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单词 undertone
释义 undertone nounadjective | verb + undertone | preposition adjective➤dark, sinister邪恶的暗示;阴险的弦外之音➤subtle隐约的弦外之音➤bitter, sarcastic愤愤不平的/尖酸刻薄的弦外之音▸➤racist, sexual种族主义的弦外之音;性暗示◆the article was full of racist undertones.这篇文章充满了隐晦的种族主义论调。➤political, religious政治寓意;宗教暗示◆there are hints of political undertones throughout the movie.这部电影从头到尾都能找到带有政治寓意的内容。verb + undertone➤carry, have有弦外之音◆his voice carried bitter undertones.他的声音中带着愤愤不平的弦外之音。preposition➤in an undertone用低音◆'i don't think she's been told yet,' he said in an undertone.“我认为还没有人告诉她呢。”他低声说道。◆the couple at the next table were speaking in undertones.邻桌的夫妇在轻声交谈。undertone/ˈʌndətəʊn ||; ˈʌndɚˌton/noun [c] a feeling, quality or meaning that is not expressed in a direct way 言外之意;隐含的意思或感情 in an undertone;in undertones in a quiet voice 低声 undertonesee ⇨ meaning 5 un·der·tone /`ʌndəˏton; ˈʌndətəʊn/n [c] 1. a feeling or quality that you notice 潜在的情感[意思]; 含意:◇the political undertones of sartre's work 沙特作品的政治意味 2. in an undertone in a low quiet voice 低声地,小声地




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