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单词 too
释义 too/tu: ||; tu/adv1. (used before adjectives and adverbs) more than is good, allowed, possible, etc (用于形容词和副词前)太,过于: ◇these boots are too small. 这双靴子太小了。◇it's far too cold to go out without a coat. 天太冷了,不穿外套不能出去。◇it's too long a journey for you to make alone. 路程太远了,你不能单独去。 notice that you cannot say ‘it's a too long journey’. 不能说it's a too long journey。 2. (not with negative statements 不用于否定句) in addition; also 又;也;还: ◇red is my favourite colour but i like blue, too. 红色是我最喜欢的颜色,但我也喜欢蓝色。◇phil thinks you're right and i do too. 菲尔认为你对,我也这样想。 ☞notice that at the end of a clause you use too for agreement with positive statements and either for agreement with negative statements i like eating out and rakesh does too. i don't like cooking and rakesh doesn't either. 肯定句中表示有同感用too,置于分句末尾,否定句中表示有同感用either:i like eating out and rakesh does too.我喜欢上馆子,雷克什也是。·i don't like cooking and rakesh doesn't either.我不爱做饭,雷克什也是。 3. used to add sth which makes a situation even worse (用于补充说明更糟糕的情况)而且,更甚的是: ◇her purse was stolen. and on her birthday too. 她的钱包给人偷了,是在她生日那天。 4. (usually used in negative sentences 通常用于否定句) very 非常: ◇the weather is not too bad. 天气不太坏。 ☞ too/too much too /tu; tuː/adv 1. more than is right or necessary, or more than you want 过于,太:◇he was driving too fast. 他开车开得太快了。◇this dress is much too small for me. 这条连衣裙我穿太小了。◇it's too cold to swim. 天气太冷,不能游泳。◇too much/many $200 for a room? that's far too much. 200 美元一间房? 那也太贵了。 2. also 也,还:◇sheila wants to come too. 希拉也想来。◇"i'm really hungry." "me too!" “我很饿。”“我也是!” 3. not too not very 不太:◇he wasn't too pleased when i told him i was leaving. 我告诉他我准备离开时,他不太高兴。 4. all too/only too used to emphasize that something happens too easily, too often, too much etc 很[用于强调某事发生得过于容易、频繁、多等]:◇this kind of attack happens all too often these days. 如今这一类的袭击事件太多了。usage note 用法说明: too and 和 verycompare 比较 too and 和 very. too is usually used about something bad or unacceptable. too 通常指不好或不能接受的事物:◇it's too cold today. 今天太冷了。◇i can't buy that — it's too expensive. 我不能买那东西 — 太贵了。use very about something that is neither good nor bad, to emphasize something about it. very 用于指不好不坏的事物,有强调之意:◇it's very cold today. 今天很冷。◇our vacation was very expensive, but it was worth it. 我们的假期之旅很贵,但物有所值。use too before adjectives on their own. too 用在单独的形容词之前:◇this coffee is too sweet. 这咖啡太甜了。however, do not use too before an adjective followed by a noun. don't say 'too sweet coffee'. 然而,不能把 too 放在后面跟有名词的形容词前面。不能说 too sweet coffee。 ☞ too




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