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单词 aside¹
释义 a·side¹ /ə`saɪd; əˈsaɪd/adv 1. move/step etc aside to move, step etc to the side 移到一边/站到一边:◇bob stepped aside to let me pass. 鲍勃站到一边,让我通过。 2. put/set/leave sth aside (for sth) to keep or save something so that it can be used later 储存某物以备用(于某事):◇i'm trying to put aside £20 a week for my trip to italy. 我在尽量每周存 20 英镑准备去意大利旅行。◇a room was set aside for the tests. 有一个房间留作考试用。 3. aside from apart from 除…之外




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