释义 |
unchecked/ˌʌnˈtʃekt ||; ʌnˈtʃɛkt/adj if sth harmful is unchecked, it is not controlled or stopped from getting worse 未加制止的;不受约束的: ◇the fire was allowed to burn unchecked. 大火听任燃烧,未加扑灭。◇the rise in violent crime must not go unchecked. 暴力犯罪的增加决不能听之任之。◇the plant will soon choke ponds and waterways if left unchecked. 这种植物如果任其蔓延,很快便会把池塘和水道堵塞。 uncheckedsee ⇨ let/allow 5 un·checked /ʌn`tʃɛkt; ˌʌnˈtʃekt◄/adjif something bad continues unchecked, it is allowed to continue 未受制止的,未受抑制的 |