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单词 train
释义 train noun¹ 1engine pulling coaches/cars火车adjective | verb + train | train + verb | train + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤railroad, railway (bre) 火车▸➤metro, subway, tube, underground (especially bre) 地铁列车▸➤intercity, long-distance城际/长途列车▸➤local, suburban(每站都停的)慢车;市郊列车▸➤express, fast特快列车;快速列车▸➤direct, through直达列车◆i got the through train to manchester.我乘坐直达列车到了曼彻斯特。➤slow, stopping (bre) 慢车▸➤special专列▸➤early, evening, midnight, morning, night, overnight早班/晚间/午夜/晨间/夜间/夕发朝至的列车▸➤two o'clock, 10.45, etc.两点、10 点 45 分等的火车➤rush-hour高峰时刻的火车▸➤outbound, return出发的/回程的火车◆what are the times of the return trains?回程列车都有几点的?➤first, last, next首班/末班/下一班列车◆the last train leaves at 00.30.末班列车零点 30 分出发。➤moscow to beijing, etc.莫斯科到北京的列车等◆the paris to brussels train巴黎到布鲁塞尔的列车➤denver-bound, etc.开往丹佛的列车等▸➤northbound, southbound, etc.往北、往南等的列车➤inbound (name) 进站列车▸➤crowded, full拥挤的/满载的列车▸➤empty空荡荡的列车▸➤moving行驶中的列车▸➤stationary停着的列车▸➤speeding加速的列车▸➤runaway失控的列车▸➤approaching, oncoming驶近的/迎面开来的列车◆the sound of an approaching train临近的火车声◆he was pushed into the path of an oncoming train.他被推到了一列迎面开来的火车前。➤passing驶过的列车◆the roar of a passing train火车经过时的轰鸣声➤departing开出的列车◆she ran alongside the departing train, waving goodbye.她跟着开动的火车一边跑一边挥手告别。➤delayed, late-running晚点车▸➤luxury, pullman豪华列车;普尔曼式豪华客车▸➤four-car, four-coach (bre) , etc. * 4 节车厢等的火车▸➤bullet, high-speed子弹头/高速列车▸➤diesel, electric, steam柴油/电力/蒸汽列车➤elevated高架列车▸➤coal, commuter, freight, goods, mail, passenger煤车;通勤车;货运列车;邮车;客运列车➤transit中转列车➤wagon(北美拓荒者或移民所用的)马车队▸➤troop军用列车▸➤model, toy玩具火车▸➤ghost (= at a funfair) (bre) (游乐场的)鬼怪列车verb + train➤take, travel by乘坐火车◆from germany we'll travel by train to poland.我们将乘火车从德国去波兰。➤ride, travel on坐火车◆she travels on the same train as you.她和你乘坐同一班火车。➤use使用火车▸➤catch, get, make赶上火车◆we had to get up early to make the 6 o'clock train for richmond.我们不得不早起去赶 6 点开往里士满的火车。➤miss误了火车▸➤wait for等火车▸➤run for跑着赶火车◆i was late and had to run for my train.我晚了,只得跑着赶火车了。➤board, get on, hop on, jump aboard, jump on登上火车;跳上火车◆we jumped on the train just as it was about to leave.就在火车要开的一刹那,我们跳上了车。➤jump from, jump off, jump out of从火车上跳下◆she tried to kill herself by jumping off a moving train.她试图从行驶的火车上跳下来自杀。➤alight from, exit, get off, leave下火车▸➤meet, meet sb off接(某人下)火车◆i'm going to the station to meet her off the train.我要到车站接她下火车。➤change转火车◆you'll have to change trains at cambridge.你得在剑桥转车。➤operate, run运营火车◆the company plans to run trains on key intercity routes.公司计划在主要城际路线上开通火车。➤cancel取消火车◆the 10.19 train has been cancelled / canceled.10 点 19 分的火车已经取消了。➤drive开火车▸➤haul拖拉火车◆a train hauled by a steam locomotive蒸汽机车带动的火车➤stop使火车停下来▸➤derail使火车脱轨▸➤fall under, throw sb under(使某人)撞上火车◆driven to despair, he threw himself under a train.他被逼到绝境,卧轨自杀了。train + verb➤run火车定时行驶◆in summer the trains run as often as every ten minutes.夏天时每 10 分钟就有一趟火车。➤start火车始发▸➤terminate火车在终点站停下◆the train terminated in baltimore.火车在终点站巴尔的摩停下来。➤be bound for...列车开往⋯◆an express train bound for edinburgh开往爱丁堡的特快列车➤be due火车预定⋯到达◆the next train is due at 9.45.下一班火车预定于 9 点 45 分到达。➤be delayed, be held up, be late, run late火车被延误;火车晚点◆most trains are running late because of the accident.大多数火车都由于这起事故而晚点。➤arrive, come in, come into sth, draw in, draw into sth, pull in, pull into sth火车到达;火车驶入(⋯);火车到(⋯)站◆the next train to arrive at platform 2 is the 12.30 from leeds. (bre) 下一辆到达 2 号月台的火车是 12 点 30 分由利兹方向开来的。