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单词 yard
释义 yard noun¹ 1piece of land next to a building院子adjective | verb + yard adjective➤front前院➤back (usually backyard) , rear (especially bre) 后院➤church (usually churchyard) , farm (usually farmyard) , kitchen, school (especially name) 教堂墓园;农家场院;院子;学校操场◆kids playing in the school yard在学校操场玩耍的孩子们➤livery, stable代养马房➤exercise, prison(监狱里的)犯人放风场地◆the prisoners were taken to the exercise yard.囚犯们被带到了放风场地。verb + yard➤enter, leave进入/离开院子◆he entered the yard through the back gate.他从后门进入了院子。◆i left our school yard at recess and ran home.课间休息时,我离开学校跑回了家。➤enclose, surround围住/包围院子◆the yard was enclosed by a high wire fence.院子四周围着高高的铁丝网。yard noun² 2 (name) piece of land next to a house with grass庭园;花园  ➡ see also garden adjective | verb + yard | yard + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤back (usually backyard) , front, side后花园;前花园;侧花园➤big, huge, large大花园➤small, tiny小花园;微型花园➤fenced有围栏的花园◆i have a well fenced yard far away from roads.我有一个远离马路、四周有围栏的花园。verb + yard➤mow, rake, water给花园刈草;用耙耙平花园;给花园浇水◆my next-door neighbor was watering her yard.我的隔壁邻居在给她的花园浇水。➤landscape对花园进行景观美化◆i've landscaped my tiny front yard with tall grasses.我用了一些高大的草来美化屋前的小花园。➤decorate装饰花园◆the outside yard was decorated with orange lights.外边的花园装饰着橘黄色的灯。➤fence给花园围上围栏◆the front yard is fenced for privacy.房前的花园围上了围栏以获得私密性。➤cover覆盖花园◆most of the yard was covered with leaves.花园大部份地方都覆盖着树叶。➤cross穿过花园◆we crossed the yard to my house.我们穿过花园来到我家。➤enter, leave进入/离开花园➤overlook俯瞰花园◆the huge bay window overlooking the yard能俯瞰花园的大飘窗yard + noun➤sale庭院旧货出售◆i held a yard sale to get rid of my old stuff.我在院子里搞了个旧货出售以处理旧东西。➤sign院子里插的广告牌◆the first bush-cheney yard sign appeared on my street last week.上周,第一块布什与切尼的广告牌出现在我家所在街道的一个庭院里。preposition➤in yard在院子里◆she was standing in the yard.她正站在院子里。phrases➤the corner of the yard, the edge of the yard, the middle of the yard, the side of the yard院子的角落/边缘/中央/侧面yard noun³ 3area used for a special purpose专用场地adjective | phrases adjective➤lumber (usually lumberyard) (name) , timber (bre) 贮木场◆wood from a lumber yard来自木料场的木头➤freight, marshalling, rail, railroad, railway (bre) 货场;(铁路货运)编组场;调车场➤boat (usually boatyard) , ship (usually shipyard) , shipbuilding船坞;修船厂;造船厂➤breaker's, junk (usually junkyard) (especially name) , salvage, scrap (usually scrapyard) (especially bre) 拆船厂;废品场◆the steam tug was on her way to the breaker's yard at the end of her naval service.从海军退役后,这艘蒸汽拖轮被送往拆船厂。◆salvage yards with cars that are being sold for parts拆卸汽车出售零部件的废品场➤repair, storage修理场;存车场phrases➤a builder's yard, the knacker's yard (both bre) 建筑场地;老弱马匹屠宰场◆a horse condemned to the knacker's yard被宣布无用要送往屠宰场的马◆the company is heading for the knacker's yard. (figurative) 这家公司正在走向破产。yard noun⁴ 4unit of measurement测量单位  ➡ note at measure yard /jɑːd; name jɑːrd/ noun [countable] 1. (usually with other nouns 通常与其他名词连用) an area of land used for a special purpose or business (用于特定用途的)场地◆a boat yard 船坞◆a freight yard 货场 (abbreviation yd) a unit for measuring length, equal to 3 feet or 0.9144 of a metre 码(长度单位,等于 3 英尺或 0.9144 米) ●the whole nine yards (especially name) (informal) everything; a situation that includes everything 一切;所有◆when i went out of business i lost everything—my house, the cars, the whole nine yards. 我破产后失去了一切 ── 房子、汽车、所有的一切。 salvage yard ☞ yardyard /jɑːd; name jɑːrd/ [countable] (bre) an area outside a building, usually with a hard surface and a surrounding wall院子◆the children were playing in the yard at the front of the school.孩子们在学校前面的空地上玩耍。◆they rode out of the stable yard.他们骑马出了马厩院子。yard [countable] (usually in compounds通常用于构成复合词) an area of land used for building or growing sth(建造或种植某物的)区域,场地◆a shipyard船坞◆a construction yard建造场◆a vineyard (= for growing grapes to make wine) 为酿酒而种植的葡萄园yard [countable] (name) a garden园圃;园地◆i had to cut the grass in the yard.我得修剪院子里的草。◆they have a gorgeous old oak tree in their front yard.他们的前院里有一株非常漂亮的老橡树。ⓘ in british english a yard is an area outside a building with a hard surface and no grass.在英式英语中,yard 指建筑物外的硬质地面、不长草的庭院。  ➡ see also yard → courtyard yard/jɑ:d ||; jɑrd/noun[c] 1. (brit 英) an area outside a building, usually with a hard surface and a wall or fence around it 庭院;院子: ◇a school/prison yard 学校的操场;监狱的放风场 ☞look at courtyard and churchyard. 参看courtyard及churchyard。 2. (us 美) =garden¹(1) 3. (usually in compounds 通常用于构成复合词) an area, usually without a roof, used for a particular type of work or purpose 场地;工场: ◇a shipyard/boatyard 造船厂◇a builder's yard 建筑工地 in british english the piece of land belonging to a house is a garden if it has grass, flowers, etc, and a yard if it is made of concrete or stone. in american english this piece of land is a yard whether it has grass or not. 在英国英语里,属于房子范围及种植了花草的地方称为garden,铺混凝土或石块的叫做yard。在美国英语里,不管有没有种植花草都叫yard。 ☞picture on page c7 见c7页插图 4. (abbr yd) a measure of length; 0.914 of a metre. there are 3 feet in a yard 码(长度单位,相当于0.914米或3英尺): ◇our house is 100 yards from the supermarket. 我们的房子距超级市场100码。 yard /jɑrd; jɑːd/n [c] 1. written abbreviation 缩写为 yd; a unit for measuring length, equal to 3 feet or 0.9144 metres 码[长度单位,等于3英尺或0.9144米] 2. ame an area of land next to a house, usually covered with grass 【美】 [房子周围常铺有草地的]庭院,院子; garden bre 【英】:◇somebody kicked a ball into our front yard. 有人把球踢进我们的前院里。 3. an area of land with a wall around it, next to a building [建筑物四周有围墙的]院子:◇i waited in the yard outside the police station. 我在警察局外面的院子里等。 4. an area of land used for a particular purpose [用于某一目的的]场地:◇a builder's yard 建筑工场→ see also 另见 backyard ☞ yard




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