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单词 well
释义 well noun¹ 1for water水井adjective | verb + well | well + verb | phrases adjective➤deep, shallow深井;浅井▸➤dry枯井▸➤water水井▸➤artesian自流井➤wishing许愿井verb + well➤dig, sink挖井;打井➤fall down坠井◆the dog fell down a well.狗落入了井中。well + verb➤run dry井变干涸phrases➤at the bottom of a well在井底well noun² 2for oil油井adjective | verb + well adjective➤oil油井▸➤new新油井verb + well➤drill钻井 well /wel/ noun [countable] = oil well 2.a deep hole in the ground from which people obtain water 水井☞ well well adjectivewell ♦︎ all right ♦︎ ok ♦︎ fine ♦︎ healthy ♦︎ strong ♦︎ fit ♦︎ good ♦︎ greatthese words all describe sb who is not ill and is in good health.这些词均表示健康的、身体好的。synonym scale 词义标尺下图显示这些词所表达健康的程度all right ○ ok ○ well ○ healthy ○ strong ○ fit ○ good ○ fine ○ greatpatterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆all right / ok / fit for sth◆all right / ok / fit to do sth◆to feel / look well / all right / ok / fine / healthy / strong / fit / good / great◆to keep (sb) well / healthy / fit◆to get well / strong / fit◆perfectly well / all right / ok / fine / healthy / fit◆very / extremely / apparently well / healthy / fit◆physically well / healthy / strong / fit◆fit and well / healthy / strong■ well [not usually before noun] (especially spoken) in good health健康;身体好◆i'm not feeling very well.我觉得身体不太好。◆you're looking well.你看起来棒极了。◆is he well enough to travel?他身体怎么样,能旅行吗?◆wait till you're better before you go back to work.等你好些了再去上班吧。◆i hope you're keeping well.希望你健健康康的。◆'how are you?' 'very well, thanks.'“你好吗?”“很好,谢谢。”◆get well soon (= a message on a greetings card to sb who is ill).愿早日康复。◆ (informal) he's not a well man.他身体不太好。ⓘ well is used especially to talk about your own health, to ask sb about their health or to make a comment on it. it is also used to talk about sb's health at a particular time, for example when they have just recovered from an illness. * well 尤用于谈论自己的健康、询问或评论对方的身体状况。还用于谈论某人特定时期的健康状况,如刚刚病愈之时。 opp sick , ill , unwell → sick 1 ■ all right [not before noun] (rather informal, spoken) not feeling ill; not injured无病;平安无恙◆are you feeling all right?你感觉还好吧?◆i'm all right now.我现在没事了。■ ok (also okay) [not before noun] (informal, spoken) not feeling ill; not injured无病;平安无恙◆are you ok?你感觉还好吧?◆he should be ok for the game on saturday.他参加星期六的比赛应该没问题。note 辨析 all right or ok?these words are slightly less positive than the other words in this group. they are both used in spoken english to talk about not actually being ill or injured, rather than being positively in good health. both are rather informal but ok is slightly more informal than all right. both words also mean 'safe'.与本组词的其他词相比,这两个词的正面含义略少,都用于口语中表示无病或无伤,而非身体健康。两个词都是非正式用语,但是 ok 较 all right 更不正式。两个词都有安全之意。  ➡ see also the entry for safe 1另见 safe 条第 1 义■ fine [not before noun] (not used in negative statements; not used in the comparative or superlative不用于否定陈述;不用于比较级或最高级形式) (especially spoken) completely well健康;身体好◆'how are you?' 'fine, thanks.'“你身体好吗?”“非常好,谢谢。”◆she was absolutely fine throughout the pregnancy.她在怀孕期间一直感觉良好。ⓘ fine is used especially to talk about your own health, especially when sb asks you how you are. it is also used to talk about sb's health when you are talking to sb else. unlike well it is not often used to ask sb about their health or make a comment on it. * fine 尤用于在对方询问自己的健康状况时作答,还用于与对方谈论另一人的身体状况。与 well 不同的是,fine 不常用于询问或评论对方的健康状况◆are you keeping fine? ◆you're looking fine! ■ healthy in good health and not likely to become ill健康的;健壮的◆keep healthy by eating well and exercising regularly.通过良好饮食和经常锻炼保持健康。◆she gave birth to a healthy boy.她生下了一个健康的男婴。◆here are ten tips for a healthy heart.以下是保持心脏健康的十个小窍门。