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单词 way
释义 way noun¹ 1method/style方法;方式adjective | ... of ways | verb + way | preposition | phrases adjective➤convenient, easy, effective, efficient, good, ideal, practical, quick, simple, useful便利的方式;容易的方法;有效方式;高效方式;好办法;理想方法;实用的方法;快捷的方式;简单的方法;有用的方法◆the best way to open it is with pliers.这个最好用钳子来开。➤appropriate, proper, right合适的方法;妥善的方法;正确办法▸➤wrong错误方法▸➤normal正常办法▸➤traditional传统方式▸➤obvious明显的方式➤sure-fire必定成功的方法◆a sure-fire way to get him to do whatever i want必定让他完全按我的意愿做事的方法➤important重要方法◆the most important way to stop accidental drownings is by education.预防溺水事故的最好办法是加强安全教育。➤subtle含蓄的方法◆there is no subtle way to tell someone that you no longer want them.没有什么委婉含蓄的方法可以告诉别人你不再需要他们。➤clever, ingenious巧妙的方法◆i would think of some clever way to get myself out of this situation.我会想出妙计以摆脱这种局面。➤possible可能的方法◆they've explored every possible way of dealing with the problem.他们探索过各种可能用来处理这个问题的方法。➤alternative, different备选的办法;不同的方法➤myriad, several, various无数/几种/各种方法◆students develop those skills in myriad ways.学生们用各种方法来培养那些技能。➤same, similar相同的方法;类似的办法➤unique独特的方法◆a unique way of settling disputes解决争端的独特方法➤new新方法▸➤old旧方法➤old-fashioned过时的方法◆we did it the old-fashioned way.我们做这件事用的是老办法。➤funny, mysterious, odd, strange有趣的方式;神秘方法;怪办法;奇怪的方法◆god works in mysterious ways.主的行事方式神秘莫测。➤meaningful有意义的方式◆they have never contributed in any meaningful way to our civilization.他们从来没有给我们的文明作过任何有益的贡献。➤hard痛苦的方式◆he learned about the dangers of drugs the hard way.他吃了一番苦头后才懂得了毒品的危险。➤friendly友善的方式▸➤winning (often figurative) 取胜之道◆the team got back to their winning ways with a 2-1 victory.球队以 2 比 1 赢得比赛,重新踏上了胜利征程。◆she isn't known for her winning ways (= for being likeable).她的出名并不是因为可爱。➤creative, innovative创造性的/创新性的方法◆we are searching for innovative and creative ways to solve the many problems facing us.我们正在寻求新颖、有创意的方法来解决我们所面临的许多问题。➤cost-effective有成本效益的方法◆a cost-effective way to boost performance提高性能的划算方法... of ways➤number几种方法◆there are a number of ways to overcome this problem.解决这个问题有许多途径。verb + way➤have有办法◆fate has a way of changing the best of plans.命运可以改变最完美的计划。➤explore, look at, seek探寻方法;寻找方法◆to look at ways of improving language teaching寻找改进语言教学的途径➤develop, devise, discover, figure out, find, identify形成方法;设计方案;找到办法;发现方法◆they believe he'll figure out a way to make it work.他们相信他会想出办法让它发挥作用。➤create, invent创造方法◆artists began to invent new ways of painting.艺术家开始创造新的画法。➤change, mend改变方式;纠正方法◆your father is unlikely to change his ways now.你父亲现在不大可能改变他的作风。➤choose选择方式◆i chose a different way of collecting data.我选择了一种不同的收集数据的方法。➤react以⋯方式作出反应◆we expect computers to react a certain way, in certain situations.我们预料到电脑在某些情况下会作出某种反应。➤be set in方法一成不变◆grandma is so set in her ways.奶奶的行事方式就是这样一成不变。preposition➤in a/the way在某方面◆can i help you in any way?我能帮你什么忙吗?phrases➤in a certain way在某种程度上◆in a certain way, all of that is true.那一切在某种程度上都是对的。➤in a big way大量地◆he then started spending money in a big way.他那时开始大把地花钱。➤in every way在各方面◆they're different in every way.无论从哪方面看,他们都不一样。➤in more ways than one不止一个方面◆they're alike in more ways than one.他们在很多方面很相像。➤in its/your own way以⋯特有的方式◆he was attractive in his own way.他有他的迷人之处。➤in some ways在某种程度上◆it's more interesting, in some ways, to watch what's going on behind the scenes here.在某种程度上,在这里看后台发生的一切更有趣。➤a... kind of way, a... sort of way有些⋯◆he was a handsome man in a sinister sort of way.他是个英俊男子,透着点儿邪气。➤one way or another无论如何;不管怎样◆one way or another, i'm going to make it.不管怎样,我将会成功的。➤in one way or another在某方面◆most people are creative in one way or another.大多数人都具有某方面的创造力。➤that's one way of putting it那只是一种说法◆'she has a slightly abrasive manner.' 'well, that's one way of putting it!'“她的态度有点儿粗鲁。”“噢,那只是你的说法!”➤put another way换个说法◆do you remember? or, put another way, do you know?你记得吗?或者说,你知道吗?➤the way things are, the way things are going现状;从事态发展来看◆she is content with the way things are.她对现状感到满意。◆the way things are going, i think that's achievable.根据目前的情况,我觉得那个目标能够实现。➤a way of life生活方式◆the beliefs and practices of the hindu way of life印度教生活方式的信仰与实践➤ways and means方法;手段◆newspapers have ways and means of getting hold of secret information.报纸总有办法搞到秘密消息。way noun² 2route/road路线adjective | verb + way | preposition | phrases adjective➤best, quickest, right, shortest最佳途径;最快捷的途径;正确道路;最短路线▸➤wrong错误的道路▸➤own, separate (figurative) 自己的路;不同的路◆he's always gone his own way when it comes to design.在设计方面,他总是走他自己的路。➤roundabout迂回的方式◆this is a roundabout way of saying that nothing has been accomplished.这是委婉之词,事情其实一无所成。verb + way➤go走⋯路◆i'm going your way, so we can walk together.我走你那条路,这样咱们可以一起走。◆when we finished school, we all went our separate ways. (figurative) 毕业之后,我们就都各奔东西。➤part分开◆we parted ways once we went off to college.上大学后我们就分开了。➤go out of (figurative) 特地◆she went out of her way to help them.她不辞劳苦地帮助他们。➤keep out of, stay out of (both figurative) 躲开◆let's keep out of her way while she's in such a bad mood.她心情不好,我们不要打扰她。➤bar, block, get in, stand in挡路;堵塞道路;碍事◆a fallen tree blocked the way.一棵倒下的树堵塞了道路。◆he wanted to go to college and would let nothing stand in his way. (figurative) 他想上大学,不会让任何事情阻碍他的。➤clear, pave, prepare, smooth (all figurative) 开辟道路;铺平道路;排除障碍◆the withdrawal of troops should clear the way for a peace settlement.撤军将为和平解决争端开辟道路。➤give, make (= allow sb/sth to go first or take your place) 让路;让位◆give way to traffic already on the roundabout. (bre) 给已经驶上环岛的车辆让路。◆the storm gave way to bright sunshine. (figurative) 暴风雨过后阳光灿烂。◆make way for the guests!给客人让路!◆tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland.为了开辟草场,热带雨林给砍伐掉了。➤edge, feel, grope, inch, make, push, thread, weave, wend, wind, work挤身过去;摸索着前进;缓慢地移动;前进;推搡着挤开一条路;穿行;迂回前行;蜿蜒前行;艰难地前进◆he edged his way along the wall.他贴着墙侧身前行。◆the river wound its way through the valley.