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单词 wind up
释义 ☞ wind wind up to find yourself in a place or situation that you did not intend to be in 发现自己处于不理想的境地: ◇we got lost and wound up in a dangerous-looking part of town. 我们迷了路,最后来到镇上一个看来有危险的城区。wind upsee ⇨ finish 4 wind upphr v 1. [i] to go somewhere or do something without intending to [意外地]以…告终,落得…的下场:◇we always wind up doing what she wants to do. 到头来我们总是做了她想要做的事。◇most of them wound up in prison. 他们中的大部分人结果都坐了牢。 2. [i,t wind sth ↔ up] to end an activity, meeting etc 结束[活动、会议等]:◇it's almost 5:00 — we'd better wind things up. 差不多五点钟了,我们最好结束了。 3. [t wind sb ↔ up] bre informal to deliberately say something to annoy someone as a joke 【英,非正式】 [开玩笑地]故意惹恼[某人]




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