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单词 unemployed
释义 unemployed noun the unemployed adjective | preposition | phrases adjective➤long-term长期失业者preposition➤among the unemployed在失业者中◆the party's policies were popular among the unemployed.该党的政策很受失业者的欢迎。phrases➤the ranks of the unemployed失业大军◆he graduated with a good degree, only to join the ranks of the unemployed.他拿到很好的学位毕了业,却加入了失业大军的行列。unemployed adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, be counted as, be registered (as) (bre) 失业;算作失业者;已登记为失业者▸➤become成为失业者▸➤remain, stay待业➤leave sb, make sb (especially bre) 使某人失业◆the closure of the factory left hundreds of men unemployed.该工厂倒闭导致数百工人失业。adverb➤currently目前失业▸➤newly新近失业▸➤still仍然失业▸➤temporarily暂时失业▸➤chronically, permanently长期失业➤officially正式失业unemployed /ʌnɪmplɔɪd/ adjective1.without a job although able to work 失业的;未被雇用的◆how long have you been unemployed? 你失业多久了?◆an unemployed builder/engineer 失业建筑工人/工程师◆unemployed people/workers 失业人员/工人 syn out of work 2. (usually the unemployed) [plural] people who are unemployed 失业人员;失业者◆a programme to get the long-term unemployed back to work 促使长期失业者重新就业的计划◆the country now has four million unemployed. 这个国家目前有四百万失业者。  ➡  employed , self-employed ☞ unemployed unemployed adjectiveunemployed ♦︎ jobless ♦︎ out of work ♦︎ redundant ♦︎ on the dole ♦︎ on welfarethese words all describe people who do not have a job.这些词均表示失业的、无工作的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆unemployed / jobless people◆unemployed / redundant workers◆currently / still unemployed / out of work◆newly unemployed / redundant◆the long-term unemployed / jobless■ unemployed without a job although able to work失业的;待业的;下岗的◆how long have you been unemployed?你失业多久了?◆he's an unemployed builder.他是个失业的建筑工人。 ➡ see also be employed → work verb 2 ▸ the unemployed noun [plural] ◆we're working on a programme to get the long-term unemployed back to work.我们正致力于一个让长期失业者重新就业的计划。■ jobless (journalism新闻) unemployed失业的;无工作的◆the closure left 500 people jobless.这次倒闭使 500 人失业。ⓘ jobless is used, especially in journalism, to talk about unemployed people as a group; it is not used to talk about individual unemployed people. * jobless 尤用于新闻报道,指作为一个群体的失业者,不用以指个别的失业者◆how long have you been jobless? ■ out of work unemployed失业;无工作◆she had been out of work for a year.她已经失业一年了。  ➡ see also be in work → work verb 2 note 辨析 unemployed or out of work? out of work is used more in everyday conversation, especially when you are talking about a particular person. it can sound less permanent than unemployed, and is therefore a gentler term to use. * out of work 多用于日常会话,尤用以指特定的某个人的状况,听上去不如 unemployed 所指的失业时间久,因此是个较温和的说法。■ redundant /rɪdʌndənt/ (bre) without a job because there is no more work available for you in a company被裁减的◆i've been expecting to be made redundant for a year now.一年来我一直等着被裁减。 ➡ see also make sb redundant → fire verb ■ on the dole --> (bre, informal) without a job and claiming money from the state领失业救济金◆he's been on the dole for a year.他领失业救济金已经一年了。ⓘ a more formal way of saying on the dole is claiming social security/unemployment benefit.较 on the dole 更为正式的说法是 claim social security/unemployment benefit。■ on welfare --> (especially name) without a job and claiming money from the state领社会保障金◆they would rather work than live on welfare.他们宁愿工作而不愿靠社会保障金过活。  ➡ see also welfare → aid unemployedwithout a job although able to work失业的;待业的;下岗的◆how long have you been unemployed?你失业多久了?◆he's an unemployed builder.他是个失业的建筑工人。 ➡ see also be employed → work verb 2 ▸ the unemployed noun [plural] ◆we're working on a programme to get the long-term unemployed back to work.我们正致力于一个让长期失业者重新就业的计划。unemployed/ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd ||; ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd/adj1. not able to find a job; out of work 找不到工作的;失业的: ◇she has been unemployed for over a year. 她已失业一年多。 [syn] jobless 同义词为jobless [opp] employed 反义词为employed 2. the unemployed noun [pl] people who cannot find a job 失业者unemployedsee ⇨ job 5 un·em·ployed /ˏʌnɪm`plɔɪd; ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd◄/adj 1. without a job 无工作的,失业的:◇an unemployed teacher 失业教师 2. the unemployed people who do not have jobs 失业者 ☞ unemployed




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