河水蜿蜒流过山谷。➤claw, cut, elbow, fight, force, hack, pick, shoulder, shove抓住东西费力前行;披荆斩棘前进;用肘推搡着前进;奋力前进;挤过去;小心翼翼地走;侧身挤过去;挤出一条路◆she fought her way up to the top of the company. (figurative) 她一路奋斗到了公司的最高层。◆we picked our way carefully over the jagged rocks.我们在犬牙交错的岩石中小心翼翼地前行。➤bluff, talk, trick (figurative) 蒙混过关;凭说话摆脱困境;靠耍手腕过关◆she bluffed her way through the exam.她考试蒙混过关了。➤weasel, worm耍滑头过关;慢慢行进◆he had somehow wormed his way into her affections.他还是设法慢慢地博得了她的欢心。➤snake蜿蜒行进◆the procession snaked its way through the town.游行队伍蜿蜒穿过小镇。➤lose迷路;忘记意图◆she lost her way in the fog.她在大雾中迷了路。◆this project seems to have lost its way. (figurative) 这个项目似乎背离了原来的意图。➤find找寻出路◆he couldn't find a way through the bracken.他在蕨丛中找不到出路。◆we will eventually find a way out of the crisis. (figurative) 我们最终会找到摆脱危机的方法。➤manoeuvre/maneuver, navigate巧妙前行;确定行车路线◆he had to navigate his way through the city's one-way streets.他不得不开着车在该市的单行道上穿行。➤ask (sb)(向某人)问路◆she asked him the way to the station.她向他询问去车站的路。➤tell sb给某人指路▸➤know认识路◆do you know the way?你认识路吗?➤come (figurative) 被⋯遇到◆have any interesting articles come your way recently?你最近读到什么有意思的文章了吗?preposition➤along the way沿路◆we saw a dreadful accident along the way.途中我们看到了一起可怕的事故。➤in the/your way挡路◆there were several rocks in the way.有几块岩石挡住了路。➤out of the/your way不挡路◆could you please get those boxes out of my way?劳驾您把这些箱子搬开,不要拦住我的路好吗?➤on the/your way在途中◆we stopped for a snack on the way here.我们来这儿的途中停下来吃了点儿东西。➤out of the/your way不挡路;不在⋯要走的路上◆the library is slightly out of my way.我去图书馆不太顺路。➤way across穿过⋯的路◆the way across the fields is longer but pleasanter.穿过田间的路远一些,但走起来更惬意。➤way from从⋯开始的路◆the quickest way from my edinburgh to glasgow从我所在的爱丁堡到格拉斯哥最快的路➤way out of离开⋯的路◆can you tell me the way out of here?你能告诉我出去的路吗?➤way through通过⋯的路◆the way through the woods is quicker.穿过树林走更快些。➤way to到⋯的路◆the easiest way from my house to yours从我家到你家最好走的路线phrases➤take the easy way out以最简单的方法解决难题◆he took the easy way out and paid someone to write the article for him.他只求方便,干脆雇人代笔写文章。➤the way back, the way forward回去的路;向前的路◆on the way back, he invited me to his home for drinks.回去的路上,他邀请我去他家喝一杯。➤the way down, the way up下去的路;上去的路➤the way here, the way over, the way there来这儿的路;过去的路;到那儿的路➤the way home回家的路◆we stopped for a drink on the way home.在回家途中我们停下来喝了点儿东西。➤the way in, the way out进来的路;出去的路➤the way north, south, etc.向北、向南等的路◆we didn't stop on the way north.在向北走的路上我们没有停下来。➤on your merry way一意孤行◆then he went off on his merry way.然后他执意离开了。way noun³ 3direction/position方向;位置adjective | verb + way | phrases adjective➤both两个方向◆look both ways before crossing the road.过马路前要左右看看。➤opposite反方向◆i went the opposite way.我朝反方向走。➤right正确的方向▸➤wrong错误的方向◆they've gone the wrong way.他们走错路了。verb + way➤go走⋯方向◆which way did she go?她朝哪个方向走了?➤lead, point, show带路;指路◆he showed us the way.他给我们指了路。➤head朝⋯走◆there's a huge storm heading this way.有一场强风暴正朝这边袭来。➤walk走⋯方向◆walk this way, please.请这边走。➤look朝⋯方向看◆he looked my way, but didn't seem to recognize me.他朝我这边看,但好像没认出我来。phrases➤the... way around, the... way round (especially bre) 把⋯面转过来◆try it the other way around.倒过来试试。➤the... way up把⋯面朝上◆which way up does this box go?这个箱子哪边朝上?➤way to go! (used to express approval表示称赞) (informal, especially name) 做得好!◆way to go! i wish i could do that!太棒了!真希望我也能做到!way noun⁴ 4distance in space/time空间或时间的距离adjective | verb + way | preposition | phrases adjective➤long远距离▸➤little, short短距离;近距离verb + way➤come, go走⋯的距离;取得⋯进展◆we had to go a long way before we found a place to eat.我们不得不走很长一段路才找到吃饭的地方。◆the study of genes has come a long way in recent years. (figurative) 最近几年的基因研究取得了很大进展。preposition➤way from, way to离⋯的/到⋯的距离◆it's quite a way from my house to the station.从我家到车站颇有一段距离。phrases➤all the way全程◆this bus doesn't go all the way so you'll have to change.这趟公交车是区间车,所以你必须换乘。➤the whole way (name) 一路上◆the whole way to arizona去亚利桑那州的一路上➤the whole way through从头至尾◆i watched the movie the whole way through.我从头至尾看了这部电影。➤quite a way, some way颇有一段距离◆it's quite a way to walk to the station.走到车站颇有一段距离。➤a... way ahead, a... way away, a... way off有⋯时间◆your birthday is still a long way off.距离你的生日还有很长时间。way noun 1➤in a friendly way以友好的方式➤the easiest way to do it做这事最简便的方法➤the quickest way home最快的回家之路way ♦︎ approach ♦︎ style ♦︎ mannerthese are all words for the particular way in which sb does sth.这些词均表示作风、处事方式。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a way / style / manner of (doing) sth◆in a (...) way / style / manner◆a traditional / conventional / different way / approach / style / manner◆a / an casual / informal / formal way / approach / style / manner◆the usual way / approach / style / manner◆a new way / approach / style◆an effective way / approach / manner◆the right / wrong way / approach / manner◆to have / adopt a way / an approach / a style / a manner◆to change a way / your approach / a style◆to develop a way / an approach / a style◆to try a way / an approach■ way [countable] how sb does sth; how sth happens(做事的)作风,方式;(事情发生的)方式◆try to approach this in a sensible way.尽量理性地处理这一问题。◆he has a way of staring at you that is very unnerving.他盯着人看的样子让人心慌。◆you won't impress the judges that way.那样不会给裁判留下深刻印象。◆i like the way (that) you did that.我喜欢你处理那件事的方式。◆infectious diseases can be passed on in several different ways.传染病能以几种不同的方式传播。■ approach [countable] a way of thinking about or dealing with a problem or subject(思考或处理问题的)方式,态度,方法◆the school has adopted a firmer approach to discipline.学校采取了较强硬的态度解决纪律问题。◆she favoured the direct approach.她较喜欢那直接的方法。 ➡ see also approach → tackle verb ■ style [countable] the particular way in which a person does sth or deals with other people(做事或待人接物的)方式,作风◆his aggressive style of play sometimes got him into trouble.他那种盛气凌人的比赛风格有时让他陷入困境。◆what's her teaching style like?她的教学方法如何?◆i like your style!我喜欢你的风格!