◆the 15.18 amtrak train to chicago will be arriving on track 3. (name) 15 点 18 分美国国家铁路客运公司开往芝加哥的列车将由 3 号轨道进站。◆the train came in and i got on.火车进站,我上了车。◆the train drew into the station.火车开进了车站。➤come, go火车开来/离去◆we didn't want to leave the platform in case the train came.我们不愿离开站台,怕错过火车。➤reach火车到达◆the train reached tokyo at half past six.火车 6 点 30 分到达东京。➤return火车返回▸➤depart, draw out (of sth), leave, pull away, pull out (of sth), start, start off火车开出;火车(从⋯)驶出◆the train pulled out of the station.列车驶出了车站。➤head...火车朝⋯行驶◆the train headed out of mumbai.火车驶出了孟买。➤stand, wait火车停靠/等待◆the train now standing at platform 3 is the 16.50 to brighton.现在停靠在 3 号站台的火车将于 16 点 50 分开往布赖顿。◆a train waiting at a signal等待通行信号的火车➤move火车开动◆slowly the train began to move.火车开始慢慢开动了。➤travel火车行驶◆the high-speed train travels at 120 mph.高速列车行驶的速度是每小时 120 英里。➤chug, roll, trundle (especially bre) 火车咔嚓作响地行进;火车隆隆地慢慢行进◆the train chugged slowly forward.火车咔嚓咔嚓地慢慢前行。➤gather speed火车加速▸➤hurtle, rush, speed, steam (especially bre) 火车急速行进;火车飞驰◆a picture of the bullet train speeding past mount fuji高速列车飞速驶过富士山的图片➤slow, slow down火车减速▸➤brake火车刹车▸➤be brought to a halt, come to a halt, halt, stop火车停下▸➤rattle, rumble, thunder, whistle火车咔嗒咔嗒快速前进;火车隆隆地行驶;火车呼啸◆the train rattled into the station.火车咔嗒咔嗒地驶进了车站。➤jerk, jolt, lurch, shudder火车颠簸行进◆the train jolted into motion.火车颠簸着开动起来。➤approach火车驶近▸➤pass火车经过▸➤enter sth火车驶进⋯◆the train entered the tunnel.火车进了隧道。➤collide (with sth), crash, hit sb/sth火车(与⋯)相撞➤derail火车脱轨▸➤be loaded with sth, carry sth火车载着⋯;火车运送⋯ train + noun➤journey, ride, trip乘火车旅行;乘火车出行▸➤service列车服务➤system铁路系统➤traffic铁路交通▸➤station火车站➤stop列车停车;列车停车处➤platform火车站台➤route火车路线▸➤schedule, times, timetable (bre) 火车时刻表▸➤fare火车票价▸➤ticket火车票▸➤conductor, crew, driver, engineer, guard, staff列车长;列车乘务组;火车司机;火车职员▸➤travel, travellers/travelers, travelling/traveling乘火车旅行;乘坐火车的旅客▸➤accident, collision, crash, disaster, wreck (especially name) 火车事故;火车相撞事故;火车失事➤derailment火车出轨事故➤bombing火车爆炸事件▸➤window火车车窗▸➤car, carriage火车车厢➤compartment火车隔间➤whistle火车的汽笛(声)▸➤depot, shed, yard火车站;列车棚;铁路调车场➤line, track铁路线;铁轨▸➤robber, robbery火车强盗/抢劫▸➤set成套玩具火车◆i saved up to buy an electric train set.我攒钱买了一套电动玩具火车。preposition➤aboard a/the train, on a/the train, on board a/the train在火车上◆the people on the train火车上的乘客➤by train乘火车◆it's quicker by train.乘火车更快。➤train between来往于⋯的火车◆trains between cape town and pretoria来往于开普敦和比勒陀利亚之间的火车➤train for, train to开往⋯的火车◆he was leaving on the early train for zaragoza.他坐开往萨拉戈萨的早班火车走。➤train from发自⋯的火车◆the train from toronto to calgary有多伦多到卡尔加里的列车phrases➤a train to catch要赶的火车◆i can't stop now, i have a train to catch.我现在不能停,我要赶火车。train noun² 2number of people/animals moving in a line一列行进的人或动物adjective➤camel, mule, wagon骆驼队;骡子队;马车队▸➤supply辎重队train noun³ 3series of events/actions/thoughts一系列事件、行动或想法verb + train | phrases | preposition verb + train➤set sth in引发一连串⋯◆that telephone call set in train a whole series of events.那个电话引发了一连串的事件。➤bring sth in (figurative) 导致一连串⋯◆unemployment brings greater difficulties in its train (= causes great difficulties).失业造成一连串更大的难题。➤break, interrupt打断思路◆a knock on the door interrupted his train of thought.敲门声中断了他的思路。➤lose思维短路◆i lose my train of thought when there are distractions.有事情分心时我就不能连续思考。phrases➤a train of events (especially bre) 一连串事件◆an initial omission which set in motion a train of events leading to the crime开始的疏漏引发了一连串的事件,并最终导致犯罪➤a train of thought思路◆the telephone rang and she lost her train of thought.