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单词 enormous
释义 enormoushuge巨大的;极多的;程度高的◆they've bought an enormous house in the country.他们在乡下买了一所大房子。◆the council has spent an enormous amount of money on this project.地方议会在这个项目上已经投入了巨资。◆the implications of such a proposal are enormous.这个提议影响巨大。opp tiny → small note 辨析 huge or enormous?there is no real difference in meaning between these words and you can usually use either word. however, huge is used slightly more to talk about the physical size of sth, especially a piece of sth.这两个词在含义上没有实质差别,一般可以通用。但是在指某物的体积,尤其是一件东西的体积时,用 huge 的情况稍多◆a huge chunk / pile / boulder / slab / mound / expanse一大块;一大堆;巨石;厚厚的一块;巨型土堆;一大片区域 enormous is used slightly more to talk about the degree of sth such as a feeling, importance or a possibility.指感情、重要性或可能性的程度时,用 enormous 的情况稍多◆enormous fun / pleasure / importance / significance / flexibility / scope极大的乐趣/满足/重要性/意义/灵活度/范围enormous/ɪˈnɔ:məs ||; ɪˈnɔrməs/adj very big or very great 巨大的;庞大的: ◇an enormous building 庞大的建筑◇enormous pleasure 无比的乐趣 ➔enormously adv enormous• ⇨ huge/enormous• ⇨ huge/enormous/immense e·nor·mous /ɪ`nɔrməs; ɪˈnɔːməs/adjextremely big 巨大的,庞大的:◇you should see their house — it's enormous! 你真该看看他们的住宅,真是大极了!◇there's an enormous amount of work to finish. 要完成的工作非常多。 ☞ enormous




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