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单词 fixation
释义 fixation /fɪkseɪʃn/ [countable] (usually disapproving) a very strong interest in sb/sth, that is not normal or natural(对⋯的)异常依恋,固恋;癖◆he's got this fixation with cleanliness.他有洁癖。▸ fixated adjective [not before noun] ◆he is fixated on things that remind him of his childhood.他迷上能让他回想起童年的事物。fixation/fɪkˈseɪʃn ||; fɪksˈeʃən/noun [c] a fixation (with sth) an interest in sth that is too strong and not normal 过分强烈的兴趣;不正常的依恋: ◇i'm tired of james's fixation with football. 詹姆斯对足球着了迷,我真受不了。 fixationsee ⇨ obsession 1 fix·a·tion /fɪks`eʃən; fɪkˈseɪʃən/n [c]a strong and unnatural interest in a particular thing or person (不正常的)依恋,癖好:◇brian has a fixation with guns. 布莱恩对枪有癖好。




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