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单词 trustee
释义 trustee nounadjective | verb + trustee | preposition | phrases adjective➤joint, sole共同/单一受托人◆he acts as sole trustee of the fund.他充当这一基金的唯一受托人。➤independent独立受托人▸➤public公共受托人▸➤professional专业受托人➤bankruptcy破产受托人➤pension, pension-fund养老金/养老基金受托人➤museum博物馆理事➤college, university (both name) 学院/大学理事verb + trustee➤act as, be, become, serve as担任受托人;是受托人;成为受托人;当受托人▸➤appoint, appoint sb (as)指定(某人为)受托人▸➤remove (sb as)取消(某人为)受托人▸➤resign as辞去受托人职务preposition➤trustee for⋯的受托人◆they hold the land as trustees for the infant.他们作为受托人为这位幼儿持有这块土地。➤trustee of⋯的受托人◆a trustee of the museum博物馆的受托管理人➤trustee to⋯的受托人◆executor and trustee to the estate of his sister他姐姐不动产的执行人及受托人phrases➤a board of trustees理事会trustee /trʌstiː/ noun [countable] (law 法律) a person or an organization that is responsible for managing money or property for another person or group of people (财产的)受托者◆the pension fund will continue to be managed by the board of trustees. 退休基金将继续由理事会管理。 syn fiduciary  ➡  beneficiary ☞ trusteetrustee/trʌˈsti: ||; trʌsˈti/noun [c] a person who looks after money or property for sb else 受托人 trust·ee /trʌs`ti; ˌtrʌsˈtiː◄/n [c]a person or company that legally controls someone else's property or money [财产或钱的]受托人; 信托公司




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