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单词 heighten
释义 heighten verbadverb | verb + heighten adverb➤dramatically, greatly大大提高◆this latest attack has greatly heightened fears of an all-out war.最近的袭击事件大大加剧了人们对爆发全面战争的恐慌。➤further进一步增强verb + heighten➤serve to使增加◆seeing others enjoying themselves only served to heighten his sense of loneliness.看到别人开心快乐的样子反倒让他更觉孤独。heighten /haɪtn/ [transitive, intransitive] to increase an effect or feeling or make it stronger; (of an effect or feeling) to increase or become stronger加强(效果或情感);(效果或情感)强化◆fears of further racial conflict were heightened by news of the riots.暴乱的消息使人们更加担心会爆发进一步的种族冲突。◆tension heightened after the recent bomb attack.最近发生炸弹袭击之后,情势更加紧张了。note 辨析 intensify or heighten?although both verbs can be used with or without an object, heighten is more often used with an object. heighten is used especially to talk about feelings and attitudes; intensify can apply to actions too.这两个动词带或不带宾语均可,但 heighten 较常带宾语。heighten 尤用以描述情感和态度; intensify 还可描述行为◆a heightened sense of loneliness / well-being加剧的孤独感;强烈的安适愉快之感◆to intensify the campaign / battle加强活动;使战斗更加激烈heighten/ˈhaɪtn ||; ˈhaɪtṇ/verb [i,t] to become or to make sth greater or stronger 增大;增强 · ◇i'm using yellow paint to heighten the sunny effect of the room. 我要把房间髹上黄色,让它明亮一点。 heightensee ⇨ increase 14 height·en /`haɪtṇ; ˈhaɪtn/v [i,t]to increase or make something increase 提高; 增大:◇the movie has heightened public awareness of aids. 这部影片提升了公众的爱滋病意识。




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