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单词 trust¹
释义 trust¹ /trʌst; trʌst/v [t] 1. to believe that someone is honest and will not lie to you or harm you 信任:◇david is one of my oldest friends, i trust him completely. 大卫是我交往最久的朋友之一,我完全信任他。 2. to believe that you can depend on someone to do something, or that something is right 信赖[某人]; 相信[某物]:◇i'm not sure if i trust his judgement. 我不确定自己是否相信他的判断。◇trust sb with sth (=allow someone to look after or deal with something, because you think you can depend on them) 把某事物交给某人照料[处理]: do you think we can trust her with the children? 你认为我们能把孩子们交给她照料吗? 3. i trust (that) spoken formal used to say that you hope something is true 【口,正式】我希望,我相信:◇i trust that you had a successful trip. 我相信你一路上会很顺利。trust in sb/sthformal to believe that you can depend on someone or something 【正式】 信任,信赖[某人或某事物]




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