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单词 can
释义 can noun  ➡ see also tin adjective | verb + can | can + noun | preposition adjective➤aluminium/aluminum, metal, tin铝罐;金属罐;锡铁罐➤empty空罐▸➤8 oz, 300 g, 250 ml, etc. * 8 盎司、300 克、250 毫升等的罐头◆a 200 g can of tuna200 克罐装金枪鱼➤food食品罐◆the floor was littered with empty food cans.地板上乱扔着空食品罐。➤beer, coke™, pop, soda (name) 啤酒罐;可乐罐;易拉罐;汽水罐➤soup, tuna, etc.汤罐头、金枪鱼罐头等▸➤gas, jerry, oil, petrol (bre) 汽油罐;(盛放汽油等的)扁平手提箱;油罐▸➤paint油漆罐➤garbage, trash (both name) 垃圾桶▸➤watering洒水壶◆we keep the hoses and watering cans in the shed at the end of the garden.我们把软管和洒水壶存放在花园尽头的棚屋里。➤aerosol, spray喷雾罐;气雾喷雾器verb + can➤come in用罐装◆this type of milk comes in a can.这种牛奶是罐装的。➤open开罐◆we opened a can of sardines for lunch.我们开了一罐沙丁鱼罐头作午餐。➤drain, empty喝干/倒空罐里的⋯◆she drained her can of beer and threw it away.她喝干了那罐啤酒,然后把罐扔了。◆he emptied a can of beans into the pan.他把一罐豆子倒在平底锅里。➤drink, sip喝罐装的⋯;小口抿罐装的⋯▸➤drink from, sip at, sip from喝罐里装的⋯;小口抿罐里装的⋯◆she sipped from a can of coke.她小口地喝一罐可乐。➤fill装满罐子◆he filled a can with water from the pump.他用水泵把罐子加满水。➤recycle回收利用罐子can + noun➤opener (usually can-opener) (especially name) 开罐器preposition➤in a/the can在罐里▸➤can of一罐⋯◆cans of oil一罐油 can /kæn/ verb [transitive] (-nn-) (especially name) to preserve food by putting it in a metal container (a can) 将(食品)装金属罐2. (informal) (name) to dismiss sb from their job 炒某人的鱿鱼☞ can can [countable] a closed metal container for food and drink; a strong round metal container with straight sides and a lid in which liquids such as paint and glue are sold and stored(盛食品和饮料的)金属罐;(装液体的有盖)金属桶◆a can of beans / beer / paint一罐豆/啤酒;一桶油漆▸ canned adjective◆you can use fresh, canned or frozen fruit for this recipe.这个食谱用的水果可以是新鲜的、罐装的或冷冻的。can¹/kən;strong form kæn ||; kən; kæn/modal verb (negative cannot /ˈkænɒt ||; ˈkænɑt/short form can't /kɑ:nt; us kænt ||; kænt/ past tense could /kəd ||; kəd/strong form /kʊd ||; kυd/ negative could not short form couldn't /ˈkʊdnt ||; ˈkυdṇt/) 1. used for showing that it is possible for sb/sth to do sth or that sb/sth has the ability to do sth 表示可能性或能力: ◇can you ride a bike? 你会骑自行车吗?◇he can't speak french. 他不会讲法语。 can has no infinitive or participle forms. to make the future and perfect tenses, we use be able to he's been able to swim for almost a year. could have is used when we say that somebody had the ability to do something but did not do it she could have passed the exam but she didn't really try. can 没有不定式,也没有分词形式。如要表示将来时及完成时,可用 be able to:he's been able to swim for almost a year.他学会游泳差不多一年了。could have用于表示有能力做某事而没有做:she could have passed the exam but she didn't really try.要是她肯努力,这次考试她早该及格了。 2. used to ask for or give permission (用于提出要求或表示准许): ◇can i have a drink, please? 请问有喝的吗?◇he asked if he could have a drink. 他问有喝的没有。 when we are talking about general permission in the past could is used i could do anything i wanted when i stayed with my grandma.however, when we are talking about one particular occasion we do not use could they were allowed to visit him in hospital yesterday. 表示过去某段时间内的准许用 could:i could do anything i wanted when i stayed with my grandma.从前我跟外婆住在一起,我做什么都没人管。指某一特定场合不用could:they were allowed to visit him in hospital yesterday.昨天他们获准到医院探望他。 3. used to ask sb to do sth (用于请求某人做某事): ◇can you help me carry these books? 你可以帮我拿这些书吗? 4. used for offering to do sth (用于表示愿意做某事): ◇can i help at all? 用得着我吗? for more information about modal verbs, look at the quick grammar reference section at the back of this dictionary. 有关情态动词的详细用法,参看本词典末“语法便览”部份。 5. used to talk about sb's typical behaviour or of a typical effect (用于指特有的行为或效应): ◇you can be very annoying. 你有时候挺ni4人。◇wasp stings can be very painful. 叫黄蜂蜇着很不好受。 6. used in the negative for saying that you are sure sth is not true (用于否定式,指某事并非属实): ◇that can't be maria -- she's in london. 那不可能是玛丽亚呢?她人在伦敦呢。◇surely you can't be hungry. you've only just had lunch. 你肯定不觉得饿。你不是刚吃过午饭吗? 7. used with the verbs ‘feel’, ‘hear’, ‘see’, ‘smell’, ‘taste’ 与feel、hear、see、smell、taste等动词连用 these verbs are not used in the continuous tenses. if we want to talk about seeing, hearing, etc at a particular moment, we use can i can smell something burning.not i'm smelling… 这些动词不用于进行时。若指进行中的动作可用 can: i can smell something burning.我闻到什么东西烧着了。不可说i'm smelling…can²/kæn ||; kæn/noun[c] 1. a metal or plastic container that is used for holding or carrying liquid 金属罐;塑料罐: ◇an oil can 油罐◇a watering can 洒水罐 2. a metal container in which food or drink is kept without air so that it stays fresh 罐头: ◇a can of sardines 一罐沙丁鱼◇a can of beer 一罐啤酒 ☞picture at container 见 container 插图 in british english we usually use the word tin when it contains food. can is used for drinks. 在英国英语中,装食物的罐子通常用 tin,盛饮料的罐子用 can。can³/kæn ||; kæn/verb [t] (canning;canned) to put food, drink, etc into a can in order to keep it fresh for a long time 装罐: ◇canned fruit 罐头水果 ☞ can/can't☞ can¹☞ can²☞ can³




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