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单词 typeface
释义 typeface /taɪpfeɪs/ noun [countable] a set of letters, numbers, etc. of a particular design, used in printing (印刷用的)字体◆the heading should be in a different typeface from the text. 标题和正文应该使用不同的字体。☞ typefacetypeface/ˈtaɪpfeɪs ||; ˈtaɪpˌfes/noun [c] a set of letters, numbers, etc of a particular design, used in printing 字体: ◇i'd like the heading to be in a different typeface from the text. 对标题和文章我喜欢用不同字体。 type·face /`taɪpˏfes; ˈtaɪpfeɪs/n [c]a group of letters, numbers etc of the same style and size, used in printing [印刷用的]字体




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