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单词 uptight
释义 uptight adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, feel, look, seem, sound紧张;觉得不安;看上去愤怒;好像紧张不安;听起来紧张▸➤get紧张起来◆try to laugh at it instead of getting uptight.试着一笑置之,不要紧张。➤make sb使某人精神紧张adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常恼怒▸➤all (informal) 很恼火◆he gets all uptight if anyone criticizes him!如果有人批评他,他就会火冒三丈!➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略有些恼火preposition➤about因⋯而紧张◆he's feeling a little uptight about his exam tomorrow.面临明天的考试,他感到有点儿紧张。uptight /ʌptaɪt/ (informal) anxious and/or angry about sth紧张不安的;愤怒的◆she felt too uptight to do any work.她感到紧张不安,什么工作都干不了。ⓘ you can be uptight as a result of the situation you are in or because it is part of your personality and you are always that way. * uptight 可以是所处情况使人紧张,或是某人个性使然,向来如此◆relax! you're getting too uptight about this.轻松点儿!你对这事太紧张了。◆he's a very uptight person.他是非常容易紧张的人。 opp easy-going → calm adj. uptight/ˌʌpˈtaɪt ||; ˌʌpˈtaɪt/adj (informal 非正式) nervous and not relaxed 紧张: ◇he gets uptight before an exam. 他在考试前往往变得紧张。 uptightsee ⇨ angry 11 ⇨ nervous 3 up·tight /`ʌpˏtaɪt; ˈʌptaɪt/adjinformal nervous and worried, and often easily becoming annoyed 【非正式】 紧张不安的; 易怒的:◇you shouldn't get so uptight about it. 你不该对此事发那样的脾气。




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