◆caution was not her style (= not the way she usually behaved).她不是那种谨小慎微的人。note 辨析 way or style? way usually tells you how sb does sth on a particular occasion; style tells you how sb usually does sth: sb's style is part of their personality. * way 通常指特定场合的处理方式。style 指一贯的做事风格,是个性的一部份。■ manner [singular] (formal) a particular way in which sb does sth or sth happens, especially the way that sb behaves towards people(尤指对待他人的)举止,态度,方式◆she answered in a business-like manner.她回答得利落而有条理。◆the manner in which the decision was taken is extremely regrettable.作出决定的方式非常令人遗憾。way noun 2➤in a friendly way以友好的方式➤the easiest way to do it做这事最简便的方法➤the quickest way home最快的回家之路way ♦︎ method ♦︎ technique ♦︎ means ♦︎ process ♦︎ mechanism ♦︎ system ♦︎ methodologythese are all words for a particular thing that you do in order to do or achieve sth.这些词均表示方法、手段。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a method / technique / means / process / mechanism / system / methodology for (doing) sth◆a way / method / technique / means / system / methodology of (doing) sth◆an effective way / method / technique / means / mechanism / system◆a good / practical way / method / technique / means / system◆a simple way / method / technique / means / process / system◆a / the traditional way / method / technique / means / system / methodology◆a new way / method / technique / means / system / methodology◆an alternative way / method / technique / means / methodology◆to use a method / technique / means / process / system / methodology◆to adopt a method / technique / system / methodology◆to devise / develop a way / method / technique / means / process / system / methodology◆to find a way / method / means / system◆to change a way / method / system / methodology◆a method / technique / mechanism / system works■ way [countable] the things that you do in order to do or achieve sth方式;方法;手段◆there are several possible ways of dealing with this problem.有几种方法可以处理这个问题。◆that's not the way to hold a pair of scissors!那样拿剪子不对!◆i prefer to do things the easy way.我做事力求简便。◆we should have done it my way!我们本应该用我的方法来做这件事!◆i generally get what i want one way or another.我一般总能想方设法得到我想要的东西。■ method [countable] one of the ways in which sth can be done, especially a way that is made up of several stages方法;办法;措施◆he's quite critical of modern teaching methods.他对现代教学法颇有微词。◆this is a simpler method for making bread.这是制作面包更为简便的方法。◆there are various methods of dealing with this problem.解决这个问题的方法很多。■ technique /tekniːk/ [countable] a particular way of doing sth, especially one that involves a special skill or that you need to learn and practise技巧;技艺;工艺◆the artist combines different techniques in the same painting.这位艺术家在同一幅画中把不同的画法结合在一起。◆you will learn various techniques for dealing with difficult customers.你将学会应对难缠的顾客的不同技巧。◆he needs to improve his throwing technique.他需要改进掷球技巧。■ means [countable] something that you use or do as a way of achieving sth方式;方法;途径◆tv is a highly effective means of communication.电视是一种高效的传播手段。◆what means of transport did they use?他们用了哪种交通工具?◆we will use whatever means are necessary.我们将采用任何必要的手段。◆the load was lifted by means of (= using) a crane.货物是用起重机吊起来的。■ process [countable] a method of doing or making sth, especially one used in industry做事方法;工艺流程;工序◆they are made using the most advanced manufacturing processes.它们是用最先进的制造工艺生产出来的。 ➡ see also process → treat verb 2 ■ mechanism /mekənɪzəm/ [countable] (rather formal) a way of achieving sth方法;机制◆various mechanisms are in place for dealing with emergencies.处理紧急情况的不同机制已经建立起来。◆simple repetition was regarded as an effective learning mechanism.简单的重复曾被认为是有效的学习方法。■ system [countable] a particular way of doing sth, especially one that involves a planned and fixed series of actions that you follow each time方法;系统;体制◆this is a highly effective system for storing data.这一系统能高效地贮存数据。◆once your systems are in place you can concentrate on the main focus of your business.一旦体制建立起来,你就可以把精力集中在主要业务上。 ➡ see also systematic → efficient ■ methodology /meθədɒlədʒi; name meθədɑːlədʒi/ [uncountable, countable] (formal) a set of methods and principles used to perform a particular activity(从事某一活动一系列的)方法,原则◆please give a brief outline of your research methodology.请简要概括你的研究方法。◆different people adopt different methodologies.不同的人采用不同的方法。way noun 3➤in a friendly way以友好的方式➤the easiest way to do it做这事最简便的方法➤the quickest way home最快的回家之路way ♦︎ route ♦︎ direction ♦︎ line ♦︎ path ♦︎ orbit ♦︎ course ♦︎ bearingthese are all words for the road, or piece of land, water or air that you travel on, across or through in order to get somewhere.这些词均表示道路、路线。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a way / route / path / course to sth◆a / the way / route / line / path / course◆a / the way / route / line / path / course through / along / across sth◆on the way / route / path◆in sb / sth's way / line / path◆in the direction / line / path of sth◆the right / wrong way / route / direction / path / course◆the shortest way / route / line / path / course◆the quickest way / route◆a straight line / path / course◆the opposite / other way / direction◆a direct way / route / line / path / course◆to follow a way / a route / a line / a path / an orbit / a course◆to take a way / route / direction / path / course◆to block the / sb / sth's way / route / line / path◆to know the way / route◆to change direction / course■ way [countable, usually singular] the route or road that you must take in order to reach a place; the route that sb/sth is moving along; the general position that sb/sth is moving towards路线;道路;方向◆i stopped to ask the way.我停下来问路。◆they had to fight their way through the crowd.他们得奋力在人群中挤过去。◆get out of my way! i'm in a hurry!让开!我有急事!◆she was going my way, so we talked as we walked.她和我同路,所以我们边走边聊。