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单词 get undressed
释义 get undressedphraseto take off all your clothes脱光衣服◆he got undressed and fell into bed.他脱光衣服倒在床上。 opp get dressed → wear note 辨析 strip, undress or get undressed?people strip because they want to wash, because they will be more comfortable with fewer clothes on, or because sb has ordered them to (for example, in order to search them for weapons or drugs); when people are getting ready to go to bed they usually undress or get undressed. to strip is a quicker and less gentle action: a guard might order a prisoner to strip; a doctor would ask a patient to undress or take off their clothes. * strip 表示脱衣服的原因是因为想洗澡、让自己更舒适,或服从某人的命令(如为搜寻武器或毒品);脱衣服准备就寝通常用 undress 或 get undressed。strip 动作更快,较不温柔:警卫命令囚犯脱衣服用 strip,医生要求病人脱衣服用 undress 或 take off。get undressedsee ⇨ clothes 10




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