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单词 write-up
释义 ☞ writeupˈwrite-upnoun [c] an article in a newspaper or magazine in which sb writes what he/she thinks about a new book, play, product, etc ﹙报刊上的﹚评论,评述,评介: ◇the performance got a good write-up in the local press. 当地报纸刊登了赞扬这次演出的评论文章。write-upsee ⇨ judge 5 write-up /ˈ· ·/n [c]a piece of writing in a newspaper, magazine etc, in which someone gives their opinion about a new book, film etc [报刊上对新书、新影片等的]评论(文章):◇the album got a good write-up in dj magazine. 这张专辑在《唱片骑师》杂志上受到一篇文章的好评。




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