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单词 when
释义 when/wen; us hwen ||; hwɛn/adv conj 1. at what time 什么时候: ◇when did she arrive? 她什么时候到的?◇i don't know when she arrived. 我不知道她是什么时候到的。 2. used for talking about the time at which sth happens or happened (用于指事情发生的时间): ◇sunday is the day when i can relax. 星期天是我可以轻松一下的日子。◇i last saw her in may, when she was in london. 我上次见她是在五月份,当时她在伦敦。◇he jumped up when the phone rang. 电话铃响时他跳了起来。 notice that we use the present tense after ‘when’ if we are talking about a future time i'll call you when i'm ready. 指将来的事时,when之后用现在时:i'll call you when i'm ready.我准备好就打电话给你。 3. since; as; considering that 既然;考虑到: ◇why do you want more money when you've got enough already? 你的钱既然已经够用了,为什么还要更多的呢? ☞ when is used for talking about something that you think or know will happen, but if is used for something you are not sure will happen. compare i'll ask her when she comes (= you are sure that she will come). i'll ask her if she comes (= you are not sure whether she will come or not). when用于认为或知道行将发生的事,if用于不肯定是否会发生的事。比较:i'll ask her when she comes.她来这里时我问问她。·i'll ask her if she comes.如果她来,我会问问她。when1 at or immediately after the time when something happens2 when one thing always happens when another thing happens3 when one thing happens during the time that something else is happening4 ways of asking or mentioning when something happened or will happenrelated wordssee alsotime,during,1. at or immediately after the time when something happens 在某事发生之时或刚发生之后 when /wen/ [conjunction] when i give the signal, turn on the engine. 我发出信号就启动引擎。 when i told her what had happened she was really shocked. 我告诉她发生的事时,她十分震惊。 we'd only just finished cleaning the house when our guests arrived. 客人到的时候,我们刚把房子打扫干净。 you can change when you get back. 你回来后可以换一下衣服。 i quit school when i was 15. 我15岁时辍学。 when completed, the road will link four major cities. 完工后,这条公路将连接四座大城市。2. when one thing always happens when another thing happens 一事总是在另一事发生之时发生 when /wen/ [conjunction] her nose crinkles up when she laughs. 她笑的时候鼻子会皱起来。 when the demand for a product is high, its price tends to rise. 当产品需求大时,价格就会上涨。 i can't understand you when you mumble. 你咕咕哝哝地说,我听不懂你的话。 you know what she's like when she's on the phone. 你知道她打电话的时候是什么样子。 whenever /wenˈevəʳ/ [conjunction] use this when you want to emphasize that something always happens when another thing happens 无论什么时候,每次,每当[用于强调] whenever we come here, we see somebody we know. 我们每次到这里来,都看见熟人。 you should come and talk to me whenever you have a problem. 只要你有问题就应该来跟我说。whenever you can i try to rest whenever i can. 我尽量能休息就休息。 he still visited her whenever he could. 他还是一有时间就去看她。whenever possible she still visits her old schoolfriends whenever possible. 她还是一有机会就去看老同学。 every time /ˌevri ˈtaɪm/ [conjunction] use this when you want to emphasize that something always happens when another thing happens 每回,每次[用于强调] every time she sees me she says looks away. 她每次看见我都把目光移向别处。 every time it rains we get a flood in the bedroom. 每次下雨我们的卧室都进水。 don't ask me for money every time you want to buy a drink. 别每次想喝酒时都问我要钱。3. when one thing happens during the time that something else is happening 在某事发生期间发生另一事 when /wen/ [conjunction] i hurt my shoulder when i was playing football. 我踢足球的时候伤了肩膀。 all this happened when we were living abroad. 这一切发生在我们旅居国外的时候。 when she was at college she wrote for a student newspaper. 她读大学的时候为一家学生报撰稿。 why were you downstairs when everyone else was in bed? 别人都在睡觉,你为什么在楼下? while also whilst british formal /waɪl, waɪlst/ [conjunction] during the time that something is happening - use this to emphasize that something is continuing 在…期间[用于强调某事在继续] my car was stolen while i was on holiday. 我度假的时候车子被偷了。 while she was out of the room, he took a quick look at the papers on her desk. 趁她离开房间时,他看了一眼她桌上的文件。 while sandy was filling out the forms, i called jimmy from the airport. 桑迪在填写表格的时候,我从机场打电话给吉米。 patients often comment upon lack of sleep whilst in hospital. 病人常常埋怨说住院时睡眠不足。 they keep the animals under sedation whilst they're being transported. 在运送过程中他们给动物用了镇静剂。while/whilst doing something they were killed while attempting to reach the summit. 他们在冲顶时丧生。4. ways of asking or mentioning when something happened or will happen 某事何时发生的问法或说法 when /wen/ [adverb/conjunction] when are you leaving for norway? 你什么时候动身去挪威? when did you last have something to eat? 你最后一次吃东西是在什么时候? do you know when the concert will be held? 你知道音乐会什么时候举行吗? i can't remember when i bought this. 我不记得这东西是什么时候买的。 what time /ˌwɒt ˈtaɪm/ [adverb/conjunction] exactly when 什么时间,几点 what time is dinner? 几点吃晚饭? what time did you get in last night? 你昨天晚上是什么时候到家的? what time do you usually get home from work? 你通常几点下班回到家? i don't know what time she's coming home. 我不知道她会几点回家。 at what point /ət ˌwɒt ˈpɔɪnt/ [adverb/conjunction] at what particular time during a process, situation, or activity 在[一个过程、情况或活动中的]什么时候 at what point did you try to stop the fight? 你是什么时候去劝架的? at what point did you realize that your book would never be published? 你是在什么时候意识到你的书永远不会出版的? i'm not sure at what point he began to suspect the truth. 我不确定他是在什么时候开始怀疑事情的真相。 when /hwɛn; wen/adv, linking word 1. at what time 什么时候:◇when are we leaving? 我们什么时候离开?◇when did you notice he was gone? 你什么时候注意到他走了? 2. at or during a particular time 在…的时候:◇i found some old letters when i was clearing out my desk. 我在清理书桌时发现了一些旧信件。◇when she was a little girl she wanted to be an actress. 她小时候想成为演员。 3. used to say when something happens 是[某事发生]的时候:◇monday is the day when i visit my mother. 星期一是我去探望母亲的日子。 4. even though something else is true 既然,考虑到:◇why do you want a new camera when your old one's perfectly good? 既然你的旧照相机已经很好了,为什么还要一架新的呢?→ see also 另见 since when (since²) ☞ when




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