◆they bought some supplies on the way.他们在路上买了些补给品。◆which way did they go?他们往哪儿边去了?◆he narrowly avoided a car coming the other way (= towards him).他差一点没躲过对面开来的车。■ route [countable] a way that you follow to get from one place to another, especially one that you plan in advance; a fixed way along which a bus, train, etc. regularly travels or goods are regularly sent(尤指事先规划好的)路线,路途;(公共汽车、火车等的)常规路线◆it's the best route into the city from the south.这是从南面进城的最佳路线。◆motorists are being advised to take an alternative route.建议驾驶者另选道路。◆we'll have to plan our route carefully.我们得仔细计划路线。◆we took the scenic route through the hills.我们选择了山中风景优美的那条路。◆is the hotel on a bus route?那个旅馆在公交线上吗?◆these were the ancient trade routes between europe and asia.这些曾经是欧亚之间的古代贸易之路。▸ route verb [transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) ◆satellites route data all over the globe.卫星向全球各地传递信息。■ direction [countable, uncountable] the general position that sb/sth moves or points towards; the general position that sb/sth comes or develops from方向;方位;方面◆he ran off in the direction of the river.他朝着河的方向跑走了。◆the plane was flying in a northerly direction.飞机正向北飞去。◆the road was blocked in both directions.这条路双向堵塞。◆when the police arrived, the crowd scattered in all directions.警察赶到后,人群四处散开。◆i had lost all sense of direction (= i did not know which way to go).我已经完全迷失了方向。◆support came from an unexpected direction.没想到在那个方面获得了支持。 ➡ see also direct → aim verb , direct → take 2 ■ line [countable, usually singular] the direction that sb/sth is moving or situated in; a route from one place to another, especially when it is used for a particular purpose(行进的)方向;(所处的)方位;(尤指有特定目的的)路线◆they followed the line of the river for three miles.他们沿着那条河走了 3 英里。◆try to keep the boat sailing in a straight line.尽量使船保持直线航行。◆they were directly in the line of fire (= the direction that sb is shooting in).他们恰好就在射程之内。◆their aim was to block the enemy's supply lines (= the route that supplies come along).他们的目的是要封锁敌人的供给线。■ path [countable] a line along which sb/sth moves; the space in front of sb/sth as they move路线;道路◆the diagram shows the path of the satellite between 10.20 and 10.34.图表显示这颗卫星在 10:20 和 10:34 之间的轨迹。◆the avalanche destroyed everything in its path.雪崩所到之处一切尽毁。■ orbit /ɔːbɪt; name ɔːrbɪt/ [countable, uncountable] a curved path followed by a planet or object as it moves around a star or planet(天体等运行的)轨道◆there are slight changes in the earth's orbit around the sun.地球环绕太阳的轨道有微小的变化。◆the satellite went into orbit last month.上个月这颗卫星进入轨道。◆he spent eleven months in orbit (= in space).他在太空待了十一个月。 ➡ see also orbit → spin verb ■ course [uncountable, countable, usually singular] the direction or route followed by a ship or aircraft(船或飞机的)航向,航线◆the plane was off course (= was not following the correct route).飞机偏离了航线。◆the ship set a course for (= started to sail towards) the christmas islands.该船开始进入去圣诞岛的航线。■ bearing /beərɪŋ; name berɪŋ/ [countable, usually plural] (technical术语) a direction measured from a fixed point using a compass(用罗盘确定的)方位◆the log records the ship's bearings, wind direction and speed.航海日志记录了该船的方位、风向和航速。◆you'll learn how to take your bearings with a compass.你将学会用罗盘定位。◆they took compass bearings on the tower.他们在高塔上用罗盘确定了方位。way [countable, usually singular] a means of going into or leaving a place, such as a door or gate出入通道;门口◆is this the way in / out?这是入口/出口吗?◆they escaped out the back way.他们从后门逃走了。way [countable] how sb does sth; how sth happens(做事的)作风,方式;(事情发生的)方式◆try to approach this in a sensible way.尽量理性地处理这一问题。◆he has a way of staring at you that is very unnerving.他盯着人看的样子让人心慌。◆you won't impress the judges that way.那样不会给裁判留下深刻印象。◆i like the way (that) you did that.我喜欢你处理那件事的方式。◆infectious diseases can be passed on in several different ways.传染病能以几种不同的方式传播。way [countable] the things that you do in order to do or achieve sth方式;方法;手段◆there are several possible ways of dealing with this problem.有几种方法可以处理这个问题。◆that's not the way to hold a pair of scissors!那样拿剪子不对!◆i prefer to do things the easy way.我做事力求简便。◆we should have done it my way!我们本应该用我的方法来做这件事!◆i generally get what i want one way or another.我一般总能想方设法得到我想要的东西。way [countable, usually singular] the route or road that you must take in order to reach a place; the route that sb/sth is moving along; the general position that sb/sth is moving towards路线;道路;方向◆i stopped to ask the way.我停下来问路。◆they had to fight their way through the crowd.他们得奋力在人群中挤过去。◆get out of my way! i'm in a hurry!让开!我有急事!◆she was going my way, so we talked as we walked.她和我同路,所以我们边走边聊。◆they bought some supplies on the way.他们在路上买了些补给品。◆which way did they go?他们往哪儿边去了?◆he narrowly avoided a car coming the other way (= towards him).他差一点没躲过对面开来的车。way¹/weɪ ||; we/noun1. [c] a way (to do sth/of doing sth) a particular method, style or manner of doing sth 方法;方式;手段: ◇what is the best way to learn a language? 什么是学习语言的最好方法?◇i've discovered a brilliant way of saving paper! 我发现了一个节省纸张的妙法!◇they'll have to find the money one way or another. 他们无论如何得筹到那笔钱。◇he always does things his own way. 他总是按自己的方式办事。◇she smiled in a friendly way. 她友善地微笑。 2. [c] [usu.sing] the route you take to reach somewhere; the route you would take if nothing were stopping you 路线: ◇can you tell me the way to james street? 请问到詹姆斯街怎么走?◇which way should i go to get to the town centre? 到市中心我该走哪一条路?◇if you lose your way, phone me. 如果你迷了路,打电话给我。◇we stopped on the way to leeds for a meal. 我们在往利兹的途中停下来吃饭。◇can i drive you home? it's on my way. 我开车送你回家好吗?反正顺路。◇get out of my way! 别挡着我的路!◇can you move that box -- it's in my / the way. 请把那个箱子搬开─它挡住(我的)路了。 3. [sing] a direction or position 方向;位置: ◇look this way! 往这边看!◇that painting is the wrong way up (= with the wrong edge at the top). 那幅画颠倒了。