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单词 defy
释义 defy verbadverb | verb + defy adverb➤openly公然藐视◆journalists were openly defying the authorities.新闻记者公然藐视当局。verb + defy➤be prepared to, be willing to准备违抗;自愿违背◆he is willing to defy his own party.他自愿违抗自己的党派。➤continue to继续藐视◆the protesters continued to defy a court injunction.抗议者继续藐视法庭的一项禁制令。defy /dɪfaɪ/ [transitive] to refuse to obey or show respect for sb/sth in authority, a law, rule or decision违抗;反抗;蔑视◆i wouldn't have dared to defy my teachers.我可不敢不听老师的话。◆hundreds of people today defied the ban on political gatherings.今天有数百人违抗禁止政治集会的规定。  ➡ see also defiant → naughty ▸ defiance noun [uncountable] ◆nuclear testing was resumed in defiance of an international ban.尽管国际上明令禁止,核试验又在进行了。◆she held up a clenched fist in a gesture of defiance.她举起攥紧的拳头以示反抗。defy/dɪˈfaɪ ||; dɪˈfaɪ/verb [t] (past participle defying third person singular present defies;past tense past participle defied) 1. to refuse to obey sb/sth 反抗;蔑视;违抗: ◇she defied her parents and continued seeing him. 她不听从父母的话,继续和他来往。 ☞adjective defiant, noun defiance 形容词为defiant,名词为defiance 2. defy sb to do sth to ask sb to do sth that you believe to be impossible 激(某人)做(你认为不可能的事): ◇i defy you to prove me wrong. 我敢说你不能证明我是错的。 3. to make sth impossible or very difficult 使没有可能;使很困难: ◇it's such a beautiful place that it defies description. 那地方美丽极了,简直是笔墨也难以形容。 defysee ⇨ disobey 1 de·fy /dɪ`faɪ; dɪˈfaɪ/v 1. [t] to refuse to obey someone or something 蔑视,违抗:◇he defied his father's wishes and joined the army. 他违背父亲的愿望去参军。 2. defy description/belief/ logic etc to be impossible to describe, believe, explain etc 无法描述/不能相信/违反逻辑等:◇the place just defies description. 这地方简直让人无法形容。




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