电话响了,打断了她的思路。preposition➤in sb's train (figurative) 追随某人◆in the train of (= following behind) the rich and famous came the journalists.记者们蜂拥在富绅名流之后。train verbadverb | preposition adverb➤hard, intensely刻苦/高强度训练➤seriously认真训练◆he's been training seriously for over a year now.他已经认真训练了一年多。➤extensively全面培训➤effectively, successfully培训效果显著/成功➤regularly定期培训➤consistently坚持训练preposition➤for为⋯而训练◆the team is training hard for the big match.这支队伍正在刻苦训练备战大赛。train /treɪn/ verb (often used as an adjective trained 常用作形容词 trained) 1. [intransitive, transitive] to teach a person the skills for a particular job or activity; to be taught in this way 训练;培训;接受训练◆the staff are fully trained to handle almost any situation. 员工训练有素,几乎可以应对任何情况。◆she trained as a lawyer before starting her own company. 她在自己创办公司之前受过律师培训。◆he felt he had been well trained for the job. 他觉得自己受过良好的训练,可以胜任这份工作。◆highly trained sales personnel 训练有素的销售人员⨁ to be fully / highly / properly / well trained训练有素;经过很好的训练 2. [transitive] to develop a natural ability or quality so that it improves 培养…的能力(或素质)◆an alert mind and a trained eye 机敏的头脑、敏锐的目光train /treɪn/ noun [countable] a railway/railroad engine pulling a number of coaches/cars or trucks, taking people and goods from one place to another 火车;列车◆britain's biggest train operator 英国最大的火车营运商⨁ a commuter / passenger train通勤/旅客列车 ⨁ a freight / goods train货运列车 gravy train ☞ train☞ traintrain verb 1➤train as a teacher接受师资培训➤train for the olympics为奥运会训练  ➡ see also the entry for teach另见 teach 条train ♦︎ teach ♦︎ coach ♦︎ show ♦︎ educate ♦︎ groom ♦︎ instructthese words all mean to teach sb/yourself or an animal the skills for a particular job or activity.这些词均表示训练、培训、教导。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to train / coach / educate / instruct sb in sth◆to train / coach / groom sb for sth◆to teach / educate sb about sth◆to train / groom sb as sth◆to train / teach / groom sb to do sth◆to teach / show sb how to do sth◆to teach / show sb that...◆to train / teach / educate / instruct a pupil◆to train / teach / educate a teacher / doctor / nurse / student◆to train / teach / educate the workforce◆to train / coach a gymnast / athlete / footballer / player / team◆to teach / coach athletics / basketball / boxing / football / gymnastics / hockey / rugby / soccer◆be well trained / taught / coached / instructed■ train [transitive, intransitive] to teach a person or animal the skills for a particular job or activity; to be taught these skills训练;培训;接受训练◆they train dogs to sniff out drugs.他们训练狗嗅出毒品。◆all members of the team have been trained in first aid.全队队员都接受过急救培训。◆he trained as a teacher before becoming an actor.他在成为演员之前受过师资培训。 ➡ see also trainer → coach noun , training → education , untrained → ignorant ■ teach (taught, taught) [transitive] to show sb how to do sth so that they will be able to do it themselves; to make sb feel or think in a different way教;训练;教导;使懂得(情理)◆my father taught me how to ride a bike.我父亲教会我骑自行车。◆could you teach me to do that?你能教我怎么干那活儿吗?◆she taught me to be less critical of other people.她教育我不要太苛求于人。◆my parents taught me that honesty was always the best policy.我父母教导我,诚实永远是处世的最佳原则。◆our experience as refugees taught us many valuable lessons.我们的流亡经历给了我们许多宝贵的经验教训。  ➡ see also teach → teach ■ coach [transitive] to train sb to play a sport or improve a skill(对体育运动或技能进行)训练,培养,指导◆her father coached her for the olympics.她的父亲训练她备战奥运会。◆she has coached hundreds of young singers.她培养了数百名青年歌手。◆he coaches basketball and soccer.他执教篮球和足球。  ➡ see also coach → coach noun , coaching → education note 辨析 train or coach?both these words are used to talk about preparing sportsmen and women for competition or preparing musicians, etc. for performance. you can train but not coach people in skills for their job.这两个词均指训练运动员准备比赛或训练乐手等准备演出。指培训工作技能时可用 train,但不能用 coach◆all members of the team have been coached in first aid. you can train but not coach animals.指训练动物时可用 train,但不能用 coach◆they coach dogs to sniff out drugs. you can coach a person or sport, but you can only train a person. * coach 的宾语可以是人或运动,但 train 的宾语只能是人◆he trains basketball. ■ show (showed, shown) [transitive] to help sb to do sth by letting them watch you do it or by explaining it(通过示范或说明)教;解说;演示◆she showed her students the technique.她向学生演示了那个技巧。◆can you show me how to do it?你能教我怎么做吗?■ educate [transitive] (rather formal) to teach sb about sth, especially in order to encourage them in responsible behaviour教导,教育(尤指灌输行为要正当的思想)◆children need to be educated on the dangers of drug-taking.有必要对儿童进行吸毒危害的教育。◆their task was to inform, educate and entertain the viewers.他们的任务是向观众提供信息、教育及娱乐。 ➡ see also education → education ■ groom [transitive, often passive] (used especially in the progressive tenses尤用于进行时) (journalism新闻) to train or prepare sb for an important job or position(针对重要工作或岗位)使作好准备,培养,训练◆she is already being groomed for the top job in the firm.她已经在接受培养,为接手最高职位作准备。■ instruct [transitive] (formal) to teach sb sth, especially a practical skill教授,传授(尤指技能)◆all our staff have been instructed in sign language.我们的所有员工都受过手语培训。  ➡ see also instruction → education , instructor → coach noun train verb 2➤train as a teacher接受师资培训➤train for the olympics为奥运会训练  ➡ see also the entry for practise另见 practise 条train ♦︎ exercise ♦︎ work out ♦︎ keep fit ♦︎ warm upthese words all mean to do physical exercises in order to prepare your body for physical activity, or in order to improve your strength and health.这些词均表示进行体育锻炼、做健身运动。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to train / exercise / warm up properly◆to train / exercise / work out regularly◆to train / exercise a horse / dog■ train [intransitive, transitive] to prepare yourself for a particular activity, especially a sport, by doing a lot of exercise; to prepare a person or animal in this way进行⋯训练;(尤指)进行体育锻炼;训练(人或动物)◆we watched the athletes training for the olympics.我们看了运动员备战奥运会的训练。◆i train in the gym for two hours a day.我每天在健身房锻炼两个小时。◆she trains horses.她是驯马的。◆he trains the olympic team.他训练奥运代表队。■ exercise [intransitive, transitive] to do sports or other physical activities in order to stay healthy or become stronger; to make an animal do this; to give a part of the body the movement and activity it needs to keep strong and healthy进行体育锻炼;操练(动物);锻炼(身体某部位)◆how often do you exercise?你多长时间锻炼一次?◆horses need to be exercised regularly.马需要经常训练。◆these movements will exercise your arms and shoulders.这些动作可以锻炼你的手臂和肩膀。 ➡ see also exercise → sport noun ■ work out phrasal verbto make your body stronger through physical exercise, especially using equipment in a gym(尤指使用健身器械)锻炼身体,做运动◆i work out regularly to keep fit.我经常运动以保持健康。  ➡ see also workout → sport noun ■ keep fit idiom(kept, kept) (especially bre) to stay healthy and strong, especially by doing regular physical exercise(尤指通过定期运动)保持健康◆she tries to keep fit by jogging every day.她努力每天慢跑保持健康。■ warm up phrasal verbto prepare for physical exercise or a performance by doing gentle exercises or practice(为体育活动或表演)做适应性练习,做准备活动;热身◆we arrived just as the players were warming up.我们抵达时,球员们正在热身。ⓘ performers such as dancers, as well as sportsmen and women, have to warm up. * warm up 指舞蹈演员等表演者以及运动员热身。▸ warm-up noun [countable, singular] ◆he swam ten lengths of the pool as a warm-up.他在游泳池里游了五个来回作为热身。◆warm-up exercises热身练习train [transitive, intransitive] to teach a person or animal the skills for a particular job or activity; to be taught these skills训练;培训;接受训练◆they train dogs to sniff out drugs.他们训练狗嗅出毒品。◆all members of the team have been trained in first aid.全队队员都接受过急救培训。◆he trained as a teacher before becoming an actor.他在成为演员之前受过师资培训。 ➡ see also trainer → coach noun , training → education , untrained → ignorant train [intransitive, transitive] to prepare yourself for a particular activity, especially a sport, by doing a lot of exercise; to prepare a person or animal in this way进行⋯训练;(尤指)进行体育锻炼;训练(人或动物)◆we watched the athletes training for the olympics.我们看了运动员备战奥运会的训练。◆i train in the gym for two hours a day.我每天在健身房锻炼两个小时。◆she trains horses.她是驯马的。◆he trains the olympic team.他训练奥运代表队。train¹/treɪn ||; tren/noun[c] 1. a type of transport that is pulled by an engine along a railway line. a train is divided into sections for people(carriages)and(coaches) and for goods(wagons). 火车;列车: ◇a passenger/goods/freight train 客运列车;货运列车◇a fast/slow/express train 高速╱慢速/特快列车◇to catch/take/get the train to london 坐火车去伦敦◇the 12 o'clock train to bristol 12点钟开往布里斯托尔的火车◇to get on/off a train 上╱下火车◇hurry up or we'll miss the train. 赶快,不然我们就赶不上那班火车。◇you have to change trains at reading. 你得在雷丁换车。 ☞we say by train when speaking in general. we say on the train when we mean during one particular train journey miranda travels to work by train. yesterday she fell asleep on the train and missed her station. 泛指搭乘火车说by train。on the train指某次特定的火车旅行:miranda travels to work by train.米兰达乘火车上班。·yesterday she fell asleep on the train and missed her station.昨天她在火车上睡着了,结果误了站。 2. [usu.sing] a series of thoughts or events that are connected 一连串(相关的想法或事件): ◇a knock at the door interrupted my train of thought. 一阵敲门声打断了我的思路。 train²/treɪn ||; tren/verb1. [t] train sb (as sth/to do sth) to teach a person to do sth which is difficult or which needs practice 训练;培训: ◇the organization trains guide dogs for the blind. 那个机构训练导盲犬。◇there is a shortage of trained teachers. 受过训练的教师很缺乏。 2. [i,t] train (as/in sth) (to do sth) to learn how to do a job 接受训练: ◇she trained as an engineer. 她接受过做工程师的训练。◇he's not trained in anything. 他没有受过任何方面的训练。◇he's training to be a doctor. 他正在接受当医生的训练。 3. [i,t] train (for sth) to prepare yourself, especially for a sports event, by practising; to help a person or an animal to do this (尤指为比赛而)锻炼,训练: ◇i'm training for the london marathon. 我正在为参加伦敦马拉松赛跑而锻炼。 [t] ◇to train racehorses 训练赛马用的马 4. [t] train sth (at/on sb/sth) to point a gun, camera, etc at sb/sth 把(枪、照相机等)对准(某人或某物) ➔training noun [u]trainsee ⇨ exercise 1 ⇨ learn 1 ⇨ practise/practice 1 ⇨ prepare 4 ⇨ teach 1     • • •• ⇨ by car/boat/plane/train☞ train¹☞ train²




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