◇shouldn't you be wearing that hat the other way round ? (= facing in the other direction) 你是不是应该把帽子倒过来戴?◇he thought i was older than my sister but in fact it's the other way round (= the opposite of what he thought). 他以为我比我姐姐年纪大,其实刚好相反。 ☞look at back to front at back. 参看词条back下的back to front。 4. [c] a path, road, route, etc that you can travel along 路 ☞look at highway, motorway and railway. 参看highway、motorway及railway。 5. [sing] a distance in space or time 空间或时间上的距离: ◇ it's a long way from london toedinburgh. 从伦敦到爱丁堡路很远。◇the exams are still a long way off. 现在离考试还有很长的时间。◇we came all this way to see him and he's not at home! 我们从老远的地方来看望他,结果他不在家! be set in your ways→set³by the way (used for adding sth to the conversation) on a new subject (用于加插题外话)顺带一提: ◇oh, by the way, i saw mario in town yesterday. 啊,顺带一提,昨天我在镇里见到马里奥。 change your ways→change¹get/have your own way to get or do what you want, although others may want sth else 随心所欲 give way to break or fall down 断裂;倒塌: ◇the branch of the tree suddenly gave way and he fell. 树枝突然断了,他掉了下来。 give way (to sb/sth) 1. to stop or to allow sb/sth to go first 让某人或某事物先行: ◇give way to traffic coming from the right. 让右方驶来的车辆先行。 ☞picture at roundabout 见roundabout插图 2. to allow sb to have what he/she wants although you did not at first agree with it 让步;妥协: ◇we shall not give way to the terrorists' demands. 我们不会答应恐怖分子的要求。 go a long way→long¹go out of your way (to do sth) to make a special effort to do sth 特意不嫌麻烦做某事 have a long way to go→long¹the hard way→hard¹in a/one/any way;in some ways to a certain degree but not completely 在某种程度上: ◇in some ways i prefer working in a small office. 在某种程度上,我喜欢在一个小办公室工作。 in a big/small way used for expressing the size or importance of an activity (用于表示活动的规模或重要性): ◇‘have you done any acting before?’ ‘yes, but in a very small way (= not very much).’ “你以前演过戏吗?”“演过,但演得很少。” in the way 1. blocking the road or path 挡住路: ◇i can't get past. there's a big lorry in the way. 我过不去,有辆大卡车挡住了路。 2. not needed or wanted 不需要;不必要: ◇i felt rather in the way at my daughter's party. 我觉得参加了女儿的舞会有点儿碍事。 learn the hard way→learnno way(informal 非正式) definitely not 决不;不行: ◇‘can i borrow your car?’ ‘no way!’ “我能借用你的车吗?”“不行!” under way having started and making progress 已开始;正在进行: ◇discussions between the two sides are now under way. 双方正在进行讨论。 a/sb's way of life the behaviour and customs that are typical of a person or group of people (某人或某群人的)生活方式way²/weɪ ||; we/adv (informal 非正式) very far; very much 非常远;很多: ◇i finally found his name way down at the bottom of the list. 我终于在名单末尾找到他的名字。◇matt's got way more experience than me. 马特的经验比我丰富得多。 waya way of doing something1 a way or method of doing something2 the correct way of doing something3 the method you use to achieve something4 a way of achieving success, happiness etc5 a clever or dishonest way of getting what you want6 the way in which something is donethe way somebody behaves7 the way someone behaves or does something8 done in a particular waythe way you go from one place to another9 the way to go from one place to another10 to find out how to get to a place by using mapsrelated wordssee alsosystem,plan,1. a way or method of doing something 做某事的方式或方法 way /weɪ/ [countable noun] websites can be designed in many different ways. 网站设计可以有许多不同的方法。way to do something visiting a country is a great way to learn its language. 去一个国家是学习该国语言很好的方法。 there's more than one way to build a house - all builders work differently. 造房子不止一种方法—每个建筑商的方法都不一样。 i tried every way i could to make the child go to bed, but she refused. 我试了各种办法要孩子上床睡觉,但她都不肯。way of doing something is there any way of controlling the heating in here? 有没有办法调节这里的暖气?the way (that) somebody does something i'll show you the way we calculate the figures. 我给你看我们是怎么计算这些数值的。the best/only way what's the best way to remove wine stains? 去除酒渍什么方法最好? the only way to lose weight is to eat less. 减肥的唯一方法是少吃东西。the right/wrong way the government does not believe that this approach is the right way to deal with the problem. 政府不相信这是解决该问题的正确方法。the way to go about something i think you're going about this in completely the wrong way. 我认为你做这事的方法完全不对。 method /ˈmeθəd/ [countable noun] a way of doing something, especially one that is well known and often used [尤指已知并常用的]方法,办法 printing methods have changed completely in the last twenty years. 在过去的20年里,印刷方法完全改变了。 in this school, staff are given complete freedom in their choice of language teaching methods. 在这所学校,教师有选择语言教学方法的充分自由。 make a list of the different methods you could use in conducting a survey. 把可以使用的不同调查方法都列出来。method of you can choose whichever method of payment you prefer. 你可以选择你喜欢的支付方式。method of/for doing something medical science has not yet found a satisfactory method of treating cholera. 医学上还未找到令人满意的方法来治疗霍乱。 an environmentally-friendly method for treating household waste 一种环保的家居垃圾处理方法 approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/ [countable noun] a way of dealing with a particular problem or situation, especially a way that has been carefully thought about or planned [尤指经过仔细考虑或计划的]方法 the main advantage of this approach is its simplicity. 这种方法最大的优点是简单。approach to today's approach to raising children is very different from 40 years ago. 现在的育儿方式与40年前大不相同。 space scientists had to adopt a whole new approach to design and construction. 航天科学家在设计和建造方面必须采用一种全新的方法。 technique /tekˈniːk/ [countable noun] a particular way of doing something, for which you need a skill that has to be learned and practised 技术;技巧 more and more heart patients are surviving thanks to improved surgical techniques. 由于外科技术的改进,越来越多的心脏病患者存活下来。 helpful tips on how to improve your exam technique 提高应试技巧的有用提示technique for doing something chapter 6 describes useful techniques for creating on-screen filing systems that really work. 第六章描述确实可行的建立屏幕存档系统的实用技巧。 