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单词 trample
释义 trample verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤nearly几乎践踏◆i was nearly trampled to death by the crowd.我差一点儿被人群踩死。➤down踩倒◆crops that have been trampled down by walkers' feet被路人踩倒的庄稼➤underfoot踩在脚下◆he saved a little girl from being trampled underfoot in the rush for the fire exit.他从冲向安全出口的人群脚下救出了一个小女孩。preposition➤on (often figurative) 践踏;无视◆the government is trampling on the views of ordinary people.政府无视民意。➤over踩过◆police officers had been trampling all over the ground.警察们到处走来走去。phrases➤be trampled to death被踩死trample/ˈtræmpl ||; ˈtræmpḷ/verb [i,t] trample on/over sb/sth to walk on sb/sth and damage or hurt him/her/it 践踏;踩坏;踩伤: ◇the boys trampled on the flowers. 那些男孩子把花踩坏了。 tram·ple /`træmpḷ; ˈtræmpəl/v [i,t] 1. to step heavily on something and crush it with your feet 踩,践踏:◇one woman was trampled to death by the crowd. 一名妇人被人群踩死了。 2. to behave in a way that shows you do not care about someone's rights, feelings etc 侵犯[某人的权利]; 无视[某人的情感等]




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