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单词 unrelated
释义 unrelated(of facts, activities and events) not connected to sth; not connected with each other(事实、活动和事件)与⋯无联系的;互不相关的◆in my free time i like to do things that are unrelated to my work.业余时间我喜欢做跟工作无关的事。◆the two events were totally unrelated.这两件事毫不相干。opp related → related unrelated/ˌʌnrɪˈleɪtɪd ||; ˌʌnrɪˈletɪd/adj not connected; not related to sth else 无关联的;不相关的: ◇the two events were totally unrelated. 这两件事完全互不相干。 ◇in my free time i like to do things that are unrelated to my work. 在闲暇时,我喜欢做一些与我的工作不相干的事。 un·re·lat·ed /ˏʌnrɪ`letɪd; ˌʌnrɪˈleɪtɪd◄/adjtwo things that are unrelated have no connection with each other 不相关的; 无关的:◇unrelated events 不相关的事件




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