strategy /ˈstrætɪdʒi, ˈstrætədʒi/ [countable noun] a set of carefully planned methods for achieving something that is difficult and may take a long time 策略,计谋 we will continue to update our sales strategy. 我们会不断更新销售策略。strategy for (doing) something the government has no long-term strategy for reducing crime. 政府没有减少罪案的长期策略。strategy to do something a strategy to reduce the level of teenage smoking 减少青少年吸烟:人数的策略 system /ˈsɪstɪm, ˈsɪstəm/ [countable noun] a planned and effective way of doing something that you use every time you do it [经过计划的、有效的、每次都使用的]方法 i do the cooking and andrew does the shopping; it's an excellent system. 我做饭,安德鲁购物,这个办法很好。system of doing something i work a lot more quickly now i've developed an efficient system of working. 我想出一种高效率的工作方法,现在工作的速度快多了。system for doing something ryan thinks he's discovered a system for winning at roulette. 瑞安认为自己发现了一种赢轮盘赌的方法。 tactics /ˈtæktɪks/ [plural noun] methods that you use in order to achieve what you want, especially in a game or competition [尤指比赛的]策略,手段 salesmen use all sorts of clever tactics to persuade people to buy from them. 销售人员利用各种聪明的手段说服人们购买。 the team was busy discussing tactics for the game. 球队在忙着商讨比赛的战术。 he played with the confidence of a winning captain, instinctively changing tactics when necessary. 他比赛时是个胸有成竹的队长,必要时凭直觉改变策略。2. the correct way of doing something 做某事的正确方法 how to do something /ˌhaʊ tə ˈduː something/ for details on how to install the program, see the instructions on the right. 有关如何安装程序,见右边的说明。show/teach/tell etc somebody how to do something could you show me how to work the photocopier? 你教我怎么使用这台复印机好吗? my father taught me how to make and mend fishing nets 我父亲教过我如何结鱼网和补鱼网。know how to do something i don't know how to load this thing. 我不知道这东西怎么装。learn/find out/work out etc how to do something find out how to decorate your own easter eggs on pages 30-31. 30至31页.上有自制复活节彩蛋的方法。 procedure /prəˈsiːdʒəʳ/ [countable noun] the correct or official way of doing something, especially something that has several stages 程序;手续;步骤 i want to get a new passport but i don't know the procedure. 我想申领新护照,但不知道如何办手续。procedure for doing something what is the procedure for opening a bank account? 开银行账户有哪些手续?follow/observe a procedure it is very important to follow the safety procedures laid down in the handbook. 遵守手册上写的安全程序非常重要。 always observe the correct procedure for the use of ski-lifts. 务必按照正确的步骤乘坐滑雪缆车。correct/proper/standard procedure stewards spent hours rehearsing the proper procedure for marshalling the huge crowds expected in the stadium. 预计体育馆会出现大批人群,服务员花了几个小时排练控制人群的正确程序。 sorry about the body search. it's just standard procedure. 抱歉搜你的身,这只是例行手续。3. the method you use to achieve something 完成某事使用的方法 means /miːnz/ [countable noun] a method, system, machine etc that you use to do something or achieve something 手段,方法;工具 we aim to use peaceful means to bring about change. 我们力求使用和平手段实现变革。means of doing something education and training are the most effective means of improving the nation's economy. 教育和培训是改善国家经济最有效的手段。by means of something using a particular method or system 通过某种方法 he came to power by means of a military coup in 1960. 1960年,他通过军事政变上台掌权。by peaceful/political/unlawful etc means the judge ruled that smith had been elected by unlawful means. 法官裁定,史密斯利用非法手段当选。means of communication/transport/transportation e-mail has become an increasingly important means of business communication. 电子邮件已成为越来越重要的商业通讯手段。means to an end something that you do only as a way of achieving something else 达到目的的手段 you should not regard the course simply as a means to an end. 你不应该认为这门课只是达到目的的手段。 tool /tuːl/ [countable noun] a particular method or system that you use to get a result, especially in business or politics [尤指在商业或政治中使用的]方法,手段;工具 pictures of fleeing refugees were used as an effective propaganda tool against the communists. 出逃难民的照片被用作有效的反共宣传工具。tool of interest rates are one of the finance minister's main tools of economic policy. 利率是财政大臣推行经济政策的主要手段之一。tool for (doing) something dance and aerobics classes are a useful tool for encouraging girls back to school p.e. lessons. 舞蹈班和有氧健身操班是鼓励女孩子回去上学校体育课的有用方法。 tactic /ˈtæktɪk/ [countable noun] a carefully planned way of trying to get what you want 策略;手段 he's threatening to sue us? that's a tactic he's used before. 他威胁说要起诉我们吗?他以前也用过那一招。 giving out criticism rather than praise is a tactic that rarely works in the workplace. 只提出批评而不表扬,这种策略在工作场所很少行得通。delaying tactic something you do to gain more time for yourself 拖延战术 the question was just a delaying tactic to stop her leaving the room. 这问题只是个拖延战术,为的是不让她离开房间。 medium /ˈmiːdiəm/ [countable noun] plural media /-diə/ formal a physical or electronic method used for giving people information, for example the telephone, television, newspapers etc 【正式】宣传工具;传播媒介 the wide variety of electronic media available on the internet. 互联网上各种各样的电子传播媒介medium for (doing) something dvds have quickly become an extremely popular medium for film viewing. dvd影碟已迅速成为极受欢迎的观看影片的媒介。 vehicle /ˈviːɪkəl/ [singular noun] written something you use as a way of expressing your ideas, communicating something to people, or achieving what you want 【书面】[用以表达思想、交流或实现目的的]手段,工具 vehicle for (doing) something the use of tv soap operas as a vehicle for spreading public information 利用电视肥皂剧作为传播公共信息的工具 the secret ballot was an important vehicle for freer elections. 无记名投票是更自由选举的重要手段。 avenue /ˈævɪnjuː, ˈævənjuːǁ-nuː/ [countable noun] a way of achieving something - use this especially when there are several different ways and you are trying to find the best one or the only one that is really possible 途径,手段[尤用于尝试在不同方法中,找出最好的或唯一真正可能的方法] we explored every possible avenue, but still couldn't come up with a solution. 我们研究了各个可能的途径,但还是想不出解决方法。