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单词 whisky
释义 whisky noun (bre) (name , irishe whiskey) adjective | ... of whisky | verb + whisky/whiskey | whisky/whiskey + noun | phrases adjective➤blended, malt, scotch, single-malt调配的/麦芽/苏格兰/单一麦芽威士忌▸➤bourbon, rye波旁/黑麦威士忌▸➤double, large (both especially bre) 双份/大杯威士忌▸➤single, small (both especially bre) 单份/小杯威士忌▸➤stiff (bre) 烈性的威士忌酒▸➤neat, straight (name) 不掺水的威士忌;纯威士忌◆a neat whisky (bre) 一杯不掺水的威士忌◆a straight whiskey (name) 一杯纯威士忌➤fine, good上等威士忌◆a fine irish whiskey优质爱尔兰威士忌➤cheap廉价威士忌▸➤bootleg私酿的威士忌... of whisky➤drop, nip (especially bre) 一点儿威士忌◆he added a drop of whisky to his coffee.他往咖啡里加了一点儿威士忌。➤measure, shot, tot (especially bre) 标准量的/一小杯/少量威士忌◆a large measure of whisky一大杯威士忌➤bottle, flask, glass, hip flask (bre) 一瓶威士忌;一小扁瓶威士忌;一玻璃杯威士忌;verb + whisky/whiskey➤drink饮威士忌◆do you drink whisky?你喝威士忌吗?➤have喝威士忌◆he had a whisky on the rocks.他要了一杯加冰威士忌。➤pour (sb)(给某人)倒威士忌▸➤sip啜一口威士忌▸➤down, finish把威士忌一饮而尽▸➤distil, make, produce用蒸馏法制威士忌;生产威士忌◆the art of distilling whisky威士忌酒的蒸馏工艺whisky/whiskey + noun➤drinker常喝威士忌的人▸➤bottle, decanter威士忌酒瓶; 细颈威士忌酒瓶▸➤glass, tumbler (especially bre) 威士忌酒杯;平底威士忌玻璃酒杯▸➤barrel威士忌酒桶➤sour威士忌酸酒▸➤chaser (especially bre) 饮淡酒之后饮用的威士忌酒◆he ordered a beer with a whisky chaser.他点了一杯啤酒,外带一小杯威士忌。➤business, company, distiller, distillery, industry, production, sales威士忌酒生意;威士忌酒公司;威士忌酒蒸馏酿酒公司;威士忌酿酒厂;威士忌酿造业;威士忌生产;威士忌销售phrases➤whisky on the rocks (= with ice) 加冰威士忌whisky/ˈwɪski; us ˈhwɪ- ||; ˈhwɪskɪ/noun (plural whiskies) in the us and ireland the spelling is whiskey. 美国及爱尔兰所用的拼写是whiskey。 1. [u] a strong alcoholic drink that is made from grain and is sometimes drunk with water and/or ice 威士忌(酒): ◇scotch whisky 苏格兰威士忌 2. [c] a glass of whisky 一杯威士忌 whis·ky /`hwɪskɪ; ˈwɪski/n [c,u]a strong alcoholic drink made from grain and produced especially in scotland [尤指产于苏格兰的]威士忌酒




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