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单词 missing
释义 missing adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition | phrases verbs➤be失踪▸➤go下落不明◆a woman who went missing three months ago3 个月前失踪的女人➤discover sb发现某人失踪◆it was six hours before the seamen were discovered missing.6 小时后才发现水手们失踪了。➤list sb (as), report sb (as)把某人列入失踪者名单;报告某人失踪◆a leading businessman has been reported missing from his home.警方接到报告说一位商界要人从家中失踪。adverb➤completely, entirely, totally完全缺失◆the study of housework as work is a topic entirely missing from sociology.把家务劳动作为工作来研究是社会学中完全未触及过的一个课题。➤altogether彻底缺失◆the eighth rung of the ladder was missing altogether.梯子的第八蹬横木完全不见了。➤largely基本上缺失◆a quality that's largely missing in young people today如今的年轻人身上基本缺失的品质➤conspicuously, noticeably显著/明显缺失▸➤sadly因缺失而令人遗憾◆the spirit of fair play is sadly missing from the sport these days.如今的体育运动缺少公平竞争精神,令人遗憾。preposition➤from在⋯再也找不到◆the file was missing from its place.文件不在原来的地方了。phrases➤missing in action作战失踪◆the search for us soldiers listed as missing in action对被列为在作战中失踪的美国士兵的搜寻➤missing, presumed dead失踪,推定死亡missing/ˈmɪsɪŋ ||; ˈmɪsɪŋ/adj1. lost, or not in the right or usual place 失踪的;遗失的;不在适当或惯常的位置的: ◇a missing person 一名失踪者◇two files have gone missing from my office. 我办公室里有两份文件不见了。 2. (used about a person) not present after a battle, an accident, etc but not known to have been killed (指人在战斗、事故等后)失踪的,下落不明的: ◇many soldiers were listed as missing in action. 许多士兵被列为在战斗中失踪。 3. not included, often when it should have been 缺掉的;缺少的: ◇fill in the missing words in the text. 把文章中缺漏的字填上去。 missingsee ⇨ here/not here 3 ⇨ lose 2 ⇨ there/not there 5     • • •• ⇨ be missing• ⇨ go missing miss·ing /`mɪsɪŋ; ˈmɪsɪŋ/adj 1. someone or something that is missing is not in the place where you expect them to be 失踪的,不见的,下落不明的:◇police are still searching for the missing child. 警方仍在搜寻那个失踪的孩子。◇+ from there's a button missing from this shirt. 这件衬衫少了一粒钮扣。 2. not included 漏掉的,不包括的:◇+ from why is my name missing from the list? 名单上为什么没有我的名字? ☞ missing




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