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单词 ash
释义 ash noun¹ 1powder that is left after sth has burned灰烬adjective | ... of ash | verb + ash | ash + verb | phrases adjective➤glowing, hot, red-hot, smouldering/smoldering发着红光的灰烬;热灰;炽热的灰烬;阴燃着的灰烬◆the glowing ashes of the dying fire闪着红光的余烬➤cold冷灰◆the fire had died to cold ashes.火早已熄灭,留下一堆冷灰。➤fine颗粒细小的灰烬◆fine ash covered the hill near the volcano.火山附近的山覆盖上了一层细细的火山灰。➤grey/gray灰色的灰烬▸➤cigarette, volcanic, wood烟灰;火山灰;木炭灰... of ash➤cloud灰团◆a cloud of ash rose from the volcano.火山上升腾起一个灰团。verb + ash➤flick, tap (used about cigarette ash用于香烟灰) 轻弹烟灰◆he flicked ash into the ashtray.他把烟灰弹到烟灰缸里。➤reduce sth to, turn to ashes使某物变成灰;落空◆a town reduced to ashes by war被战火烧毁的村庄◆all her dreams had turned to ashes. (figurative) 她所有的梦想都破灭了。ash + verb➤fall灰烬落下◆ash from the volcano fell over a wide area.火山灰散落的范围非常广。phrases➤rise from the ashes (figurative) 东山再起◆the party had risen from the ashes of electoral disaster.这个政党从大选的惨败中重新崛起。ash noun² 2ashes remains of a dead body骨灰verb + ashes➤scatter, spread撒骨灰◆his ashes were scattered on his beloved farm.他的骨灰被撒在他挚爱的农场上。➤bury埋骨灰ash/æʃ ||; æʃ/noun1. [u] (also ashes [pl]) the grey or black powder which is left after sth has burned 灰;灰烬: ◇cigarette ash 烟灰◇the ashes of a fire 灰烬 ☞picture at volcano 见volcano插图 2. ashes [pl] what is left after a dead person has been burned (人的)骨灰 3. [c] a type of forest tree that grows in cool countries 梣 ash /æʃ; æʃ/n [c,u] 1. the soft grey powder that is left after something has been burned 灰,灰烬:◇cigarette ash 烟灰◇sb's ashes (=the grey powder that is left after a dead body has been burned) 某人的骨灰 2. a type of forest tree, or the hard wood from this tree 梣,白蜡树




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