4. a way of achieving success, happiness etc 得到成功、快乐等的方法 route/path /ruːt, pɑːθǁpæθ/ [countable noun usually singular] her political career followed the usual route of local and then national government. 她的政治生涯按照常规途径,先是地方政府,再到中央政府。route/path to there's more than one route to a successful marriage. 成功的婚姻不止一种途径。 the path to happiness and enlightenment 通往快乐和觉悟之路 the key /ðə ˈkiː/ [singular noun] the most important means of making progress or achieving success [取得进步或成功的]关键,要诀 in all types of advice work, listening is the key. 在各种咨询工作中,聆听是关键。the key to what's the key to getting a good night's sleep? 晚上睡得好的关键是什么? we feel that our policy of low-price products in plain packaging is the key to our success. 我们认为,包装朴实的低价产品是我们成功的要诀。 secret /ˈsiːkrɪt, ˈsiːkrət/ [singular noun] a way of becoming happy, healthy, successful etc that not everyone knows about or knows how to do [幸福、健康、成功等的]诀窍,秘诀 i don't know what her secret is but she always gets top marks in exams. 我不知道她有什么秘诀,但她考试总是名列前茅。 hollywood stars reveal their beauty secrets in next month's edition. 好莱坞明星在下月的杂志中透露她们的美容秘诀。the secret of somebody's/something's success mr. ritchie, you're a millionaire at the age of twenty. what's the secret of your success? 里奇先生,你20岁就成了百万富翁,你成功的秘诀是什么?5. a clever or dishonest way of getting what you want 得到想要之物的精明或不诚实的方法 ploy /plɔɪ/ [countable noun] a clever way of gaining an advantage, for example by making people feel concerned about you or making them feel grateful towards you 手法,伎俩 the religious element of their election campaign was a cynical ploy. 他们选举运动中的宗教元素是一种不择手段的伎俩。ploy to do something he's not really ill, it's just a ploy to make us feel sorry for him. 他不是真的生病,这只是他博取我们同情的伎俩。 device /dɪˈvaɪs/ [countable noun] something that is intended to achieve a particular aim, especially an aim that is slightly dishonest or unacceptable 诡计,手段[尤指其目的有点不诚实或不能接受] device to do something he used every device possible to prevent inspectors from entering the premises. 他用尽一切可能的手段阻止检查员进入工作场所。 commissions and inquiries are little more than a device to allow politicians to put off taking decisions. 成立委员会进行调查只不过是让政客推迟作出决定的花招。 ways and means /ˌweɪz ən ˈmiːnz/ [noun phrase] clever ways of getting an advantage, especially by doing something that is unusual or secret [尤指不同寻常的或秘密的]办法 ways and means of doing something dealers have ways and means of making people smuggle drugs for them. 贩毒分子有办法让人为他们走私毒品。6. the way in which something is done 某事完成的方式 how /haʊ/ [adverb] use this to say or ask the way that someone does something 如何…,怎样 how do you get your cd player to work? 你是怎么把cd播放器弄响的? we don't know how she managed to escape. 我们不知道她是如何逃脱的。how to do something my dad's teaching me how to use email. 爸爸在教我如何使用电子邮件。 she told me how to get to the johnsons’ house. 她告诉我如何去约翰逊家。 like this /laɪk ˈðɪs/ [adverb] spoken in this way - say this when you are showing someone the way to do something 【口】像这样,这样子[用于向某人演示做某事的方法时] you have to fold the corners back like this. 你得把角往回折叠,就像这样。something like this the program works something like this. 这个程序的工作方式大致就是这样。 somehow /ˈsʌmhaʊ/ [adverb] if you do something somehow, you do it by using any method that is available 以某种方式;用某种办法[指任何可用的方法] there's a bus strike, but i'm sure ian will get here somehow. 公共汽车工人在罢工,但我肯定伊恩总会有办法来的。 the newspaper had somehow got hold of some secret government papers. 报纸不知怎么拿到了政府的一些秘密文件。somehow or other i'll find out her address somehow or other. 我会想办法查到她的地址。 by /baɪ/ [preposition] using a particular method 靠,用,通过,以,凭借 by doing something they got the information by bribing officials. 他们贿赂官员获取情报。 she earns a living by selling insurance. 她以推销保险为生。 by means of /baɪ ˈmiːnz ɒv/ [preposition] using a particular method, tool, object etc 以…手段[方法、工具] fbi officers recorded the conversation by means of a tiny bug hidden in the phone. 联邦调查局人员通过藏在电话里的微型窃听器录下了谈话。 she paid for the goods by means of a stolen credit card. 她用偷来的信用卡买东西。7. the way someone behaves or does something 某人的行为或做事的方式 way /weɪ/ [countable noun] losing a job affects different people in different ways. 失业对不同的人有不同的影响。the way (that) somebody does something i just love the way she laughs. 我就是喜欢她笑的样子。 i could tell by the way he looked at me that he was annoyed. 从他看我的样子我就知道他生气了。somebody's way of doing something the younger girls admired louise, and tried to copy her way of dressing and talking. 年纪较小的女孩子崇拜露易丝,力图模仿她的穿着打扮和言谈方式。in the same/a different way we try to treat all the children in the same way. 我们尽量对所有孩子一视同仁。 manner /ˈmænəʳ/ [singular noun] the way that someone behaves towards someone else and talks to them 态度,举止 the doctor had a relaxed and friendly manner. 那位医生态度轻松、友善。not like somebody's manner a young man with a slightly shy, awkward manner 一个态度有点腼腆、不自然的年轻人 how somebody does something /ˌhaʊ somebody ˈdʌz something/ [adverb] use this to talk about the way someone behaves or does something 某人如何做某事 have you noticed how she reacts when you mention her husband? 你有没有注意到你提起她丈夫时她的反应? just watch how he tricks the other player into going in the wrong direction. 你就看他是怎么欺骗对方球员跑错方向的。 style /staɪl/ [countable noun] the particular way that someone does something or deals with other people, especially if this way has been chosen from several possible ways 风格,作风 cameron found my style aggressive, although i thought i was just being direct and honest. 卡梅伦觉得我的作风咄咄逼人,但我认为我只是直接和坦率。style of her friendly style of management works well with small groups of people. 她客气友善的管理风格适用于人数少的小组。 an authoritarian style of leadership 专制的领导风格8. done in a particular way 以某一方式完成的 in a ... way/manner /ɪn ə ... ˈweɪ, ˈmænəʳ/ [adverb] she was looking at me in a very strange way. 她很奇怪地看着我。 the wedding ceremony was conducted in quite a formal manner. 婚礼办得相当正式。 in a ... fashion /ɪn ə ... ˈfæʃən/ [adverb] formal if you do something in a particular fashion, you do it in a particular way 【正式】以…的方式 there's no reason why we can't behave in a civilized fashion even though we're getting divorced. 