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单词 ad
释义 ad noun (informal) adjective | verb + ad | ad + verb | ad + noun | preposition adjective➤display, full-page陈列式广告;整版广告▸➤classified, small, want (name) (报刊)分类广告◆they put classified ads in local papers.他们在当地报纸上刊登了分类广告。◆you can put your own small ads in local papers.你可以在当地报纸上刊登分类广告。➤magazine, newspaper, print, radio, television, tv杂志广告;报纸广告;平面广告;电台广告;电视广告▸➤banner, button, online, pop-up横幅/按钮式/在线/弹出式广告▸➤campaign (especially name) 竞选广告▸➤cereal, detergent, job, etc.麦片、洗涤剂、招聘等广告verb + ad➤place, put, take out做广告;刊登广告◆she took out a full-page ad in a women's magazine.她在一本女性杂志上刊登了一整版广告。➤air, publish, run, show在电台登广告;登广告;刊登广告;展示广告▸➤post张贴广告▸➤pull撤回广告▸➤answer, reply to, respond to回复广告;回应广告ad + verb➤appear广告出现◆the ad appeared on all major channels.这一广告出现在各大频道中。➤say sth, show sth广告说⋯;广告显示⋯▸➤feature sb/sth广告以⋯为特色ad + noun➤campaign广告宣传活动▸➤agency广告公司▸➤exec, executive广告主管▸➤revenue广告收入preposition➤in an/the ad在广告中◆a lot of claims are made in the ad.这个广告作了许多承诺。➤ad for⋯的广告◆tv ads for cars汽车电视广告ad /æd/ noun (informal) 1. [countable] an advertisement 广告◆newspaper/tv/online ads 报纸/电视/在线广告◆to put an ad in the paper 在报纸上刊登广告◆the company ran ads in several college newspapers. 这公司在好几所大学报纸上刊登广告。◆you should post your ads on more than one website. 你应该在多个网站上刊登广告。⨁ to run an ad登广告 ⨁ to post / place / put an ad in sth(在某物上)刊登广告 2. [uncountable] advertising 广告;广告业◆an ad agency/campaign 广告公司/活动◆our ad budget has been cut this year. 我们今年的广告预算削减了。◆tv ad sales are down 6.9% this year. 今年的电视广告销量下降了 6.9%。 banner ad ◇ button ad ◇ classified ad ◇ display ad ◇ small ad ◇ teaser ad ◇ want ad ☞ ad☞ advertising/advertisement ad [countable] (informal) a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service广告(品)◆we put an ad in the local paper.我们在地方报纸上登了一则广告。◆they've produced an ad for a new chocolate bar.他们为新品巧克力棒制作了一则广告。ad/ˌeɪ ˈdi: ||; ˌe ˈdi/abbr from the latin ‘anno domini’; used in dates for showing the number of years after the time when jesus christ was born 耶稣纪元;公元: ◇ad 44 公元44年 ☞look at bc. 参看 bc。 ad/æd ||; æd/noun (informal 非正式)=advertisement ◇i saw your ad in the local paper. 我在当地报纸上看到你的广告。 adsee ⇨ advertising 3 ad /æd; æd/n [c]informal an advertisement 【非正式】 广告 ad /ˏe `di; ˌeɪ ˈdiː/anno domini; used to show that a date is a particular number of years after the birth of christ 公元:◇attila died in 453 ad. 阿提拉死于公元 453 年。→ compare 比较 bc




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