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单词 whatever¹
释义 what·ev·er¹ /hwɑt`ɛvə; wɒtˈevə/determiner, pron 1. any or all of a group of things 任何…的事物; 什么…都:◇just take whatever you need. 你需要什么就尽管拿好了。◇or whatever spoken (=or any other similar thing) 【口】 或任何类似的东西: you can go swimming, scuba diving, or whatever. 你可以去游泳、玩斯库巴潜水,以及诸如此类的活动。 2. used to say that it is not important what happens, what you do, what someone says etc, because the result will be the same in every case 无论什么,不管什么:◇whatever i say, she always disagrees. 无论我说什么,她总是不同意。 3. spoken used when you are surprised or annoyed 【口】 究竟是什么[表示惊讶或生气]:◇whatever are you talking about? 你到底在说什么?




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