虽然我们要离婚,但为什么就不能表现得客客气气的呢? with /wɪð, wɪθ/ [preposition] with enthusiasm/care/envy/delight etc enthusiastically, carefully etc 热心地/小心地/忌妒地/高兴地等 a sign warned motorists to drive with care. 有一块告示牌警告司机小心驾驶。 he has borne his illness with great courage. 他以极大的勇气忍受着病痛。 they set about tackling the problem with a great deal of enthusiasm. 他们以极大的热情着手处理那个问题。 ‘my daughter's been selected for the olympic team,’ she said, with understandable pride. “我女儿入选了奥运会参赛队。”她说道,话语中带着合情合理的自豪。 like /laɪk/ [preposition] in a particular way 像[这样、那样等] like this/that you mustn't talk to people like that - it's very rude. 你不可以那样对人说话一那是非常粗鲁的。 they were all waving their arms around, like this. 他们都挥动着手臂,就像这样。like somebody in the same way as someone 像某人一样 he stood bolt upright, like a soldier. 他站得笔直,就像一名军人。 he moves and talks just like his father. 他的言谈举止就像他父亲。 -style /staɪl/ done or made in a way that is typical of a place, group of people etc - use this after another noun or adjective 式的[用于名词或形容词后面] although he was educated in india, he went to an english-style boarding school. 他虽然是在印度受教育,但他上的是一所英式的寄宿学校。 they live in a beautiful little country-style house on the edge of town. 他们住在镇边缘一幢小小的美丽的乡村式房子里。 he wore his gun at the hip, cowboy-style. 他把枪挎在腰上,像牛仔那样。 along ... lines /əˌlɒŋ ... ˈlaɪnzǁəˌlɔːŋ-/ [adverb] if something is done along particular lines, it is done in a way that is similar to the way you have mentioned 按照…的方法 along socialist/military/institutional etc lines the school was run along almost military lines. 该校几乎是军事化管理。along the same/similar lines we must have been thinking along the same lines, because we both said together, ‘let's get out of here!’ 我们肯定想的一样,因为我们异口同声说:“让我们离开这里吧!” as if/as though /əz ˈɪf, əz ˈðəʊ/ [conjunction] in a way that seems to show that something has happened, something is true etc, even though this might not always be what has happened, what is true etc 好像,似乎 dreen looked as if he'd seen a ghost. 德伦看上去像见到鬼似的。 she moved her legs slowly, as though in pain. 她慢慢地挪动双腿,好像很痛。 with an air of /wɪð ən ˈeər ɒv/ [preposition] formal in a particular way - used in literature 【正式】以…的方式;以…的样子[用于文学作品] the affair had been conducted with an air of mystery which he disliked. 这件事做得神秘兮兮的,他不喜欢这样。 lila came out into the yard with an air of happy confidence. 莉拉带着高兴又自信的神情走出来到了院子里。9. the way to go from one place to another 从一地去另一地的路线 way /weɪ/ [singular noun] the road, path etc that you must follow in order to get to a place 路,路线 the road was blocked, so we came back a different way. 这条路给堵住了,所以我们走了另一条路回来。be the way are you sure this is the way? 你肯定是这条路吗?way to/into/home etc is this the way to grand central station? 去中央火车站是走这条路吗? i think this is the quickest way into town. 我认为走这条路线进城最快。 do you think you can find the way home by yourself? 你认为你自己能找到回家的路吗?the right/wrong way i don't recognize this part of town - we must have come the wrong way. 镇上的这块地方我认不出来—我们肯定走错路了。know the way know how to get somewhere 认识路 will you come with me? i don't know the way. 你跟我一起去好吗?我不认识路。 how to get /ˌhaʊ tə ˈget/ if you ask or tell someone how to get somewhere, you ask or tell them the way to a place 怎么走 how to get to can you tell me how to get to the piazza venezia? 你能告诉我威尼斯广场怎么走吗?how to get there/back/home come with me. i know how to get there. 跟我来,我知道怎么去那里。 route /ruːtǁruːt, raʊt/ [countable noun] the way from one place to another, especially a way that is used regularly and can be shown on a map [尤指常走的、地图上有的]路,路线 if you don't enjoy driving on the main highways, try some of the rural routes. 你驾车要是不喜欢走大路,可以走走乡村邮道。 it looked as though the most direct route was through the forest. 看起来最直接的路线好像是穿越森林。 i try to vary my route to and from work a little. 我尽量在上下班时走不同的路线。take a route follow a route 沿一条路线走 there are two routes we can take - this one along the coast or this one through the mountains. 我们有两条路线可以走——这一条是沿着海岸走,这一条是穿越山区。 short cut /ˌʃɔːt ˈkʌtǁˈʃɔːrt kʌt/ [countable noun] a way of getting somewhere that is shorter than the usual way 近路,捷径 taxi-drivers know all the short cuts. 出租车司机所有近路都知道。take a short cut use a short cut 抄近路 let's take a short cut across the field. 我们抄近路,从田里穿过去吧。 directions /dɪˈrekʃənz, dəˈrekʃənz, daɪ-/ [plural noun] instructions on how to get to a place 路线指示 i checked the directions and turned left as i was told to. 我查了一下路线指示,然后照上面所说的向左转。directions to the letter contained a wedding invitation and directions to the church. 信里面有一张婚礼请柬和去教堂的路线说明。follow directions if you follow these directions you'll have no problem finding the house. 如果你照着这些路线指示走,便很容易找到那幢房子。10. to find out how to get to a place by using maps 使用地图找出如何去某地 find your way /ˌfaɪnd jɔːʳ ˈweɪ/ [verb phrase] to manage to get to a place, either by remembering the way from previous journeys, or by going the way you think is right 找到[去某地的]路 unable to find our way, we stopped at a local hotel to ask directions. 我们找不到路,便在一家当地旅馆停下来问路。find your way to/home/out/back etc somehow, i managed to find my way out of the forest. 不管怎样,我想办法找到了走出森林的路。find your own way without anyone else's help 自己找到路 if i take you there, do you think you'll be able to find your own way back? 如果我带你去那里,你觉得你自己能找到回来的路吗? navigate /ˈnævɪgeɪt, ˈnævəgeɪt/ [intransitive verb] to find the way to a place using maps or by carefully remembering the position of various objects or places 导航,指引方向[指用地图或记住物件或地方的位置] i don't mind driving but i'd like you to navigate. 由我来开车没关系,但是我要你来领路。navigate by some birds fly at night and navigate by the stars. 有些鸟儿在夜间飞行,靠星星来指引方向。 navigation /ˌnævɪˈgeɪʃən, ˌnævəˈgeɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] the fog and heavy rain made navigation difficult. 有雾加上大雨使辨认方向很困难。☞ way¹☞ way²




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