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单词 indeed
释义 indeed/ɪnˈdi:d ||; ɪnˈdid/adv1. (used for emphasizing a positive statement or answer) really; certainly (用于强调肯定的陈述或答复)确实,当然: ◇‘have you had a good holiday?’ ‘we have indeed.’ “假期玩得开心吗?”“很开心。” 2. used after ‘very’ with an adjective or adverb to emphasize the quality mentioned (放在very加形容词或副词后面,用于强调): ◇thank you very much indeed. 实在很感谢你们。◇she's very happy indeed. 她真是高兴极了。 3. (used for adding information to a statement) in fact (用于说话的补充部份)其实,实际上: ◇it's important that you come at once. indeed, it's essential. 你得马上来。这十分重要。 4. used for showing interest, surprise, anger, etc (用于表示兴趣、惊奇、愤怒等): ◇‘they were talking about you last night.’ ‘were they indeed!’ “他们昨晚谈起你来着。”“真的吗?” in·deed /ɪn`did; ɪnˈdiːd/adv 1. used to add more information to support a statement 甚至,其实[用来补充内容,以支持陈述]:◇most of the people were illiterate. indeed, only 8% of the population could read. 那些人绝大部分都不识字,其实,只有 8% 的人口能够阅读。 2. used to emphasize a statement or an answer 确实,实在[用于强调陈述或回答]:◇i enjoyed the concert very much indeed. 我实在很喜欢这场音乐会。◇"vernon is one of the best pilots around." "oh, yes, indeed." “维尔农是这里最好的飞机师之一。”“哦,确实是的。” ☞ indeed




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