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单词 heater
释义 heater nounadjective | verb + heater | heater + verb adjective➤convector, fan, storage (bre) 对流加热器;风扇取暖器;电蓄热器▸➤portable便携式加热器▸➤electric, gas, kerosene, oil, paraffin (bre) 电暖气;燃气取暖器;煤油加热器;燃油加热器;石蜡取暖器▸➤greenhouse, pool, room, space, water温室加热器;泳池加热器;室内取暖器;小型取暖器;热水器➤hot-water, immersion (bre) 热水器;浸没式加热器verb + heater➤have off, have on关着/开着加热器▸➤turn off, turn on关上/打开加热器▸➤turn down, turn up关小/开大加热器▸➤install安装加热器heater + verb➤be off, be on加热器关着/开着◆even with the heater full on, the room felt cold.即便是把加热器开到最大,房间还是很冷。heater [countable] a machine used for making air or water warmer加热器;炉子;热水器◆it is thought that the fire was caused by a gas leak from a water heater.有人认为那场火是因热水器煤气泄漏引起的。◆a fan heater (= that heats a place by blowing hot air out) 风扇式加热器◆ (name) a space heater (= that heats a small room or area) 家用取暖器heater/ˈhi:tə(r) ||; ˈhitɚ/noun [c] a machine used for making water or the air in a room, car, etc hotter 加热器;暖气装置;炉子: ◇an electric/gas heater 电炉;煤气炉◇a water heater 热水器 heat·er /`hitə; ˈhiːtə/n [c]a machine used for heating air or water 加热器; 暖气机; 炉子




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