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单词 validity
释义 validity nounadjective | verb + validity | preposition adjective➤great极大的效力▸➤equal同样合理◆don't you think that both views have equal validity?难道你不认为这两种观点同样都是合理的吗?➤doubtful, dubious, questionable令人怀疑的/不可靠的/可疑的合法性▸➤face表面的合理◆the theory has the face validity of being consistent with recent findings.这一理论与最新的研究结果相一致,表面上是合理的。➤legal, scientific, statistical法律效力;科学上的合理性;统计上的合理性◆the legal validity of the claims has been challenged.这些索赔的合法性受到质疑。verb + validity➤have具有效力▸➤give sth, lend sth使⋯具有效力;赋予⋯正确性◆his reputation lends a certain validity to the approach that it might not deserve.他的名望赋予这一方法某种其本身可能并不具备的可信性。➤assess, check, determine, establish, evaluate, investigate, test评估/检查/决定/确立/评价/调查/检验有效性◆to assess the scientific validity of new treatments评估新疗法的科学效用➤confirm, uphold确认/维持合法性◆the judges upheld the validity of the previous judgement.法官维持了原判。➤accept, acknowledge, recognize接受/承认/认可正确性➤demonstrate, prove, show表明正确性;证明正确性▸➤cast doubt on, challenge, deny, doubt, question, undermine怀疑正确性;质疑真实性;否认有效性;损害有效性preposition➤of... validity具⋯的正确性◆the results are of doubtful validity.这些结果的正确性值得怀疑。➤validity for在⋯方面的正确性◆the theory's validity for parent-child relationships这一理论在亲子关系方面的正确性 validity /vəlɪdəti/ noun [uncountable] the state of being legally or officially acceptable 有效;合法性◆the period of validity of the agreement 协议的有效期☞ validityvalidity /vəlɪdəti/ noun [uncountable] ◆of course we recognize the validity of that argument.我们当然承认那个论证的合理性。validity /vəlɪdəti/ noun [uncountable] ◆the period of validity of the agreement has expired.本协议的有效期已过。validity /vəlɪdəti/ noun [uncountable] ◆of course we recognize the validity of that argument.我们当然承认那个论证的合理性。validity /vəlɪdəti/ noun [uncountable] ◆the period of validity of the agreement has expired.本协议的有效期已过。 validity /və`lɪdətɪ; vəˈlɪdɪti/n [u]




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