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单词 understanding
释义 understanding noun¹ 1knowledge of a subject, of how sth works, etc.认识;理解adjective | ... of understanding | verb + understanding | preposition | phrases adjective➤complete, comprehensive, full完全了解;全面了解◆he showed a full understanding of the sequence of events.他对事情的来龙去脉一清二楚。➤growing逐渐增加的了解▸➤accurate, clear, deep, detailed, fundamental, in-depth, intimate, keen, profound, proper, real, solid, sophisticated, thorough, true准确的理解;清楚的了解;深入的了解;详细的了解;根本的认识;深刻的认识;敏锐的理解;恰当的了解;真正的理解;可靠的认识;高深的理解;完全理解◆you need to read more widely to gain a proper understanding of the issue.要准确理解这个问题,你需要进行更广泛的阅读。➤adequate, basic, broad, general, sufficient充分的/基本的/宽泛的/大概的/足够的理解▸➤limited, rudimentary, superficial有限的/初步的/表面的认识◆she has only a limited understanding of what the job involves.她对这份工作所涉内容的了解十分有限。➤incomplete, poor不完全的/很少的了解◆he had a poor understanding of international law.他对国际法了解甚少。➤better, deeper, greater, improved, increased, richer更好的了解;更深的了解;更多的认识;增加的认识;更丰富的认识◆an improved understanding of the mechanisms involved对所涉机制的更多了解➤conceptual, critical, rational, theoretical概念上的/批判性的/理性的/理论上的理解▸➤historical, musical, scientific, etc.历史角度、音乐角度、科学角度等的理解➤contemporary, modern当代的/现代的认识➤conventional, traditional传统的理解▸➤instinctive, intuitive本能的/凭直觉的理解▸➤collective, common集体的/共同的理解◆some religions have a common understanding of the nature of a divine being.一些宗教对神的本质有同样的认识。➤popular, public大众的/公众的理解◆with a view to increasing public understanding of the functions and institutions of government旨在增进公众对政府职能和制度的了解... of understanding➤degree, level理解程度/水平◆it allowed him to deepen his degree of understanding even further.这进一步加深了他的理解。◆the students seem to have a reasonable level of understanding of how genes work.学生们似乎对基因的作用原理有一定的理解。verb + understanding➤have, possess理解▸➤demonstrate, show证明/表示理解▸➤reflect反映出理解◆this change of policy reflects a growing understanding of the extent of the problem.政策的这一改变反映出对这个问题的理解日益加深。➤lack缺乏理解▸➤achieve, acquire, arrive at, gain, obtain得到理解;达成理解➤create, provide有助于理解◆this creates a better understanding of organic farming.这有助于更好地理解有机农业。➤give sb使某人了解⋯➤facilitate有助于理解➤inform, shape有助于理解⋯;形成对⋯的理解◆all of this research informs our understanding of how disease processes work.所有这些研究有助于我们理解疾病的发展过程。➤alter, change改变对⋯的理解▸➤advance, broaden, deepen, develop, enhance, enrich, expand, extend, further, improve, increase, refine增进理解;拓宽理解;加深认识;完善认识◆a book that will deepen your understanding of global warming会加深对全球变暖理解的一本书➤seek力图了解◆scientists are seeking a better understanding of the process.科学家们试图更好地认识这一过程。preposition➤understanding about理解⋯➤understanding of对⋯的理解◆the book aims to give children a balanced understanding of food and the environment.这本书旨在使孩子们对食物和环境有一个全面的理解。phrases➤a lack of understanding缺乏理解understanding noun² 2intelligence领悟力adjective | verb + understanding | preposition adjective➤human人类智慧verb + understanding➤pass令人无法理解◆a level of cruelty that passes human understanding令人无法理解的残忍preposition➤beyond (your) understanding无法理解◆how children change so quickly is beyond my understanding.我无法理解孩子们怎么会变得这么快。◆such attitudes are beyond understanding.这种态度难以理解。understanding noun³ 3ability to feel sympathy and trust体谅adjective | verb + understanding | preposition adjective➤deeper, great进一步的/更深的谅解▸➤common, mutual, shared共同理解;相互理解➤sympathetic带有同情的谅解◆she gave me a look filled with sympathetic understanding.她看了我一眼,目光中充满同情。➤international国际间的谅解➤cross-cultural, cultural跨文化的/文化上的谅解verb + understanding➤show表现出谅解◆he didn't show much understanding towards / toward her when she lost her job.她失业的时候他并没有对她表现出多少体谅。➤bring, bring about, develop, lead to达成谅解;促成谅解◆greater contact between the two groups should lead to a better mutual understanding.两个集团更多的接触应该会增进彼此的谅解。➤have有了谅解▸➤gain, grow in增进了解◆after spending a month living together, they have gained a better understanding of each other.一起生活了一个月之后,他们增进了对彼此的了解。➤build达成谅解◆our goal was to build shared understanding between the two communities.我们的目标是在两个社群之间达成共识。➤foster, promote促进了解preposition➤understanding among⋯之间的理解◆a force for understanding among the races促进不同种族之间相互理解的力量➤understanding between⋯之间的了解◆the association fosters a deeper understanding between prisons and the public.该协会致力于促进监狱和公众之间加深了解。