opp sickly , unhealthy → sick 1  ➡ see also health → health ■ strong in good health and not suffering from an illness健康的;强壮的;身体好的◆after a few weeks she was feeling stronger.几周之后,她感觉好多了。ⓘ strong is often used to talk about becoming healthy again after an illness. * strong 常用于谈论病后恢复健康。 opp weak → weak  ➡ see also strength → force noun ■ fit (especially bre) in good physical health, especially because you take regular physical exercise(尤指因经常运动)健壮的,健康的◆i used to go swimming every day in order to keep fit.我曾经每天游泳以保持健康。◆a reasonably fit adult should have no difficulty with the climb.健康状况良好的成年人爬上去应该没问题。ⓘ fit can be used in the phrases fit for sth and fit to do sth, to mean 'well enough to do sth'. it is often used in the context of sport to say that a sportsman or woman has recovered from an injury and is able to play or compete. * fit 可用于短语 fit for sth 和 fit to do sth 中,意为身体够好,可以做某事。这个词常用于体育语境中,表示运动员伤后恢复竞技状态◆he's been ill and isn't fit enough for work yet.他一直病着,还不能工作。◆he should be fit to play in the match tomorrow.他的身体条件应该能参加明天的比赛。◆she won't compete unless she's fully fit.她在完全恢复之前不会参加比赛。 opp unfit → sick 1  ➡ see also fitness → health ■ good (of a person or part of the body) healthy(人或身体部位)健康的,强健的ⓘ when used in this meaning about a person, good is usually used in negative statements. * good 表示人身体健康时,通常用于否定句◆i don't feel too good today.今天我感觉身体不太好。however, in informal american english, it can also be used in positive statements, both as an adjective and an adverb.但是在非正式的美式英语中,good 也可作形容词和副词用在肯定句中◆ (name, informal) 'how are you?' 'i'm good, thanks!'“你身体怎么样?”“挺好,谢谢。”◆i'm doing good.我身体还不错。ⓘ good can also be used to talk about a part of the body that is one of a pair, especially an eye or ear, when the other one of the pair is not healthy or does not work properly. * good 还可以指眼睛或耳朵等一对器官中健康的、能正常运作的那个◆can you speak into my good ear?你能冲着我听得见的那只耳朵说话吗? opp bad → sick 1 , bad → injured ■ great (rather informal, especially spoken) in a very good state of physical or mental health身体健康的;心情愉快的◆i feel great today.我今天感觉特别好。◆everyone's in great form.每个人的状态都非常好。◆she seemed in great spirits (= very cheerful).她好像心情很不错。wellto a great extent or degree很;相当;大大地;远远地◆he was driving at well over the speed limit.他当时的车速远远超过了限速。◆it's a well-loved tale of love and romance.这是个深受喜爱的浪漫爱情故事。◆the castle is well worth a visit.这座城堡很值得参观。◆he liked her well enough (= to a reasonable degree) but he wasn't going to make a close friend of her.他挺喜欢她的,但并不打算和她结为密友。ⓘ in informal spoken british english, well can be used in place of 'very'.在非正式英式英语口语中,可以用 well 代替 very◆ (bre, informal, spoken) i was well annoyed, i can tell you.我可以告诉你,我当时很气恼。well [not usually before noun] (especially spoken) in good health健康;身体好◆i'm not feeling very well.我觉得身体不太好。◆you're looking well.你看起来棒极了。◆is he well enough to travel?他身体怎么样,能旅行吗?◆wait till you're better before you go back to work.等你好些了再去上班吧。◆i hope you're keeping well.希望你健健康康的。◆'how are you?' 'very well, thanks.'“你好吗?”“很好,谢谢。”◆get well soon (= a message on a greetings card to sb who is ill).愿早日康复。◆ (informal) he's not a well man.他身体不太好。ⓘ well is used especially to talk about your own health, to ask sb about their health or to make a comment on it. it is also used to talk about sb's health at a particular time, for example when they have just recovered from an illness. * well 尤用于谈论自己的健康、询问或评论对方的身体状况。还用于谈论某人特定时期的健康状况,如刚刚病愈之时。 opp sick , ill , unwell → sick 1 well¹/wel ||; wɛl/adv (better;best) 1. in a good way 好: ◇you speak english very well. 你的英语说得很好。◇i hope your work is going well. 我希望你工作顺利。◇you passed your exam! well done ! 你考试及格了!干得好!◇he took it well when i told him he wasn't on the team. 我对他说他没有入选球队的时候,他没有显得难受。 [opp] badly 反义词为badly 2. completely or fully 完全;充分: ◇shake the bottle well before opening. 开瓶子前先彻底摇匀。◇how well do you know henry? 你对亨利有多少了解? 3. very much 很;相当;大大地: ◇they arrived home well past midnight. 