yellow skirt with red polka dots on it.她穿着一件黄底红点的裙子。◆the island is a small green dot on the map.该岛在地图上是一个小绿点。◆two helicopters appeared as black dots on the horizon.两架直升机像两个小黑点儿,出现在地平线上。dot¹/dɒt ||; dɑt/noun[c] 1. a small, round mark, like a full stop 小圆点: ◇a white dress with black dots 白底黑点的连衣裙◇the letters i and j have dots above them. 字母i和j上面有一点。 we use dot when we say a person's e-mail address. for the address we would say 'ann at smithuni dot co dot uk'. 说某人电邮地址时使用小圆点。如这个地址可以读作ann at smithuni dot co dot uk。 2. something that looks like a dot 像圆点的东西: ◇he watched until the aeroplane was just a dot in the sky. 他望着那飞机,直到飞机变成天空中的一颗小圆点为止。 on the dot(informal 非正式) at exactly the right time or at exactly the time mentioned 准时: ◇lessons start at 9 o'clock on the dot. 9点正开始上课。 dot²/dɒt ||; dɑt/verb [t] (dotting;dotted) (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) to mark with a dot 以圆点标示 be dotted about/around to be spread over an area 散布(在某范围内);星罗棋布: ◇there are restaurants dotted about all over the centre of town. 镇中心到处都是饭馆。 be dotted with to have several things or people in or on it 散布着: ◇a hillside dotted with sheep 羊群处处的山坡 dot• ⇨ on the dot☞ dot¹☞ dot²




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