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单词 token
释义 token nounadjective | preposition adjective➤small小纪念品▸➤love爱情信物➤book (bre) 购书券preposition➤as a token of, in token of (formal) 作为⋯的象征◆she presented them with a small gift in token of her thanks.她送给他们一件小礼物表示感谢。◆we hope you will accept this book as a small token of our appreciation.我们希望你能接受这本书,以表我们的感激之情。 token /təʊkən; name toʊ-/ noun [countable] 1.a piece of paper that you can collect when you buy a particular product and then exchange for sth 礼券;赠券◆collect six tokens and get a free t-shirt. 收集到六张礼券可换一件 t 恤衫。2.a round piece of metal or plastic used instead of money to operate some machines or as a form of payment (用于启动机器或支付的)代币,专用辅币◆a parking token 停车专用币◆insert the token in the machine. 将代币插入机器。 (bre) a piece of paper that you pay for and that sb can exchange for sth in a shop/store 票证;代金券◆a book/gift token 书券;礼券4.something that is done, given, etc. as a symbol of how strongly sb feels about sth 象征;标志;表示;信物◆please accept this small gift as a token of our gratitude for your hard work. 请接受这件小小的礼物,作为我们对您辛勤工作的感谢。 token /təʊkən; name toʊ-/ adjective [only before noun] 1.involving very little effort or feeling and intended only as a way of showing other people that you think sb/sth is important, when really you are not sincere 装样子的;装点门面的;敷衍的◆the company made a token effort to improve facilities for staff. 这家公司为员工改善条件只是做做样子。2.done as a symbol 象征性的;作为标志的◆a token one-hour strike (= to show that workers feel strongly about sth) 一小时象征性的罢工◆we make a token (= very small) charge for this service. 这项服务我们只是象征性地收取费用。☞ token☞ tokentoken¹/ˈtəʊkən ||; ˈtokən/noun[c] 1. a round piece of metal, plastic, etc that you use instead of money to operate some machines or as a form of payment 代币(用金属、塑料等制成,代替货币来操作某些机器或作为付款形式) 2. (brit 英) a piece of paper that you can use to buy sth of a certain value in a particular shop. tokens are often given as presents 礼券;赠券: ◇a £10 book/cd/gift token 10英镑书券;激光唱片券;礼品券 ☞look at voucher. 参看voucher。 3. something that represents or is a symbol of sth 象征: ◇please accept this gift as a token of our gratitude. 这份礼物代表我们的谢意,请笑纳。 token²/ˈtəʊkən ||; ˈtokən/adj (only before a noun 只用于名词前) 1. done, chosen, etc in a very small quantity, and only in order not to be criticized 做做样子的;敷衍的: ◇there is a token woman on the board of directors. 董事会中有一名女性成员装点门面。 2. small, but done or given to show that you are serious about sth and will keep a promise or an agreement 象征性的: ◇a token payment 象征性的付款 ☞ token¹☞ token²




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