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单词 unaware
释义 unaware adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤appear, be, seem似乎没有意识到;不知道;好像没察觉到▸➤remain仍然不知道adverb➤completely, entirely, quite, totally, utterly, wholly完全不知道;全然不知道;根本不知道▸➤almost, virtually几乎没意识到;实际上不知道▸➤generally, largely普遍/基本上不知道▸➤apparently, seemingly表面上不知道▸➤evidently, obviously显然不知道▸➤blissfully, blithely乐得不知情◆they remained blissfully unaware of his true intentions.他们依然很开心,对他的真实意图毫不知情。preposition➤of没有意识到 unaware adjectiveunaware ♦︎ oblivious ♦︎ in the dark ♦︎ unsuspecting ♦︎ blind ♦︎ ignorant ♦︎ unwittingthese words all describe people who are not aware of sth or do not know about sth.这些词均表示没意识到、不了解、未察觉。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆unaware / oblivious / ignorant of sth◆oblivious / blind to sth◆an unsuspecting / unwitting victim◆totally unaware / oblivious / unsuspecting / blind / ignorant◆completely / largely unaware / oblivious / in the dark / ignorant◆blissfully unaware / ignorant■ unaware /ʌnəweə(r); name ʌnəwer/ [not before noun] not knowing or realizing that sth is happening or that sth exists不知道;没意识到;未察觉◆he was completely unaware of the whole affair.他对整件事一无所知。◆they were apparently unaware that the girl was only 15.他们显然没想到那女孩才 15 岁。opp aware → aware ■ oblivious /əblɪviəs/ [not usually before noun] not aware of or concerned about sth, especially sth that you ought to be concerned about不知道,未察觉,不关注(尤指理应关注之事)◆he drove off, oblivious to the damage he had caused.他驾车走了,没有注意到他所造成的损害。◆he was totally oblivious of her feelings.他对她的感情浑然不觉。■ in the dark -->idiomknowing nothing about sth(对某事)全然不知◆workers were kept in the dark about plans to sell off the factory.对于出售工厂的计划,工人们还蒙在鼓里。■ unsuspecting [usually before noun] (especially written) not aware of danger or of sth bad毫不怀疑的;无危险意识的;无戒备心的◆the attacker stood waiting in the alleyway for his unsuspecting victim.袭击者站在小巷里,等着毫无戒备的对象下手。◆illegal copies are widely on sale to an unsuspecting public.非法的复制品大量出售给不知情的公众。  ➡ see also trusting → naive ■ blind [not before noun] not noticing or realizing sth(对某事)视而不见的,未察觉的◆she's totally blind to her husband's faults.她完全看不到丈夫的过错。◆i must have been blind not to realize the danger we were in.我当时一定是眼瞎了,竟然没有意识到我们所处的危险。■ ignorant /ɪgnərənt/ [not before noun] not knowing about or realizing sth, especially sth that might affect your actions or opinions if you did know about it不了解,未意识到(尤指若知悉行为或看法可能有所不同)◆at the time i was ignorant of events going on elsewhere.那时我并不了解其他地方发生的事情。■ unwitting [only before noun] (rather formal, written) not aware of what you are doing or of the situation you are involved in不知情的;糊里糊涂的;无意的◆he became an unwitting accomplice in the crime.他糊里糊涂地成了犯罪的帮凶。◆she was the unwitting cause of the argument.她无意中引起了这场争执。unaware /ʌnəweə(r); name ʌnəwer/ [not before noun] not knowing or realizing that sth is happening or that sth exists不知道;没意识到;未察觉◆he was completely unaware of the whole affair.他对整件事一无所知。◆they were apparently unaware that the girl was only 15.他们显然没想到那女孩才 15 岁。opp aware → aware unaware/ˌʌnəˈweə(r) ||; ˌʌnəˈwɛr/adj (not before a noun 不用于名词前) unaware (of sb/sth) not knowing about or not noticing sb/sth 不知道;没注意到;没察觉: ◇she seemed unaware of all the trouble she had caused. 她似乎不知道自己惹了这么多的麻烦。 [opp] aware 反义词为awareunaware• ⇨ be unaware/not be aware un·a·ware /ˏʌnə`wɛr; ˌʌnəˈweə/adjnot noticing or knowing about something 未意识到的; 未察觉到的:◇+ of she seemed completely unaware of what was happening. 她似乎完全不知道发生了什么事。




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