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单词 thud
释义 thud nounadjective | verb + thud | preposition | phrases adjective➤heavy, loud, resounding沉重的砰声;响亮的砰声▸➤dull, muffled, soft沉闷的砰声;轻微的砰声▸➤sickening令人心惊的砰响verb + thud➤give发出砰声◆she felt her heart give an extra thud.她觉得心怦然一跳。➤make发出砰声◆the boot made a dull thud as it hit the ground.靴子掉在地上,发出砰的一声闷响。➤hear听到砰声▸➤feel感到怦怦的心跳preposition➤with a thud砰的一声◆he hit the floor with a sickening thud.他撞到地板上,发出一声令人厌恶的闷响。phrases➤the thud of a heart, the thud of hooves怦怦的心跳;嘚嘚的蹄声thud verbadverb | preposition adverb➤hard, painfully, wildly (all only used with heart 皆仅与 heart 连用) 剧烈地/猛烈地/狂乱地怦怦跳◆her heart thudded wildly inside her chest.她的心怦怦地狂跳。➤heavily, loudly沉重地/怦怦地跳动preposition➤against撞击⋯发出砰砰声◆the waves thudded against the side of the ship.浪砰砰地打在船舷上。➤into砰的一声钻入⋯◆the sniper's bullets thudded into the wall.狙击手的子弹砰砰地打进墙里。➤on在⋯上发出噔噔声◆steps thudded on the stairs.脚步在楼梯上发出噔噔声。➤with因⋯而怦怦跳◆his heart thudded with excitement.他的心激动得怦怦直跳。thud [countable] a dull sound like the one that is made when a heavy object hits sth else砰的一声;扑通一声◆his head hit the floor with a dull thud.他的头砰的一声撞在了地板上。◆she could hear the thud of her own heartbeat sounding heavily in her ears.她能听见自己怦怦的心跳声重重地在耳际回响。thud/θʌd ||; θʌd/noun [c] the low sound that is made when a heavy object hits sth else 重物坠地的声响;砰的一声: ◇her head hit the floor with a dull thud. 她的脑袋砰的一声叩在地板上。 thud verb [i] (thudding;thudded)thudsee ⇨ sound 5 thud /θʌd; θʌd/n [c]the low sound made when something heavy falls or hits another thing [重物落地或碰击其他东西时发出的]砰然声,闷响声:◇he hit the floor with a thud. 他砰的一声倒在地上。 thudv [i]




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