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单词 act¹
释义 act¹ /ækt; ækt/v 1. [i] to do something 做…; 采取行动:◇unless the government acts soon, more people will die. 政府不迅速采取行动的话,将有更多的人死亡。◇act on advice/orders/instructions (=do what sb says) 按照劝告/命令/指示行动: we're acting on the advice of our lawyer. 我们在按照我们律师的意见行事。 2. [i] to behave in a particular way [以特别的方式]表现:◇nick's been acting very strangely recently. 尼克近来行为异常。 3. [i,t] to perform as a character in a play or film [在戏剧或电影中]表演,扮演(角色):◇mike got an acting job on tv. 迈克找到了一份电视演员的工作。 4. act as sb to do a job which is not your usual one (临时)担任某职:◇my brother speaks french — he will act as interpreter. 我哥哥会说法语,他将充当翻译。 5. [i] to have a particular effect 起作用:◇act as sth salt acts as a preservative. 盐起防腐剂的作用。act sth ↔ outto show how an event happened by performing it like a play 将…演出来usage note 用法说明: act and 和 actionyou can use action as a countable noun when it means the same as act. 当 action 意思与 act 相同时,可作可数名词:◇a kind act 仁慈的行为◇a kind action 仁慈的行为act is also used in some fixed phrases when it means a particular type of action. act 亦可用于一些固定片语中,指某种特定的行为:◇an act of friendship 友谊的表现◇an act of war 战争的行为◇he was caught in the act (=caught doing something bad). 他被当场捉住。act is always countable, but action can be uncountable. act 总是可数的,但 action 可以是不可数的:◇we must take action immediately. 我们必须马上采取行动。◇what we need is immediate action. 我们需要的是立刻行动。




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