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单词 activity
释义 activity nounadjective | ... of activity | verb + activity | phrases adjective➤frantic, frenetic, heightened, increased, intense乱作一团的/疯狂的/越来越激烈的/增强的/剧烈的活动◆the scene was one of frenetic activity.现场一片狂乱。➤criminal, illegal, subversive, suspicious, terrorist犯罪/非法/颠覆/可疑的/恐怖活动◆his income was derived from criminal activity.他的收入来自犯罪活动。➤class, classroom, group班级/课堂/小组活动▸➤after-school, extra-curricular, leisure, leisure-time, outdoor, recreational, social课后/课外/休闲/业余时间/户外/娱乐/社交活动◆shopping is now a leisure activity.现在购物是一项休闲活动。➤mental, physical, sexual脑力活动;体力活动;性行为◆they had engaged in sexual activity in the past three months.过去的 3 个月中他们有过性行为。➤aerobic, strenuous有氧/剧烈运动▸➤business, commercial, cultural, economic, industrial, intellectual, political, scientific商务/商业/文化/经济/工业/智力/政治/科学活动▸➤government, military, police, union政府/军事/警方/工会行动▸➤human人类活动▸➤electrical, seismic, volcanic电活动;地震活动;火山活动◆the islands were formed by volcanic activity.这些岛屿是由火山活动形成的。... of activity➤burst, flurry一阵突然的活动;一阵突然的频繁活动◆there was a flurry of activity as the movie star appeared on the balcony.那名影星在戏院楼座上一露面就引发了一阵骚动。➤level活跃程度◆newspapers report a higher level of activity in the foreign-exchange markets.报纸报道说外汇市场活动转趋活跃。verb + activity➤conduct, do, perform进行活动;采取行动◆here's an activity you can do with mixed-ability classes.这里有一项活动,你可以在学生能力参差不齐的班级里做。➤be involved in, engage in, participate in, take part in, undertake牵涉进/从事/参加/参与/着手某项活动◆we suspect he may be involved in illegal activities.我们怀疑他可能从事非法活动。◆teachers here are not allowed to engage in any political activity.这儿的教师不准参加任何政治活动。➤stop, suspend, terminate停止/暂停/终止活动◆the party's activities have been suspended.该党的活动已经暂时中止。➤stimulate促进⋯活动◆it will only be possible to stimulate business activity with an injection of public funds.只有注入公共资金才有可能刺激商业活动。➤curb, inhibit抑制/阻碍活动▸➤coordinate, regulate协调/调节活动▸➤measure, monitor测量/监控活动▸➤resume恢复活动▸➤bustle with, buzz with到处是嘈杂的活动声;充满嘈杂的活动声◆the room was buzzing with activity.房间里闹哄哄的。phrases➤a hive of activity (= a very busy place) 繁忙的活动场所◆the classroom was a hive of activity as the children prepared for the concert.孩子们在为音乐会做准备时,整个教室忙作一团。➤a sign of activity活动迹象◆police watched the house all day, but there was no sign of activity.警察整日监视着这所房子,却未发现任何活动迹象。activity /æktɪvəti/ noun (plural activities) 1. [uncountable] a situation in which sth is happening or a lot of things are being done 活动◆a rise in the level of economic activity 经济活动程度的提高◆manufacturing activity fell in march. 三月份的生产活动减少了。⨁ business / commercial / economic activity业务/商业/经济活动 ⨁ construction / industrial / manufacturing / trading activity建筑/工业/生产/贸易活动 ⨁ to boost / stimulate activity增加/刺激活动 2. [countable, usually plural] the things done by an organization or a person, especially in order to make money (尤指组织或个人以赢利为目的而从事的)业务,活动◆the group's activities include food retailing and travel agencies. 这集团的业务范围包括食品零售及旅行社。◆a review of the company's commercial activities 公司商业活动的回顾⨁ business / commercial / day-to-day / economic activities业务/商业/日常/经济活动 ⨁ core / non-core activities核心/非核心业务 ⨁ to be involved in / engage in / focus on / limit activities参与/参加/集中/限制活动 ☞ activity activity nounactivity ♦︎ action ♦︎ rush ♦︎ bustlethese are all words for a situation in which a lot of things are being done.