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单词 toast
释义 toast noun¹ 1bread面包adjective | ... of toast | verb + toast | preposition adjective➤brown, white, wholemeal, wholewheat (name) 黑吐司;白吐司;全麦吐司▸➤dry不涂黄油的吐司➤burned烤焦的吐司➤buttered涂黄油的吐司▸➤cinnamon, french, melba, etc.肉桂、法国、梅尔巴等吐司... of toast➤piece, round, slice一块吐司;一片吐司◆we'll have another round of toast, please.请给我们再拿一片吐司。verb + toast➤make烤面包片◆i'm making toast for breakfast.我在烤早餐吃的面包片。➤butter, spread在烤面包片上涂抹黄油◆buttered toast抹黄油的吐司◆she ate two slices of toast spread with honey.她吃了两片涂有蜂蜜的烤面包片。➤burn烤焦面包片◆i can smell burned toast.我闻到面包片烤糊的味儿。preposition➤on toast在烤面包片上◆for lunch we had cheese on toast. (bre) 我们午餐吃了奶酪烤面包片。toast noun² 2drink饮酒adjective | verb + toast | preposition adjective➤champagne香槟祝酒verb + toast➤make, propose, raise (name) 祝酒◆he raised his glass as if to make a toast.他举起酒杯好像要祝酒。➤drink干杯preposition➤toast to向⋯祝酒◆the bridegroom ended his speech by proposing a toast to the hosts.新郎向主持人敬酒结束了他的讲话。toast verb¹ 1make sth brown and crisp by heating it烘烤adverb➤lightly轻微烘烤◆toast the bread lightly on both sides.把面包两面都微微烘烤一下。toast verb² 2drink to sb/sth敬酒preposition➤with以⋯祝酒◆we toasted his victory with champagne.我们用香槟为他的胜利干杯。toast [transitive, intransitive] to make sth, especially bread, turn brown by heating it in a toaster or close to heat; to turn brown in this way烤(尤指面包);把⋯烤得焦黄◆a toasted sandwich烤过的三明治◆place under a hot grill until the nuts have toasted.把这些坚果放在高温烤架下面烤熟。toast [countable] the act of a group of people wishing sb happiness or success by drinking a glass of sth, especially alcohol, at the same time干杯;祝酒;敬酒◆i'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.我提议为新娘新郎干杯。◆the committee drank a toast to the new project.委员会为这个新项目干杯。▸ toast verb [transitive] ◆we toasted the success of the new company.我们为新公司的成功干杯。toastverb [transitive] ◆we toasted the success of the new company.我们为新公司的成功干杯。toastverb [transitive] ◆we toasted the success of the new company.我们为新公司的成功干杯。toast/təʊst ||; tost/noun1. [u] a thin piece of bread that is heated on both sides to make it brown 烤面包片;吐司: ◇a piece/slice of toast 一片烤面包 2. [c] a toast (to sb/sth) an occasion at which a group of people wish sb happiness, success, etc, by drinking a glass of wine, etc at the same time 干杯;祝酒;敬酒: ◇i'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom. 我想提议为新娘新郎祝酒。 ☞look at drink. 参看drink。 toast verb [t] ☞ toast¹☞ toast²




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