➤understanding for对于⋯的理解◆she suddenly had a new understanding for her mother.她突然对妈妈有了新的认识。understanding noun⁴ 4informal agreement非正式协议adjective | verb + understanding | preposition adjective➤written书面协议▸➤verbal口头协议▸➤implicit, tacit, unspoken心照不宣的协议;默契◆there is an unspoken understanding that hugh will be in charge while jane is away.大家有了默契,简不在的时候由休来负责。verb + understanding➤have有协议▸➤come to, reach达成协议◆they came to an understanding on when final payment was to be made.他们就最后付款日期达成了协议。preposition➤understanding between⋯之间的协议◆an understanding between the companies to fight against the proposed tax reform公司之间达成的反对税制改革提案的协议➤understanding on关于⋯的协议◆a tacit understanding on the need for a pay rise加薪需求方面的默契➤understanding with与⋯之间达成的协议◆i have a clear understanding with any lawyer i hire.我与我雇用的所有律师都有明晰的协议。➤on the understanding在⋯条件下◆i thought you gave me the book on the understanding that i could keep it.我以为你给我这本书就是让我留着。 understanding noununderstanding ♦︎ sense ♦︎ insight ♦︎ conception ♦︎ comprehension ♦︎ grasp ♦︎ appreciation ♦︎ depththese are all words for sb's ability to understand situations, subjects, etc.这些词均表示理解力、洞察力、领悟力。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆sb's understanding / sense / conception / comprehension / grasp / appreciation / depth of sth◆beyond (sb's) understanding / (sb's) conception / (sb's) comprehension / sb's grasp◆an understanding / a sense / an insight / the conception / an appreciation that...◆(a) good understanding / sense / insight / comprehension / grasp / appreciation◆a proper understanding / sense / grasp / appreciation◆a thorough understanding / comprehension / grasp / appreciation◆an adequate understanding / conception / comprehension / grasp / appreciation◆(a) historical / musical understanding / sense / insight / appreciation◆to have an understanding / a sense / (an) insight / a conception / a comprehension / a grasp / an appreciation / depth◆to show understanding / a sense / insight / a grasp / an appreciation◆to increase / enhance your understanding / your sense / insight / comprehension / your appreciation◆to improve your understanding / your sense / insight / comprehension / grasp◆to develop / gain an understanding / a sense / an insight / an appreciation◆a level of understanding / insight / comprehension / appreciation◆a lack of understanding / insight / comprehension / appreciation / depth■ understanding [uncountable, singular] the knowledge that sb has of a particular subject or situation(对某个主题或状况的)理解,领悟,了解◆the committee has little or no understanding of the problem.委员会对这个问题了解不多或根本不了解。◆the vastness of the universe is beyond human understanding.宇宙的广袤无垠超出了人类的理解范围。◆his writings reflect a good understanding of the society he lived in.他的文学作品反映出他对自己所生活的社会有深刻的了解。opp misunderstanding → illusion ■ sense [singular] an understanding of sth; an ability to make sensible judgements about sth理解力;判断力◆she always had a strong sense of personal responsibility (= an understanding that she is responsible for her own actions).她一向有很强的个人责任感。◆babies seem to have an innate sense of rhythm (= an ability to respond to the beat of music).婴儿似乎有天生的节奏感。◆one of the most important things in a partner is a sense of humour (= the ability to find things funny or make people laugh).伴侣身上最重要的素质之一是幽默感。◆i've got a hopeless sense of direction (= ability to know where i am and where i am going in relation to other places).我的方向感糟透了。◆always try to keep a sense of proportion (= the ability to know what is important in relation to other things).随时都要把握好轻重缓急。◆ed doesn't have any dress sense (= the ability to know what clothes look good) at all!埃德对服装完全没有判断力!◆i developed a certain road sense (= the ability to travel on roads safely) during my years as a cyclist.我在骑自行车的那些年间养成了一定的道路安全意识。ⓘ in this meaning sense is nearly always used in the phrases a/sb's sense of sth and dress/road sense.表达此义时,sense 几乎总是用于短语 a/sb's sense of sth 和 dress/road sense。■ insight /ɪnsaɪt/ [uncountable, countable] (often approving) the ability to understand the truth about people or situations; an understanding of what sth is like洞察力;领悟;洞悉;了解◆she was a writer of great insight.她是拥有深刻洞察力的作家。◆i hope you've gained some insight into the difficulties we face.我希望你对我们面临的困难已有所了解。◆the book gives us some fascinating insights into life in mexico.这本书生动地展现了墨西哥的生活。