这些词均表示热闹、活跃。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆(a) great activity / action / rush / bustle◆(a) frantic activity / action / rush◆increased / intense activity / action◆to be involved in / stop the activity / action■ activity [uncountable] a situation in which sth is happening or a lot of things are being done活动;活跃;热闹◆the streets were noisy and full of activity.街上熙熙攘攘,车水马龙。◆economic activity has taken a downturn this year.今年的经济活动有所减退。◆muscles contract and relax during physical activity.身体活动时,肌肉收缩放松。opp inactivity ⓘ the opposite is inactivity. * activity 的反义词是 inactivity◆periods of enforced inactivity and boredom被迫无事可做、单调乏味的时期■ action [uncountable] (rather informal) exciting events激动人心的事◆i like films with plenty of action.我喜欢惊险刺激的电影。◆new york is where the action is.纽约是个热闹活跃的地方。■ rush [singular] a situation in which people are very busy and there is a lot of activity忙碌;繁忙◆book now and avoid the last-minute rush.现在就预订吧,免得最后一阵忙乱。◆the evening rush was just starting.繁忙的夜晚才刚开始。ⓘ rush is usually used after an adjective for a particular time when there is a lot of activity. * rush 通常用于形容词后,表示一段繁忙的时间。■ bustle /bʌsl/ [uncountable] busy and noisy activity of a lot of people in one place忙乱嘈杂;人多喧闹◆do you enjoy the hustle and bustle of city life?你喜欢都市生活的喧闹繁忙吗? ➡ see also bustling → crowded activity [uncountable] a situation in which sth is happening or a lot of things are being done活动;活跃;热闹◆the streets were noisy and full of activity.街上熙熙攘攘,车水马龙。◆economic activity has taken a downturn this year.今年的经济活动有所减退。◆muscles contract and relax during physical activity.身体活动时,肌肉收缩放松。opp inactivity ⓘ the opposite is inactivity. * activity 的反义词是 inactivity◆periods of enforced inactivity and boredom被迫无事可做、单调乏味的时期 activity [countable] something that you do for interest or pleasure, or in order to achieve a particular aim(为兴趣、娱乐或达到一定目的而进行的)活动◆the club provides a wide variety of activities including tennis, swimming and squash.这家俱乐部的活动丰富多彩,有网球、游泳和壁球。◆the book contains plenty of ideas for classroom activities.书中有很多组织课堂活动的点子。activity/ækˈtɪvəti ||; ækˈtɪvətɪ/noun (plural activities) 1. [u] a situation in which there is a lot of action or movement 繁忙的活动;热闹: ◇the house was full of activity on the morning of the wedding. 举行婚礼的那个早上,房子里很热闹。 [opp] inactivity 反义词为 inactivity 2. [c] something that you do, usually regularly and for enjoyment 所做的事(多指经常的和为消遣的): ◇the hotel offers a range of leisure activities. 这家饭店提供许多休闲活动。 ☞look at the note at act ². 参看act^2的注释。activitysee ⇨ do/not do 7,8 ac·tiv·i·ty /æk`tɪvətɪ; ækˈtɪvɪti/n 1. [c,u] things that someone does, especially for pleasure or to try to achieve something [尤指为了娱乐或完成某事的]活动:◇after-school activities 课外活动◇an increase in terrorist activity 恐怖活动的增加 2. [u] a situation in which a lot of things are happening and people are moving around 活动(性),能动(性),活跃:◇there's been a lot of activity on the stock exchange. 股票交易十分活跃。→ opposite 反义词 inactivity ☞ activity




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