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单词 well-being
释义 well-being [uncountable] general health and happiness健康;安乐◆being with my family gives me a wonderful sense of well-being.和家人在一起给我一种安适愉快的美妙感觉。well-being [uncountable] the general good health, happiness or comfort of a person or community(个人或团体的)健康,幸福,安乐◆physical and emotional well-being are closely linked.身体健康与情绪健康紧密相连。◆this industry is vital to the economic well-being of the city.该行业对这个城市的经济繁荣至关重要。◆she was filled with a sense of well-being.她充满了安适康乐的感觉。note 辨析 welfare or well-being?sb's welfare is their level of health, happiness or safety, whether this is good or bad. * welfare 指健康状况、幸福指数或安全程度,不论其好坏高低◆she was filled with a sense of welfare. well-being is a level of health, happiness or comfort that is good; it is not usually used to talk about sb's safety. * well-being 指健康、幸福、安乐的上佳状态,通常不指某人的安全状况◆we are concerned about the child's well-being. ˈwell-beingnoun [u] a state of being healthy and happy 健康;幸福 well-be·ing /ˌ· ˈ··/n [u]a feeling of being comfortable, healthy, and happy 健康; 幸福




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