他们回到家时早已过了半夜。◇she says she's 32 but i'm sure she's well over 40. 她说她32岁,但我敢肯定她远远不止40岁。◇this book is well worth reading. 这本书很值得一读。 4. (used with can, could, may or might) probably or possibly (与can、could、may或might连用)可能: ◇he might well be right. 他很可能是对的。 5. (used with can, could, may or might) with good reason (与can、could、may或might连用)有理由,理所当然: ◇i can't very well refuse to help them after all they've done for me. 他们为我做了那么多事,我没有理由不帮助他们。◇‘where's bill?’‘you may well ask! (= i don't know either)’ “比尔在哪里?”“我也不知道!” as well (as sb/sth) in addition to sb/sth 也;亦: ◇can i come as well? 我也来行吗?◇he's worked in japan as well as italy. 他曾在日本和意大利工作。 ☞look at the note at also. 参看also的注释。 augur well/ill for sb/sth→augurbode well/ill (for sb/sth)→bodedo well 1. to be successful 成功: ◇their daughter has done well at university. 他们的女儿在大学成绩很好。 2. to be getting better after an illness 逐渐康复: ◇mr singh is doing well after his operation. 辛格先生手术后已经逐渐康复。 do well to do sth used to say that sth is the right and sensible thing to do (用于表示做某事是正确和理智的): ◇he would do well to check the facts before accusing people. 他在指责别人以前最好先了解一下事实。 may/might (just) as well used for saying that sth is the best thing you can do in the situation, even though you may not want to do it (用于表示做某事虽不愿意但也无妨): ◇i may as well tell you the truth -- you'll find out anyway. 我不妨把真相告诉你吧─反正早晚你都会知道。 mean well→mean¹well and truly completely 完全;彻底: ◇we were well and truly lost. 当时我们完全迷了路。 well/badly off→off¹well²/wel ||; wɛl/adj (better /ˈbetə(r) ||; ˈbɛtɚ/ best /best ||; bɛst/) (not before a noun 不用于名词前) 1. in good health 健康: ◇‘how are you?’ ‘i'm very well, thanks.’ “你好吗?”“很好,谢谢。”◇this medicine will make you feel better. 这药吃了会让你好一点。◇ get well soon (= written in a card that you send to somebody who is ill). 祝你早日康复。 2. in a good state 处于良好状态;如意: ◇i hope all is well with you. 祝你万事如意。 all very well (for sb)(informal 非正式) used for showing that you are not happy or do not agree with sth (用于表示不高兴或不同意): ◇it's all very well for her to criticize (= it's easy for her to criticize) but it doesn't help the situation. 她批评倒容易,但于事无补。 (just) as well (to do sth) sensible; a good idea 明智;好主意: ◇it would be just as well to ask his permission. 最好还是取得他的同意。 ☞look at it is just as well (that) at just. 参看词条just下的it is just as well (that)。well³/wel ||; wɛl/exclamation 1. used for showing surprise (用于表示惊讶): ◇well, thank goodness you've arrived. 啊,谢天谢地,你终于到了。 2. used for expressing uncertainty (用于表示不肯定): ◇‘do you like it?’ ‘well, i'm not really sure.’ “你喜欢这个吗?”“唔,我不敢肯定。” 3. used when you begin the next part of a story or when you are thinking about what to say next (用于接续或转换话题): ◇well, the next thing that happened was... 嗯,接着发生的是…◇well now, let me see... 好,我看看… 4. used to show that you are waiting for sb to say sth (用于表示正在等待某人说话): ◇well? are you going to tell us what happened? 嗯?你是不是打算把发生的事告诉我们? 5. used to show that you want to finish a conversation (用于表示想结束谈话): ◇well, it's been nice talking to you. 唔,跟你说话真让人高兴。 6. (also oh well) used for showing that you know there is nothing you can do to change a situation (用于表示无可奈何): ◇oh well, there's nothing we can do about it. 唉,我们无能为力。 well/wel ||; wɛl/verb [i] well (out/up) (used about a liquid) to come to the surface (指液体)浮上表面: ◇tears welled up in her eyes. 她热泪盈眶。 well⁴/wel ||; wɛl/noun[c] 1. a deep hole in the ground from which water is obtained 井;水井: ◇to draw water from a well 从井里抽水 2. =oil wellwellsee ⇨ good 2 ⇨ healthy/unhealthy 1     • • •• ⇨ be not (very) well• ⇨ be well• ⇨ be well thought of• ⇨ do (sth) well• ⇨ do well• ⇨ get well• ⇨ go down well• ⇨ go well• ⇨ if all goes well• ⇨ mean well• ⇨ not feel (very) well• ⇨ well-known/well known☞ well¹☞ well²☞ well³☞ well⁴☞ well⁵




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