■ conception /kənsepʃn/ [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) an understanding or belief of what sth is or what sth should be理解(认为某事怎样或应该怎样)◆he has no conception of what it's like to be unemployed.他还不知道失业的滋味是什么。◆i had a rather romantic conception of life in the country.我对乡村生活的理解相当浪漫。■ comprehension /kɒmprɪhenʃn; name kɑːmprɪhenʃn/ [uncountable, singular] (rather formal, especially written) the ability to understand sth理解力;领悟力◆his behaviour was beyond comprehension.他的举止令人费解。◆the task requires a good comprehension of complex instructions.这项任务要求对复杂的指令有良好的领悟力。■ grasp /grɑːsp; name græsp/ [singular] a person's understanding of a subject(对某主题的)理解,领会◆she has an excellent grasp of english grammar.她对英语语法掌握得非常好。◆such complicated instructions are beyond the grasp of most of our students.这些复杂的指令是我们的大多数学生所不能理解的。■ appreciation /əpriːʃieɪʃn/ [uncountable, singular] (rather formal) a full or sympathetic understanding of a situation, problem or subject理解;体谅;同情◆i had no appreciation of the problems they faced.我没有体谅到他们所面临的问题。◆candidates should have a broad appreciation of contemporary issues.候选人对当代问题应该要有广泛的理解。 ➡ see also appreciate → know 1 ■ depth [uncountable] (approving) the quality of knowing or understanding a lot of details about sth; the ability to provide and explain these details渊博;深刻;洞察力◆a writer of great wisdom and depth有卓越智慧和洞察力的作家◆a job that doesn't require any great depth of knowledge不需要多么高深知识的工作◆his ideas lack depth.他的想法缺乏深度。  ➡ see also deep → serious 3 understanding [countable, usually singular] an informal agreement between two people or groups(非正式的双方)协议◆we finally came to an understanding about what hours we would work.我们最终就工作时间达成了一致意见。◆i thought you gave me the book on the understanding that i could keep it.我以为你给我那本书就是答应送给我了。understanding [uncountable, countable] the particular way in which sb understands sth理解;看法;解释◆my understanding of the situation is...我对形势的看法是⋯◆students will gain an active understanding of the workings of parliament.学生对议会的运作方式将会得到深切了解。  ➡ see also understand → conclude understanding (approving) showing sympathy for other people's problems and being willing to forgive them when they do sth wrong善解人意的;富有同情心的;体谅人的◆she has very understanding parents.她的父母非常谅解她。  ➡ see also understand → understand 2 , understanding → sympathy noun understanding [uncountable, singular] the ability to understand why people behave in a particular way and show them sympathy when things go wrong理解;谅解;体谅◆please try to show a little more understanding.请尽量多表现出一点体谅。◆we are looking for a better understanding between the two nations.我们正在寻求两国间进一步的相互了解。 ➡ see also understanding → sensitive adj. 1 understanding [uncountable, singular] the knowledge that sb has of a particular subject or situation(对某个主题或状况的)理解,领悟,了解◆the committee has little or no understanding of the problem.委员会对这个问题了解不多或根本不了解。◆the vastness of the universe is beyond human understanding.宇宙的广袤无垠超出了人类的理解范围。◆his writings reflect a good understanding of the society he lived in.他的文学作品反映出他对自己所生活的社会有深刻的了解。opp misunderstanding → illusion understanding¹/ˌʌndəˈstændɪŋ ||; ˌʌndɚˈstændɪŋ/noun1. [u] [sing] the knowledge that sb has of a particular subject or situation 知识;认识: ◇a basic understanding of physics is necessary for this course. 修读这门课程必须对物理学有基本认识。◇he has little understanding of how computers work. 他对计算机原理所知甚少。 2. [c] [usu.sing] an informal agreement 非正式协议或协议;谅解: ◇i'm sure we can come to / reach an understandingabout the money i owe him. 关于我欠他的钱,我肯定我们能达成谅解。 3. [u] the ability to know why people behave in a particular way and to forgive them if they do sth wrong or bad 体谅;通情达理 4. [u] the way in which you think sth is meant 诠释;理解;领会: ◇my understanding of the arrangement is that he will only phone if there is a problem. 我对安排的理解是:除非出现问题,否则他不会打电话来。 on the understanding that... only if...; because it was agreed that... 在…条件下;基于协议: ◇we let them stay in our house on the understanding that it was only for a short period. 我们让他们住在我们家,条件是他们只住一段短时间。 understanding²/ˌʌndəˈstændɪŋ ||; ˌʌndɚˈstændɪŋ/adj showing kind feelings towards sb; sympathetic 体谅的;通情达理的 understandingsee ⇨ agree 6 ⇨ kind 2 ⇨ meaning 7 ⇨ sympathize 5,6 ⇨ understand/not understand 7☞ understanding¹☞ understanding²




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