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单词 visitor
释义 visitor nounadjective | verb + visitor | visitor + verb | visitor + noun | phrases | preposition adjective➤frequent, regular常客;经常来访的人▸➤occasional偶尔的访客▸➤seasonal季节性的游客▸➤rare稀客▸➤casual碰巧来参观的人▸➤first-time首次来访者◆first-time visitors to spain are often surprised by how late people eat.初次到西班牙的人常常为当地人用餐时间之晚感到吃惊。➤welcome受欢迎的客人▸➤surprise, unexpected意外来访的/不期而至的客人▸➤uninvited, unwanted, unwelcome不速之客;不受欢迎的访客▸➤potential, prospective可能的访客;潜在的游客◆the latest crime figures are likely to put off prospective visitors to the city.最新的犯罪数字很可能会让打算来该城市旅游的人打消念头。➤foreign, international, overseas外宾;国际游客;海外宾客➤important重要的访客▸➤annual每年的游客▸➤business, holiday (bre) 商务访客;度假游客▸➤museum, park博物馆的参观者;公园的游客▸➤home, hospital, prison (all especially bre) 家庭访客;医院访客;(探望囚犯以帮助他们的)探监工作者▸➤health (bre) 家访护士◆the baby's weight is monitored by the health visitor.婴儿的体重由家访护士跟踪记录。➤site, website网站访问者verb + visitor➤get, have, receive有客人;有客人来访;接待来访者◆do you get many visitors?你这儿来访的人多吗?➤expect等候来访者◆i could see he was expecting visitors.我看得出来他正在等候客人。➤greet, welcome问候/欢迎来访者▸➤entertain招待客人◆the front room was used mainly for entertaining visitors.客厅主要用来待客。➤attract, bring, bring in, draw, lure吸引来访者;招徕游客◆the festival brings 5 000 visitors to the town every year.这一节日每年吸引 5,000 名游客到小镇来。➤want渴望来访者▸➤deter (especially bre) 使客人望而却步◆the lack of facilities in the town may deter the casual visitor.小镇上设施不全可能使那些碰巧来访的游客望而却步。➤admit准许访客进入◆the college only admits visitors in organized groups.这所学院只允许有组织的团体访客进入。visitor + verb➤come, flock, turn up (bre) 客人光临;游客蜂拥而至;来访者露面◆visitors flocked to see the show.游客成群结队地来观看演出。➤be interested in sth游客对⋯感兴趣visitor + noun➤bureau, centre/center游客咨询处/中心◆pick up a free map of the town from the visitor centre / center.在游客中心拿一份免费的本城地图。➤attraction旅游胜地➤information游客信息➤experience游客体验➤numbers游客数量phrases➤encourage visitors to do sth, invite visitors to do sth鼓励/邀请游客做⋯◆visitors are invited to browse around the farm site.游客受邀来农场看看。➤give visitors sth, offer visitors sth给游客提供⋯◆the museum gives visitors a glimpse of the composer's life.博物馆让游客可以大致了解一下这位作曲家的生平。preposition➤visitor from来自⋯的游客◆visitors from ireland will find much that reminds them of home.来自爱尔兰的游客会发现许多让他们想起故乡的东西。➤visitor to去⋯的参观者◆visitors to the museum去博物馆参观的人 visitor nounvisitor ♦︎ guest ♦︎ caller ♦︎ companythese are all words for a person who visits you, especially in your home.这些词均表示来访者、访问者,尤指到家里来的客人。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a visitor / guest / caller at / from sth◆unexpected visitors / guests / callers / company◆a / an regular / unwelcome visitor / guest / caller◆a / an frequent / surprise / uninvited visitor / guest◆to have visitors / guests / company◆to have got a visitor / company◆to be expecting / entertain / invite visitors / guests◆to welcome the visitors / guests■ visitor [countable] a person who visits you来访者;访问者;客人◆we've got visitors coming for the weekend.周末我们有客人来访。◆do you get many visitors?来探望你的人多吗?◆he is still in hospital and is not well enough to receive visitors.他仍在住院,身体状况还不能接待客人。■ guest [countable] a person that you have invited to your house or to an event that you have organized客人;宾客◆some of the wedding guests were staying in the hotel.有些出席婚礼的宾客住在旅馆里。◆their names were not on the guest list.宾客名单上没有他们的名字。◆my father was the guest of honour (= the most important guest) at the dinner.我父亲在那次晚宴上是贵宾。◆li was there as the guest of (= had been invited by) the president.李以总统客人的身分出席。 ➡ see also guest → tenant ■ caller /kɔːlə(r)/ [countable] a person who goes to a house or other building(来到住所或其他建筑的)访问者,来访者◆never open the front door to a caller unless you know the person.千万不要给来访者开前门,除非你认识那个人。■ company [uncountable] (usually used with the verb have 通常与动词 have 连用) (formal) guests in your home(家中的)宾客,来宾◆i didn't realize you had company.我不知道你有客人。visitor [countable] a person who visits a place访问者;参观者;游客◆the palace is open to visitors from april to september.这座宫殿 4 月至 9 月对游客开放。◆they publish a guide to europe for overseas visitors.他们出版了一本海外游客欧洲游指南。 ➡ see also visit → visit noun , visit → stay verb 2 visitor [countable] a person who visits you来访者;访问者;客人◆we've got visitors coming for the weekend.周末我们有客人来访。◆do you get many visitors?来探望你的人多吗?◆he is still in hospital and is not well enough to receive visitors.他仍在住院,身体状况还不能接待客人。visitor/ˈvɪzɪtə(r) ||; ˈvɪzɪtɚ/noun [c] a person who visits sb/sth 参观者;访客;来宾: ◇visitors to london from overseas 到伦敦观光的海外游客 visitorsee ⇨ visit 6 vis·it·or /`vɪzɪtə; ˈvɪzɪtə/n [c]someone who visits a place or person 游客; 访问者; 参观者; 来客:◇a guidebook for visitors to mexico city 墨西哥城的旅游指南 ☞ visitor




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